Ark At Obededom's House

By Naomi Adams

11Samuel 6:1-12

The Ark of the Covenant was not taken unto the City of David but carried aside to Obededom's house the Gittie. His house was located between Kirjath-jearim and Jerusalem this is where the Philistines had taken it when they returned it, after the plagues of God's judgments upon them. The Ark of the Covenant stayed here for three [3] months: The Lord blessed Obededom and all that pertaineth unto him,because of the Ark of the Covenant.

  • When David heard how the Lord blessed Obededom and all that pertaineth unto him. He asscmbled the Children of Aaron, and the Levites togather at Jerusalem to bring up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord. David spoke to the cheif of the Levites and appointed each to his place for carrying the Ark of God. During this time the Tabernacle of the Congregation with the brasen altar of burnt offerings was at that season in the high place at Gibeon in the land of Benjamin [1Chr.15:1-29;16:1-4;21:29;11Samuel 6:1-2;11Chr.1:3;1Kings 3:4].

    *City Of David*

    11 Samuel 6:12-23

    David brought the Ark of God up and set it in the mist of the tabernacle that he had pitched for it: and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God [1Chr.15:1]. The Tabernacle of the Congregation with the Brasen Altar is still at Gibeon refered to as the "great high place" Gibeon is about six [6] miles northwest of Jerusalem. After David had made an end of offering the offerings and peace offerings,he appointed certian of the Levites to minister before the Ark of the Lord; and to record and to thank and praise the Lord God of Israel [11Sam.6:1-20].

  • Zadok the priest and his brethern the priests, were put before the Tabernacle of the Congregation in the high place that was at Gibeon, of Benjamin, there they offered burnt offerings unto the Lord continually morning and even; and to do all that was written in the law of the Lord [1 Chr.16:1-43].

  • During this time there were two tents; or tabernacles. The original Tabernacle of the Congregation, that Moses had made in the wilderness; was at Gibeon of Benjamin. The Tent that David had pitched, was in the City of David.

  • There were two burnt Altars, the Brasen Altar,that Bezaleel; the son of Uri; the son of Hur had made in the wilderness, was at Gibeon,of Benjamin; with the Tabernacle of the Congregation. An Angel of the Lord commanded Gad to say to David; that David should go up and set up an altar unto the Lord in the threshingfloor of Oran, the Jebusite. This Altar became the Altar of burnt offerings for Israel [1Chr.20:18-30;1Chr.22:1; 11Chr.1:7].

  • How ever there was only one Ark of the Covenant. And that was the original one that God, gave Moses the pattern for. So David brought up the original Ark of the Covenant,of the God,of Israel; and placed it in the tent, he had pitched for it, in the City of David. There the Ark of the Covenant stayed until.

    *David Flees Jerusalem*

    11Samuel 15:1-30

    It came to pass after this that Absalom, David's son prepared him chariots and houses and fifty [50] men to run before him. He rose up early and stood by the gate of the City of David, and it was so that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment, Absalom, would say;there is no man, deputed, of the king to hear thee; Oh that I were judge in the land,that any man, that hath a suit or matter, might come unto me and I would do him justice; so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.

  • Forty [40] years later Absalom said unto his fater, David; let me go to Hebron, to pay my vows. David, the King replied, go in peace.......Absalom went to Hebron and sent out spies throughout all the tribes of Israel saying as soon as you hear the trumpt sound, then ye shall say Absalom reigneth in Hebron. The conspiracy grew very strong, for the people increased, strong continually with Absalom. A messager told David, the hearts of the people are after Absalom.

  • David flees Jerusalem, with all his household. Zadok and all the Levites bearing the Ark of the Covenant,passed over the brook Kidron; towards the way of the wilderness. David, told Zadok; to carry the Ark of God back into the City of David. Zadok and Abidth carried the Ark of God of Israel back to Jerusalem [11 Sam.15:1-30].

  • Absalom gathered all his men and went out against his father David; the battle was in the wood of Ephraim. The people of Israel were slain before the servants of David, there was a great slaughter that day.
    The wood that day devoured more men, than the sword .........Absalom met the servants of David. Absalom rode upon a mule, and the mule went under the thick boughs of a great oak, his head was taken up between the heaven and the earth: and the mule that was under him went away..........Absalom was hung in the tree, Joab's youny men compassed about Absalom and smote him; and slew him.........With Absalom dead; Joab blew the trumpet the people returned from pursing after Israel.

