By Naomi Adams


* Wilderness Of Sinai *

"Laws and Ordinances"

The Tabernacle and the ARK of the Covenant are set up and the Children of Israel preform their first worship service to God; Moses was given more laws and ordinances that would guide; direct and propect them on their journeys to the Promise Land. The Children of Israel were in the Wilderness of Sinai waiting on God to move the Cloud in the direction He wanted them to go. For God told Moses that when He was ready for them to move He would move the Cloud. God made Moses the leader of the Israelities; while Aaron; Moses' brother was the High-Priest There were two other men in the congregation named Joshua and Caleb who would be very influential to the Children of Israel in their journey through the Wilderness and much later on after they crossed into the Promise Land.

OSHEA, the son of NUM who was of the tribe of Ephraim was changed to JOSHUA by Moses [NUMBERS 13:8-16]. Joshua lived to be one hundred-ten [110]years old. He spent forty [40] years with Moses; and was the commander of the Children of Israel for twenty-five [25] years after the death of Moses. Joshua must of been forty-five [45]years old when they came out of Egypt[JOSHUA 24:29]. If you add forty [40] years that he was with Moses he would be eighty-five [85] years old when he crossed the Jordon River. He would be about ninety-two [92] years old when Caleb came to him and asked for Hebron for his inheritance. For it took seven [7] years in conquering the land. Joshua was one hundred and ten [110] years when he died [JOSHUA 24:29].The Children of Israel observed the Passover on the tenth [10th.] day of the first [1st.] month just forty [40] years after they came out of Egypt; wanting five [5] days [JOSHUA 4:19; 5:10]. The Passover is mentioned three times [3] the first [1st.] time in Egypt [EXDOUS 12:1-51]; the second [2nd.] time in the Wilderness of Sinai [NUMBERS 9:1-5]; the third [3rd.] time in Gilgal, Canaan {JOSHUA 5:10] I imagine that they keep the Passover during the forty [40] years while in the Wildreness; but I just found three [3] places it is mentioned.

