Planets - A (pt. 2)


Source List & Abbreviations

Several youths from Andooweel, in trouble on their homeworld for theft and illegal speeder bike racing, enlisted in the Imperial Army and were trained on Sirpar. [SWAJ]
Andron system
The Andron system contains the planet Aralia, the home planet of the semi-intelligent aliens called Ranats. [GG4]
The site at which the Imperial fleet regrouped following their defeat at Endor. [TAB]
Anoat system
Located in the backwater Ison Corridor. The Anoat system contains the planets Anoat, Gentes (the homeworld of the pig-like Ugnaughts), and the colony world of Deyer. Animal life on Anoat includes the Anoat lizard-ant, who can be found in great numbers during the creatures' mating season. Moff Rebus, a weapons specialist working for the Empire, had a hidden stronghold located under the sewage system of Anoat City. Rebus was captured by Alliance agent Kyle Katarn following the Battle of Yavin. After their escape from the Battle of Hoth, Han Solo and Princess Leia found themselves in the Anoat system and made the decision to visit Bespin's Cloud City. [ESB, MTS, JS, DA, GG2, DF]
A multiple planet orbiting a small white sun, Anoth consists of three parts and will likely break itself into dust in a few hundred years. Anoth is unrecorded on any chart and was chosen by Luke Skywalker and Admiral Ackbar as the primary hiding place for Leia Organa Solo's Jedi children, although Jacen and Jaina Solo stayed on New Alderaan during the Emperor's reappearance. The two largest components of Anoth are close enough to scrape together, causing powerful static discharges between them and bathing the third fragment in sensor-masking electrical storms. The third piece orbits a safe distance from the other two and holds a breathable atmosphere in its valleys in spite of its relatively low gravity. The stronghold where Winter cared for the Jedi children u ntil they reached the age of two was located on the third fragment, at the opening to a network of caves within Anoth's rocky spires and peaks. An Imperial attack with MT-AT walkers led by Ambassador Furgan was launched against the Anoth stronghold in an unsuccessful attempt to kidnap Anakin Solo. [JS, DA, COTF]
Antar 4
Located in the Prindaar system, Antar 4 is the fourth of six moons orbiting the gas giant Antar and home to the alien species known as the Gotal. Antar 4 has an unusual rotational pattern, which makes seasonal climate changes very pronounced. In addition, the moon's orbital pattern around the gas giant creates constantly-changing day/night cycles. Due to this, animal species on Antar 4 have developed organs and senses to help compensate for any absence of light, such as the Gotals' energy-sensing head cones. These cones aid the Gotal in sensing the moods of others, and in hunting the native herds of quivry. Large head cones are considered an attractive feature by other Gotal, and those with small cones sometimes use artificial substitutes to help improve their appearances. Antar 4 has no form of government, but nevertheless trades and interacts effectively with the rest of galactic society. The notorious bounty hunter Glott comes from Antar 4, and uses his head cones to predict what his enemies will do a split second before they can do it. [GG4, TFTC, ROC]
A remote, lifeless, ice-covered world with at least one moon. The Empire constructed a robotics facility on Anteevy where the alloy Phrik was refined and treated for use in armoring the Dark Troopers. Following the Battle of Yavin, Alliance agent Kyle Katarn disabled this facility with several sequencer charges. [DF]
Antipose IX
A pilot droid that Lando Calrissian rented to take him from the Oseon to Rafa IV once held a job on the pleasure yacht Arleen, which departed from Antipose IX. [LCMH]
Antipose XII
While on a mission in the Oseon, Lando Calrissian used the password "dubesor"-- a native insult on Antipose XII. [LCFW]
Aparo sector
The Aparo sector, together with the Wyl sector, forms the inner border of the Corporate Sector. It is ruled by Moff Wyrrhem. [CSSB]