  • With Absalom dead David returns to Jerusalem and mourns the death of Absalom. David is in Jerusalem,setting on the throne as King, with a desire to build an house for God [11 Samuel chapters 18- 19].

  • The Lord gave David rest round about from all his enemies. David said unto the prophet Nathan, see now I dwell in an house of cedar, but the Ark of the Covenant of God that dwelleth within curtians. That night the word of the Lord came unto Nathan, the prophet, saying go tell David thus saith the Lord, shalt thou build me an house for me to dwell in? I have not dwelt in any house since the time I brought up the Children of Israel out of Egypt, even to this day; but have walked in a tent and a tabernacle. In all the places where in I have walked with all the Children of Israel; spake I a word with any of the tribes of Israel; whom I commanded to feed my people Israel saying, Why build ye not me an house of Cedar? When thy days be fulfilled and thou shall sleep with thy fathers. I will set up thy seed after thee; which shall proceed out of thy bowels; and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build me an house for my name; and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever [11Samuel 7:1-29].

  • As the days drew near, that David should die; he charged Solomon, his son; saying, I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong there fore; and shew thyself a man; and keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways; to keep his statutes and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou may prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself. So David, assembled all the princes of Israel, the princes of the tribes and captians over thousands, and captians over the hundreds; and stewards over all the substance and possession of the king, and of his sons; with the officers; and mighty men,and with all the valiant men; unto Jerusalem. David the king, stood upon his feet, and said; Hear me; my brethern, and my people: As for me; I had in my heart to build an house of rest for the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord; and for the footstool of our God; and have made ready for the building: But God said unto me:

  • Solomon thy son, he shall build my house and my courts: for I have chosen him to be my son; and I will be his father. Then after, David, finished with his speach, he gave Solomon, his son,the pattern of the porch, and of the houses thereof; and of the upper chambers thereof; and of the place of the mercy seat: And all the gold, silver,and materials he would need for an house of the Lord [1Chr. chapters 28;29]. After all the congregation, and David blessed the Lord God and worshipped the Lord; they offered burnt offerings and sacrifices unto the Lord.

  • Mount Moriah, or the Temple Mount, is one-hundred and thirty [130]feet about the City of David, and provides for a central holy place. This was also the "threshing floor of Arauna" [11Sam. 24], the Tabernacle, was set here and the Ark of the Covenant,was brought to rest in it's "Holy of Holies". A poorly endowed village had become a crulial religious and politial center. It's centeral holy place was even lower than the hills....

    *Solomon Sets On The Throne*

    1Chr. 28:1-26

  • The Altar of the Covenant of the God of Israel is still in the tent that King David had reared up for it in the City of David; while the Tabernacle of the Congregation with the brasen altar; is still at Gibeon also called the "Great High Place". Solomon the son of King David is made king the second time; they anointed him unto the Lord to be the cheif governor and Zadok to be priest. So David died in a good old age; full of days, riches, and honour: and Solomon his son, reigned in his stead. King David was buried in the City of David. He reigned over Israel thirty-three [33] years; seven [7]years in Hebron of Judah making forty [40]years that he reignd [1Kings 2:1-12;1Chr. 29:26-29].

  • David's son, Solomon sets on the throne as King over all Israel; he had dominion over all the region on this side the river from Tiphash even to Gaza [Azzah]; over all the kings on this side of the river: he had peace on all sides round about him; and Judah and Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree; from Dan, even to Beer-sheba, all the days of Solomon [1Kings 4:1-34].

  • It came to pass after four hundred and eightieth [480] years; the Children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt; in the fourth[4] year of King Solomon's reign that the building of the house of the Lord began [1Kings 6:1]. This is allowing forty [40] years to Moses; seventeen [17] years to Joshua, two -hundred and nighty-nine [299] years to the Judges; forty [40] years to Eli, forty [40] years to Samuel and Saul; forty [40] years to David;and four [4] years when Solomon began to building of the house of the Lord. Thus you have four-hundred and eighty [480] years.

  • King Solomon built the house of the Lord on the threshing floor of Araumah [Oran] the Jebusite, that his father King David had bought; and where King David had reared an altar unto the Lord [11 Samuel 24:18-25;11Chr.3:1;1Chr. 21:15-30]. The site was located on Mount Moriah. The pattern for the temple was given to King Solomon by his father King David [1Chr. 28:11-20].