CALEB the son of Je-phun-neh the Kkenezite was the other man that was very important to the CHILDREN of ISRAEL. Caleb was forty [40] years old when Moses sent him out to spy out the land with eleven [11] others.It was in the second [2nd.]year after they came out of Egypt [JOSHUA 14:6;7;10 and NUMBERS 13:6,31,32;14:23-26]. They spent thirty-eight [38]years after that; this would make him seventy-eight [78] years old when they crossed the Jordon River. He was eighty-five [85] years old when he came to Joshua in Gilgal,Canaan and asked for Hebron for his inheritance; this was seven [7] years later for it took them that long in conquering the land. It took one [1] more year in dividing the inheritance.
*More Law And Ordiances*
After Moses had received all the law and ordiances from GOD he numbered all the tribes and appointed heads of each tribe according to their families. Then he anointed and sanctified the TABERNACLE and all the vessels thereof. That the princes of ISRAEL, heads of the house of their fathers, who were the princes of the tribes, and were over then that were numbered,offered their offerings before the LORD.......[NUMBERS 7:1-19] The TABERNACLE of the COVENANT is now ready for travel and waiting on GOD to lead the way. After Moses and the CHILDREN of ISRAEL accomplished all their duties GOD moved the CLOUD in the direction for them to start their journey. Aaron and Miriam; Moses' sister spake against Moses because of the [Cushite] woman whom he had married. [NUMBERS 12:1-16] the LORD came down in the pillar of the CLOUD and stood in the door of the TABERNACLE and called Aaron and Miriam ; and spoke to them........... After Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL removed from Ha-ze-roth and pitched in the wilderness of Par-an. It was here that the LORD told Moses to send out men to search out the land of Ca-na-an, which I {GOD] shall give unto the CHILDREN of ISRAEL [NUMBERS chapters 13-14]. Joshua and Celeb brought back a good report and said; the land was searched out and they could take the land, but the other spies,that were sent out said, we can't take the land. After the anger of the LORD was kindled; the LORD spake unto Moses and told him that all that gengregation from twenty years old and over would die in the WILDERNESS. Joshua and Caleb ; would be allowed to enter the PROMISE LAND. After thirty-seven years of wandering {NUMBERS chapters 15-19] there were more legislations and laws given to the CHILDREN of ISRAEL that had lived and become of age. The divine sanction of Aaron's rod budding. Priests and Levities instructed as to their duties. The last year of their wandering brought about the death of Miraim,the sin of Moses at Meribab; and Aaron that rebelled against my word.......[NUMBERS 20:22-29] and deprived them of entering the land. Eleazar, succeeds his father; Aaron, as High-Priest on Mt. Hor. The second numbering of the people. The death and burial of ISRAEL'S first leader and lawgiver whom the LORD knew face to face...Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Ne-bo, to the top of Pis-gah. and the LORD shewed him all the land of Canaan. So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Mo-ab according to the word of the LORD [Deuteronomy 34:1-9]. The forty years have expired, and the CHILDREN of ISRAEL are encamped east of the Jordon River and can see the Land of Promise The wandering is soon to be over and they will enter the land of plenty. Every year they will be reminded of that period of wandering in the WILDERNESS by the FEAST of TABERNACLES which was divinely instituted. During one week of every year they will commemorate their sojourn in the wilderness.
In the plains of Moab
After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, saying Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise,go over this Jordon, thou and all this people, unto the land which I do give them, even to the CHILDREN of ISRAEL [Joshua 1:1-18]. So Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shit-tim, and came to Jordon, he and all the CHILDREN of ISRAEL and lodged there before they passed over Jordon. And Joshua said unto the people sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the LORD will do wonders among you.....[JOSHUA 3:1-17]. The ARK of the COVENANT went before the people across the Jordon as the Priest's feet were dipped in the water of Jordon the waters that came came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap..... and those waters that came down towards the sea, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut of: and the people passed over right against Jer-i-cho. And the priest that bare the ARK of the COVENANT stood firm on dry ground in the midest of Jordon and all the people passed over on dry ground.......[JOSHUA 3:15-17].
The name Gil-gal means [rolling off or away] Located on the east plains of Jer-i-cho, in the land of Canaan The first camp of the Israelities after they crossed Jordon. The the Children of Israel set up twelve [12] stones here as a memorial [JOSHUA 4:19-20]. This is where the Lord had Joshua to circumcise all the males that came out of the Wilderness for they were uncircumcised [JOSHUA 5: 1-15]. The LORD called the place Gil-gal because He had rolled away the reproach of Egypt from them. They kept the PASSOVER on the fourteenth [14] day of the month at even in the plains of Jer-i-cho. The manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land; neither did they eat manna any more; but they did eat of the fruit of Canaan that year. Joshua lifts up his eyes and looked as he was by Jer-i-cho and; behold, there stands a man over against him with a sword drawn in his hand:...... he is told by the captain of the host of the LORD to loose thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy....[Jouhua 5:13-15]. The same as Mose when he was at the burning bush [EXDOUS 3:5]. It is believed that the TABERNALCE of the Congregation and the ARK of the COVENANT abode in Gil-gal, Canaan for seven [7] years or eight [8] years, before it was removed to SHILOH.These years are being the time it took Joshua in conquering the land and in dividing the inheritance.
