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To be executed To a detention camp To see Darth Sidious To grab a bite to eat 2. What is Watto the junk dealer's biggest weakness? His clumsiness 3. Who determines the communications disruption to Naboo means an invasion is forthcoming? Sio Bibble 4. What actress portrays Shmi Skywalker? Natalie Portman 5. What location was used to film the desert scenes? Algeria 6. Who attacks Jar Jar Binks is the Mos Espa Marketplace Anakin 7. What color are Rune Haako's eyes? Purple 8. Who convinces Boss Nass that the Gungans must join with the Jedi and the small Naboo resistance forcce to confront the Trade Federation? Captain Panaka 9. To whom does Yoda say, "The chosen one the boy may be: nevertheless, grave danger I fear in his training."? Qui-Gon Jinn 10. Who says "You will become a Jedi, I promise."? Qui-Gon Jinn 11. What is the name of the pilot who flies the queen's royal starship? Padme 12. Who greets the two ambassadors upon their arrival on the Trade Federation battleship? Darth Sidious 13. Who suggests to the queen that she go to Coruscant with the Jedi? Obi-Wan Kenobi 14. What color is the light in the interior bridge of the queen's ship? Green 15. Who controls the planet of Tatooine? The Slaves 16. What color is the outfit Padme wears while she cleans R2-D2? Red and black 17. What time of day does Darth Maul first arrive on Tatooine? Night 18. How manyengines does Anakin's podracer have? Three 19. Who is camped out on the canyon dune turn? Kitster 20. Who tells Anakin to "stay in that cockpit"? Captain Panaka Colonel 22. What rank is the battle droid that says "Roger, Roger" when the Jedi emerge from the conferencce room in the first battle scene? Colonel 23. What droid has a personal energy shield? C-3PO 24. How many statues are there on the top of the arch in the first scene of the celebration parade? Two Darth Maul |