  • *Tabernacle of Moses and The Ark of God are United*

    The Tabernacle of the Congregation and the Ark of God are untied after they were seperated in the land of Shiloh when the Philistians took the Ark of God, during the time when Eli was the high priest [1Samuel 4:1-22].

  • The temple was pattened after the Tabernacle of Moses', with diminsions being double [11Chr.3:1-17;11Chr.4:1-22;11Kings 6:1-38]. King Solomon was seven [7] years in building the house of the Lord. When all the work was finished: then King Solomon brought in all the things his father,King David had dedicated: and put them among the treasures of the house of the Lord [11Chr.5:1]. King Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes; the cheif of the fathers of the Children of Israel, unto Jerusalem, to bring up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord God of Israel; out of the City of David; which is Zion. All the men of Israel assembled themselves unto the king in the feast which was in the seventh [7] month. All the elders of Isarel came; the Levites; took up the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord God of Israel and brought it up; and they brought up the Tabernacle of Moses, with all the holy vessels; that were therein; also the Brasen Altar, that Bezaleeh, the son, of Uri; the son, of Hur, had made in the Wilderness; that was at the Great High place,in Gibeon of Benjamin [11Chr.1:1-4].

  • King Solomon brought up the Ark of the Covenant and placed it in his place in the most holy of holies, under the wings of the Cherubims. There was not anything in the Ark of the Covenant at that time save the two tables, which Moses had put therein at Horeb; when the Lord made a covenant with the Childern of Israel; when they came out of Egypy [11Chr.5:5-10;Deut.10:1-5]. The Brasen Altar, for the outer court was overlaid with brase. It was five [5] cubits long, five [5] cubits wide, and three [3] cubits high; with a horn on each corner.

    *City Of Zion*

    Jerusalem, also called; The City of Zion, was flanked on the east by the Valley of Jehosphaphat [Jah's judge]; on the west and south by the Valley of Hinmon. Jerusalem, was built on a mountian ridge. The ridge consisted of two hills, with a valley between. The East hill was composed of three smaller hills called the South,East,Centeral East, and the Northern East hills. The West Hill was composed of two smaller hills called the South West, and the North West hills. Jerusalem is just off the Coastal Highway, where world civilization met. On the South East Hill, stood Melchizedek's city. On the Centeral East Hill called Moriah,Isaac, is said to have been offered; on it, and one thousand [1000] years later, King Solomon's Temple was built. On the North East Hill, one thousand [1000] years later; Jesus was crucified. From Jerusalem, Egypt was about three hundred [300] miles Southwest. Assyria, seven-hundred [700] miles Notheast; Babylon, seven-hundred [700] miles East; Persia, one thousand [1000] miles East;Greece, eight-hundred [800] miles Northwest; Rome, fifteen-hundred [1500] miles Northwest. King David made Jerusalem, Israel's national Captial one thousand [1000] B.C. a magnificent city. The Psalmist speaks of the Holy City, being surrounded by his own hills: as the mountians are around about Jerusalem........." [Ps.48]. the most celebrated of these is Mount of Olives on the western slope of which is the Garden of Gethsemane.Jerusalem is about three-thousand and five-hundred [3500] feet above the level of the Dead Sea.

  • The water supply for Jerusalem came from the Spring of Gihon meaning [stream of bursting forth]. some believe this is also the second river of Paradise [Gen.2 :3]. King Solomon was anointed and proclaimed king here too [1Kings 1:33;38;45]. The waters of Gibon were "stopped " by Hezekiak; that is were conducted "straight down to the west side of the City of David" [11chr.32:30]. The Valley of Hinnom; on the south and west of Mount Zion. An idol of bronze of great size was set up in the valley; facing Mount Olivet; where children were sacrificed in the fire, which seems to have been kindled inside the idol. Josih abolished the worship; and struved human bones over the place, making it unclean; and thus prevented the removal of worship there [11Kings 23:10].
    The inhuman practices gave the place a horrible character, and caused it's name to be detested and used as a figure for a place of torment. The Kidion Valley, called in the Hebrew, is {a dry water- course or wady [nachal] or nakhal] "to receive" having water only in winter; and is translated "Valley". This valley is located east of the walls of Jerusalem, at the foot of Mount Olivet [11Sam.15:23;John 18:1; Jesus, crossed over the brook Cedron or also called {Kidron],
    The Kidron Valley, is called now the Valley of Jehoshaphat. It is in most places narrow, with steep, naked banks and only a few strips of cultivable land. The Tyropoeon joins it at the pool of Siloam, and the Hinnom at En Rogel, all three forming what is now called the Wady en Nar meaning [fire]; leading to Mar Saba and the Dead Sea. The whole valley is filled with tombs and graves. The most ardent desire of every Jew or [Mohammedan] of Palestine, is to be buried there....

