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Some of Imposter's favorite quotes...


I refuse to tiptoe through life, only to arrive safely at death.



If you be not mad, be gone; if you have reason, be brief.

William Shakespeare


If you are what you do, and then you don't, you aren't.

Robert Sulky


Paradoxically, what we most have in common may be the stuff we hide from each other.

Letty Cottin Pogrebin


Religion is for people who are afraid of hell. Spirituality is for people who have been there.



Wherever you mess up you've got to go back and erase that trail because somebody else is going to follow it.

Wavy Gravy


I did not attend his funeral, but I wrote a nice letter saying that I approved it.

Mark Twain


If there ever was a sign of hope, it is that single blade of grass splitting through concrete.

Joel Montere


God in us -- entheos -- enthusiasm; this is the essence of the Holy Madness.

Norman O. Brown


Heaven calls you and revolves around you, showing you its timeless beauties, and your eye looks only at the earth.



La la la la la la la la la la la -- Talk all you want, I can't hear you -- la la la la la la la la. La la la.

Ellen DeGeneres


Damn the torpedoes -- full steam ahead!

Admiral Perry


Sanity is relative.