A water world which, according to charts, has no land masses at all. Aquaris is home to Silver Fyre's organization of former pirates and mercenaries, who call themselves Freeholders. The Freeholders inhabit an expansive underwater base accessible through a retractable surface landing platform, and pilot submersible aqua-skimmers when hunting the planet's local marine life. Among the many dangerous aquatic creatures in Aquaris' oceans is the enormous demonsquid. During Han Solo and Chewbacca's early adventuring, they had a valuable cargo of spice stolen from them by Fyre's pirates. Following the Battle of Yavin, Fyre and her Freeholders joined the Alliance during a conference with Princess Leia on Kabal. The Princess and her companions visited Aquaris after leaving Kabal, and were betrayed by Kraaken, Fyre's deputy commander. [CSW]
A planet in the Hapes cluster. Arabanth sent an old woman who offered a "thought puzzle" on accepting life and death as part of a series of gifts from Hapes to the New Republic. [COPL]
Aralia, a small, tropical world in the Andron system, is home to both the planetary amusement park Project Aralia and the troublesome, semi-intelligent Ranats. The Ranats (who call themselves Con Queecon or "the conquerors") evolved on the planet Rydar II, but came to Aralia when the spice-smuggling ship on which they had stowed away crashed in Aralia's jungles. Ranats live in tribes numbering around one hundred individuals, and inhabit maze-like underground warrens. The Ranat population has expanded greatly since the crash, and they now inhabit most areas of Aralia including its grassy steppes and mountains. The fierce appetites of the Ranats have led to a decline in most of Aralia's fauna including the pig-like roba. After Project Aralia's construction was interfered with by the Ranats, the builders attempted to organize an extermination of the species. This led to an Imperial ruling that Ranats can be killed in self-defense, and they may not be armed under any circumstances. Some Ranats were drug- and mind-controlled by Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader to serve as enclosure guards. [GG4, COTJ]
The smuggler Toob Ancher traveled to Arapia to collect a debt owed by Saylor Marjan to the crimelord Saadoon-Kauldi. [SWAJ]
The smuggler Reina Gale and her companion Rollos ran a disastrous deal on Arcura, where an entire battalion of Imperial walkers arrived to stop them. [SWAJ]
The white dwarf star orbited by Varl, the original homeworld of the Hutts. According to Hutt legend, Ardos was once a double star with Evona until Evona was drawn into a black hole. [GG4]
Argazda is located in the Kanz sector. Four thousand years ago, Myrial, provisional governor of Argazda, revolted against the Old Republic and declared the Kanz sector independent. Myrial began to enslave the other worlds of the sector, including Lorrd, and the preoccupied Republic did nothing to help. This period lasted three hundred years until ended by the Jedi Knights and is known as the Kanz Disorders. [CSSB]
Equipment for a new space station, to be built in the Pakuuni system, was awaiting pickup at an abandoned cargo area near Argoon. The Victory-class Star Destroyer Stalwart, under the command of Vice Admiral Thrawn, arrived to load the material and was attacked by Rebel starfighters sometime after the Battle of Hoth. [TSC]
A backwater desert world home to the short, lizardlike aliens called Chubbits, who cross the planet's sandy terrain in "wind-runners"-- wheeled vehicles with large sails. Animal life on Aridus includes large lizard creatures, which can be tamed and used as mounts. The natural interference of Aridus' atmosphere makes all long-range communications impossible, and the Empire (after taking control of the planet) built an immense Iron Tower to overcome this interference. The completely automated tower acted both as a signal amplifier and power transformer, allowing unrestricted communications and supplying the energy needed to run Imperial hover trains. Hazardous lava pits were located in the mining region immediately surrounding the Iron Tower. Unfortunately, the powerful signals emanating from the tower had a harmful effect on the local Chubbits, crippling their nervous systems and eventually killing many. The Chubbits resisted the Imperial takeover of their homeworld, and were supplied with weapons for their fight by the Alliance. Following the Battle of Yavin, Darth Vader set a trap for Luke Skywalker by making it appear that Ben Kenobi had returned from the dead and was working with the resistance on Aridus. The false Kenobi was actually a trained actor, altered by Imperial surgeons to resemble the dead Jedi. Skywalker managed to escape the trap, which also resulted in the partial destruction of the Iron Tower. [CSW]