    *The Tyropoeon Valley*

    Meaning in: Heb."cheese makers"

    The Tyropoeon Valley,is in the middle of the area, and now runs north-south. Between the Tyropoeon Valley, and the Kidron,the short Beth-zatha Valley further divides, this section. The resulting hill between the Tyropoeon and the Kidron valley is squeezed to a narrow land bridge at the center. The steeply sloping area south of this was called originally Mount Zion, or the Ophel hill; the flatter area to it's north, where the Dome of the Rock, is now located; Mount Moriah, or the Temple Mount,"Zion", eventually was used to refer to both areas as well as the city as a whole. A still higher section lies north of the Temple Mount, known as Beth-zatha; in the first century and now as the Muslim Quarter.

  • The hill formed between the Hinnom and the Tyropoeon Valleys, is divided by two east-west depressions. The southern one runs along the line of the present day Old City, wall forming an area to it's south now wrongly called Mount Zion. The one to the north borders the present David Street. The Jewish, and Armenian quarters now cover the area between the depressions. The entire area south of this depression is also called the Weatern Hill. The area to the north of it is the present day Christian Quarters The entire western section slopes downward from west to east.Jerusalem, was not suited for a well laid-out city plan, nor blessed with an abandant supply of water.Jerusalem was not an important natural commercial center. It did not straddle a major trade crossroad as did Shechem and Bethel. The natural east-west axis of trade was light miles north of this area on the Beth-horon Road,and the Way of Bethel -Ai. Jerusalem, was initially important for it's control of traffic along the north-south ridge as it enters a broad; comparatively level section of the highways to it's north. This area was the territory of the tribe of Benjamin, which Jerusalem, belonged. It served as protection against aggression from the west through the Sorek-Rephaim, valley system and to prevent surprise attacks from the Judean desert.

  • Mount Moriah or the Temple Mount, is one-hundred; and thirty [130] feet about the City of David, and provides for a central holy place. This was also the "threshing floor of Arauna: [11Sam.24], the Tabernacle of the Congregation and the Ark of the Covenant; was brought to rest in it's Holy of Holies. A poorly endowed village had become a crulial religious and politial center. Its central holy place was even lower than the hills about it. God's, exaltalion of this common place became an important molif in Israelite, theology [Ps. 68:15-16;Ezek. 16:1-10].

  • King Solomon increased the symobolic importance of Jerusalem. For it was no longer central, for just the hill country; but for the entire kingdom. King Solomon extended the city walls from the Ophel to enclose the Temple Mount, [1Kings 3:1];Jerusalem, became a thirty-two [32] acre city. Administrative buildings and palaces filled this area and the Temple replaces the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

  • Then was fulfilled the words of God in [Ps 78:60-68;Jer. 7:12-14; 26::1-11]....I will chose the tribe of Judah the Mount Zion; which I love for my dwelling place of worship...". After everything was placed in its proper place around and in the Temple,King Solomon, said "The Lord hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness. But I have built an house of habitation for thee, and a place for thy dwelling for ever [11 Chr. 6:1-2]. After the dedication of the Temple,King Solomon offered sacrifices, the Lord appeared in the Temple, and filled it with his glory [11 Chr.7:1-2 ].

  • From the time of Eli and his sons at Shiloh of Ephraim;the Tabernacle of the Congregation and the Ark of the Covenant of the God of Israel had been seperated from each other; now they are togather again and the Children of Israel, under King Solomon experienced God's glory upon them for the first time in many generations.

    *Kingdom Is Divided*

    After the death and reign of King Solomon; the kingdom was rent into; two Kingdoms the Northern Kingdom, which consisted of ten [10] tribes. The Southern Kingdom; consisted of two [2] tribes, each kingdom having their own ruling king. Jeroboam, King Solomon's servant began to reign over the Northern Kingdom. While Rehoboam,King Solomon's, son began to rule over the Southern Kingdom, of Judah. This is the start of the divided kingdoms, and their kings.

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