*The Divided Kingdoms*

Northern Kingdom

[10] Tribes

The Northen Kingdom, made up of ten [10} tribes;which are :Asher,Zebuln, Issacher,Mannasseh,Naphtali,Dan,Ephraim,Gad,Reuben,Simeon.

  • "Israel" also knowen as Ephraim is referred to as the Northern Kingdom. After the death of King Solomon, the nation then knowen as Israel was divided into two [2] kingdoms, the Northern Kingdom, and the Southern Kingdom. The Southern Kingdom,was made up of two [2] tribes, Judah and Benjamin.
    First three [3] daynasties lasted for fifty [50] years.


    King Jer-o-bo-am 1st.

    First Daynasty

    First King

    Jer-o-bo-am 1st. The first king to reign over the ten [10]Northen Tribes of Israel after the death of King Solomon.Jer-o-bo-am 1st.the son of Nebat,an Ephrathite, of Zereda; he was King Solomon's servant. King Solomon made Jer-o-bo-am 1st. ruler over his forced labor and the house of Joseph. Jer-o-bo-am 1st. also built Millo, and closed the breaches of the City of David.

  • Prophet A-hi' jah

    1Kings 11:26;27;28
    The prophet during the time of King Solomon's reign was A-hi'jah,the son of A-hi-tub and grandson of Eli; who was at Shi-loh; he told Jer-o-bo-am 1st. that God was going to give him the ten [10] Northern Tribes of Israel; to rule,after the death of King Solomon.

  • Reason

    The reason for doing this was not for Jeroboam 1st.sake or good character,nor deserts, but for the chasting of King Solomon's apostasy and because King Solomon, and many of his family; with many of of his people, have forsaken; Me, and worshipped Ash-to-reth the goddess of the Zi-do-ni-ans, Che-mosh the god of the Mo-ab-ites, and Mil-com, the god of the children Am-mon and have not walked in My ways [1Kings 11:33]. Think not to make an attempt upon the two [2] Tribes,Benjamin and Judah. Neither think that David was rejected as King Saul. Neither think to fail or support and keep in reputation the House of David; for out of the House of David,the Messiah must rise.Destroy it not because that blessing is in the House of David. Always do what's right and I [God] will build a sure house for thee. King Solomon finds out that God,is going to rent the kingdom; out of his hands, and give ten [10] tribes to Jer-o-bo-am 1st. to rule over. And that King David would always have a kingdom,because God said"I have chosen David for My servants sake, for David has kept My commandments and statutes". When King Solomon, heard that God had given Jer-o-bo-am 1st. ten [10] tribes to rule over, he sought to kill Jer-o-bo-am 1st. As soon as Jer-o-bo-am 1st. heard that King Solomon, sought to kill him; he fled to Egypt and there he stayed untill the death of King Solomon [1Kings 11:40].

  • Death of King Solomon

    1Kings 12:1-33

    King Solomon died after a forty [40] year rule. King Solomon's son, Rehoboam; was preparing to set on the throne,but the Children of Israel, called for Jeroboam 1st. that was in Egypt, to come and be their speaker. The Children of Israel complained about Rehoboam's yoke being to grievous. When Rehoboam, King Solomon's son tries to take the throne, as the next king over the ten [10] Northern Kingdom, the people complained about King Solomon's reign of idolatry and of the heavy taxes saying they were to much.During this time there was no mention of religion, nor true worship being done. Jer-o-bo-am 1st. comes back from Egypt, to be the speaker for the Children of Israel, against King Solomon's son, Rehoboam; who thought he should be king after his father's death. But the people of Israel made Jer-o-bo-am 1st. king over the ten [10] Northern Tribes of Israel.While King Solomon's son, Rehoboam, was made king over the two [2]Southern Tribes. King Jeroboam 1st. sets on the throne after King Solomon's death, he dwelt in Shechem,in Mount Ephraim. He built cities,one was named Penuel,meaning [face of God]; located East of Jordan. He also built altars, one in Bethel, one in Dan; and made an house of high places in each. The altars were made of golden calves. These altars were to discourage his Ephraimite subjects from traveling to Jerusalem; for worship. He also revised the cultic calender. King Jer-o-bo-am 1st. also took the lowest of the people; non-levitical men and made them priest. He ordained feasts in the eighth [8] month on the fifteenth [15] day of the month like unto the feast of Judah. He also conscreated, himself as a priest. He burnt incense upon the altar at Bethel and Dan. King Jer-o-bo-am 1st. reigned for twenty-two [22] years over the Northern Kingdom, which is also referred to as Israel. He walked not in the ways of the LORD GOD OF ISRAEL.
    King Solomon's son,is first [1st] king to set on the throne of the Southern Kingdom. The Tabernacle of the God of Israel and it's contents; with the Ark of the Covenant are in the Temple that King Solomon built; which is still in Jerusalem or the City of David

  • Second King

    First Daynasty

    King Na-dab

    1Kings 15:25-34

    Na-dab, the son of Jer-o-bo-am 1st.,began to reign over Israel, in the second year of A-sa,king of Judah's reign. A-bi-jah, the other son of Jer-o-bo-am 1st. had died before he was old enough to reign.King Na-dab, did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord; and walked in the ways of his father, Jer-o-bo-am 1st.;and in his sin wherewith King Na-dab made Israel to sin. King Na-dab reigned over Israel for two [2] years.

