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Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java. I believe in angels,
their presence is everywhere
in the warmth of a helping hand,
in the smiles that people share,
Angels are at the heart
of the good things people do,
and when our days are troubled,
their caring guides us through,
Angels' love is all around -
in stars that light the night,
in a mothers gentle words,
and in arms that hold you tight.
I believe that angels
are special messengers of love,
God's way of making earth
a bit more like heaven above.
-Author Unknown-

The images and backgrounds were created by me
They've taken alot of time to create, if you like them or would like something similiar
email me and let me know,
Please do not copy or "borrow" the ones on this page or any other of my pages
I will be glad to help you create your own!!