Shiloh the name means [rest]
Shiloh a town in the land of Ephraim about two or three [2 or 3]miles east of the main road became the centeral location and abode for the TABERNACLE and it's sacred contents. The TABERNACLE of the CONGREGATION was removed from it's place of safty in the corner of Jordon, at Gil-gal to a centeral location of the inheritance; making the TABERNACLE of the congregation the center of their worship place; and God the center of their lives [JOSHUA 18:1]. It is believed by some scholars that the TABERNACLE of the CONGREGATION and it's contents remained at Shiloh in Ephraim for about one hundred-twenty [120 ] years. After the whole congregation gathered at Shiloh and set the TABERNACLE of the CONGREGATION in his place; there remained seven [7 ] tribes which had not received their inheritance...but the land was subued before them [JOSHUA 18:1-4]. It is believed that Joshua lived about ten [10] years after conquering and dividing the land being an hundred -ten [110] years old {JOSHUA 23:1-2; 24:29]. It is also believed that Joshua was eighty-five [85] years old; when he took the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL and crossed the Jordon River; and that he governed Israel twenty-five [25] years after the death of Moses [JOSHUA 24:29]. The Gibeonites, heard how GOD,of ISRAEL had fought for the Israelites, so they disguised their selves and make peace with the Chikdren of Israel. Their towns were; Gibeon; Chephirah; Beeroth; and Kirjiath-jearim. After the Israelites had been fooled by the Gibeonites and peace was made Joshua made them hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house of his GOD [JOSHUA 9:23]. So the Children of Israel came and worshipped the Lord God of Israel at Shiloh in Ephraim, where the TABERNACLE of the CONGREGATION was set up. After being sent back to their inheritance the tribe of Reuben,Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh built an altar over against the land of Cannaan in the border of Jordon. When the people heard of it they sent the priest to confront them about it. They replied that the altar was a witness to them; that the Lord is God;and that it would not be used for anything else. For it would be a trespass against the God of Israel to offer burnt offerings for meat offerings or sacrifices [JOSHUA 22:11-34]. The Children of Israel served the Lord God of Israel all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders that out lived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord God.....and that generation: there arose another generation after them which knew not the Lord God,nor the works which He had done for Israel [JUDGES 2:7-10]. Making this the third [3rd.] generation after their Exdous from Egypt counting forty [40] years for a generation. The Children of Israel forsook the Lord God of Israel and served Baal and Ashtaroth. The anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and He delivered them into the hands of spoilers [JUDGES 2:11-15]. Because Israel hath transgressed the Lord's Covenant, and they hearkened not to His voice, the Lord did not drive out from them any of the nations which were left in the land after the death of Joshua. He left them to prove them, they were five [5] lords of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, the Hivites that dwelt in mount Lebanon,from mount Baal-hermon unto the entering in of Hamath [JUDGES 3:1-6]. Never the less the Lord raised up judges from time to time, which delivered them out of the hands of those that spoiled them. There were about seven [7] or eight [8] of these judges, that God had raised up to judge Israel, before Jephthah, the Gileadite, who was a mighty man, of valour and the son of an harlot a Gileadite. Jephthah, the Gileadite, judged Israel for about six [6] years, then there were three [3] more judges that God raised up who judge Israel [JUDGES 12:7-15]. The Children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and He delivered them into the hands of the Philistines for forty [40] years.
The father of Samson
In due time there was a certian man of Zorah,the family of the Danities whose name was Manoah, his wife was barren. As the woman was praying,an angel of the Lord appeared unto her......and said thou shalt have a son.....He shall be a Nazarite unto God, from thy womb......and he shall begin to deliver the Children of Israel out of the hands of the Philistines. In the process of time Manoah's wife bare a son and named him Samson. As Samson grew the spirit of the Lord began to move him at times into the camp of Dan between Zorah and Ephtaol [JUDGES 13:1-25]. In Samson's death he killed more than he had killed in his life of the Philistines. Samson judged Israel twenty [20] years [JUDGES 16:30-31]. After the death of Samson there was not a king over Israel, and every man did what he thought was right in their own eyes. The Tabernacle of the Congregation and the Ark of the Covenent was still at Shiloh. Then Micah a man of mount Epharim made him a house of gods, he made an ephod, and teraphim, and consecrated one of his sons to become his priest. His mother had graven images made of silver. Micah had stolen from her, afters he confessed and returned it to her [JUDGES 17:1-13]. A Levite sojourning from Beth-lehem-judah came to mount Epharim looking for a place, he came to Micah's house; and Micah consecrated the Levite; to become his priest [JUDGES 17:12]. The Danities decided to take their inheritanc. They came to mount Ephraim, and to Micah's house. They took the things Micah had made for the house of his gods; and the priest, the Levite. They went to Laish, unto a people that were at quite and secure: they smote them with the edge of the sword and burnt the city with fire. For there was no deliver because it was far from Zidon.....They built a city and dwelt therein, the city was named Dan after their father who was born unto Israel [JUDGES 18:1-31]. They set up Micah's graven images,that he had made. All the time the house of God was at Shiloh, a town in the land of Ephraim. Click on Ark still at Shiloh, for more

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