  • Third King

    Second Daynasty

    King Ba-ash-a

    1 Kings 14:1-18; 16:7;15:27;15:16-21

    Ba-ash-a, founder of the second daynasty, of Israel. Ba-ash-a was the son of A-hi-jah, of the house of Is-sa-char, he conspired against King Na-dab; and smote him at Gib-be-thon, which belonged to the Phil-is-tines; for King Na-dab, and all Israel had laid siege to Gib-be-thon. It was in the third [3rd.] year of King A-sa's; reign over Judah; that Ba-ash-a, slay him, and reigned; in his stead. When Ba-ash-a, began to reign over the Northern Kindom; as their king, he smote all the house of Jer-o-bo-am 1st.; he left none that breathed, according unot the saying of the Lord, which He spake by his servant A-hi-jah the Shi-lo-nite. King Ba-ash-a was labeled wicked and rebellious in Tir-zah; which was the capital city where King Ba-ash-a reigned ; which also was the city where King Jer-o-bo-am 1st. reigned from. The prophet Je-hu, son of Ha-na-ni,was sent by God to warn; King Ba-ash-a, and to remind him of God's greatness and good things that God had done for him. Je-hu charges King Ba-ash-a with high crimes and that he had caused Israel to sin. King Ba-ash-a brought Israel to pray to dunghill deities; the homage that was due to God. King Ba-ash-a provoked God to angrer with the works of his hands; plus he had destroyed the house of Jer-o-bo-am 1st. and killed King Jer-o-bo-am. Je-hu foretells King Ba-ash-a that the same destruction was to come upon his family which. he had employed upon King Jer-o-bo-am.
    King Ba-ash-a's reign was long and labeled wicked and rebellious and his house was brought to a violent end, when Zimri, an Israelite; military commander murdered King Ba-ash-a's son, Elah: in accordance with Je-hu's prophecy. Those that dieth of King Ba-ash-a's hand would bring a curse upon his family and they would die in the cities where dogs would lick their blood and eat their flesh. they would die in the fields and the fowls of the air would eat their flesh. A reprive is granted for a long time so that King Ba-ash-a dies in peace and is buried with honor. King Ba-ash-a's contemporary in Judah at that time was King A-sa, whom he battled with throught out his reign. King Ba-ash-a reigned over the Northern Kingdom for twenty-four [24] years, and slept with his fathers; and was buried in Tir-zah, and his son reigned in his stead.

  • Fourth King

    Third Daynasty

    King E'lah

    1Kings 16:6,8-10

    E'lah, the son of King Ba-ash-a; sets on the throne of the Northern Kingdom, in the twenty-sixth [26] year of King A'-sa's reign over the Southern Kingdom. King E'lah,reigned over Israel from Tir-zath. King E'lah, reigned for two [2] years,and was slained by Zim-ri, his servant; captain of half his chariots. While he was drinking himself drunk, in the house of Ar-za who was steward of his house in Tir-zath.

    Prophecy was fulfilled !!

    By Je-hu, the prophet, against King Ba-ash-a, concerning his house. Because he walked in the ways of King Jer-o-bo-am 1st. ; and made my [God] people Israel to sin. The fall of King E'lah was more dishonorable than King Na-dab's; who was slain in the field of action and honor. While King E'lah's army was besieging Gibbethon; King E'lah was enjoying his own ease and having his own pleasure, while he should have been with his men men commanding them as their cheif. Zim-ri, slays King E'lah and sets on his throne of the Northern Kingdom.

  • Fifth King

    Third Daynasty

    King Zim-ri

    1 Kings 16:8-18

    Zim-ri makes himself king and sets on the throne of the Northern Kingdom. King Zim-ri, becomes knowen as the one who kills his own master. During this period of the Northern Kingdom's daynasty; Zim-ri, Tib'-ni; and Om-ri; were striving for the crown. The people were encamped against Gibbethon, which belonged to the Philistines, when they heard that Zim-ri had killed the King E'lah; wherefore all of Israel made Om-ri, captain of the host. It came to pass when King Zim-ri, began to reign that he destroyed all the house of King Ba-ash-a, he left none; not a single man child neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends. When King Zim-ri was in Ti-zah where his house and palace were Om-ri who was made captain with all Israel besieged Ti-zah. When King Zim-ri, seen that the city was taken, he went into the palace of the kings house and burnt it down. King Zim-ri, burnt the kings house down and he stayed inside and died. He committed suicide, after reigning for seven [7] days over Israel, knowen as the Nrothern Kingdom. King Zim-ri, walked not in the ways of the Lord, but walked in the ways of King Jer-o-bo-am 1st. who made Israel to sin.

    End of first three [3] Daynasties !!

  • Fourth Daynasty

    Sixth King

    King Om-ri

    1 Kings 16:16-28

    Om-ri, was the sixth king in the fourth daynasty


    After the death of Zimri,Om-ri struggled with Tibni who revaled Om-ri for the throne of Israel(1Kings 16:21-22).After he got clear of Tibni,half of the people followed Om-ri. The other half followed Tibn. The contest between Om-ri and Tibni lasted serval years. It was in the twenty-seventh (27th)year of Asa,king of Judah's reign that Om-ri was elected.It was the thirty frist (31)year of King Asa's reign that Om-ri began to reign as king,without a rival.

    The people that followed Om-ri prevailed against Tibni,the son of Ginath:so that Tibni died. Omri reigns as king over Israel without a rival.He made himself famous by building Samaria,which ever after,was the royal city of the kings of Israel. The Kings of Israel had royal seats,the first was Shechem,Tirzah,now Omri makes Samaria the royal seat for the kings.Because of his wickedness,he was infamous,for he was worse than all that was before him. Jeroboam,caused Israel to sin by tempation,example,and allurement:Omri did it by compelling force.He wrought evil in the eyes of the Lord,and did worse than all that were before him....Omri,ruled Israel twelve (12)years; six 6)of those,he ruled in Tirzah.

    Divided Kingdoms

    Kings and their Kingdoms
    from Saul up to the last of the kings when they were destroyed in 70 A D,
    such as parties,
    and graduations.

    I hope one day to complete this page and then I will be pleased to know I did my best


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