Planets - A (pt. 3)


Source List & Abbreviations

Arkania, in the Colonies region, is covered with tundra and diamond mines where miners extract melon- sized gems from the planet's crust. Four thousand years ago, the Jedi master Arca established a Jedi training outpost in the wilderness of Arkania. Centuries ago, the scientifically-minded Arkanians began cyber-enhancing the brains of their primitive neighbors, the Yaka. Soon the stocky Yaka were one of the most intelligent and quick minded species in the galaxy, with a bizarre sense of humor to match. Animal life on the planet includes the Arkanian dragon and jellyfish. [TOTJ, FNU, DLOS, DESB]
Arkanis sector
Located on the border of the Mid-Rim and Outer Rim, the Arkanis sector contains the Pii system. The forested worlds Pii 3 and 4 are sometimes called "Teeda's Eyes," after the green eyes of the ancient Empress Teeda of Arkanis Regency annals. [SWAJ]
A dry, desert world, Askaj is home to the near-human aliens known as Askajians. Askajians' bodies can absorb and store water, using it only as needed for survival, and females of the species have six breasts. According to custom, Askajian cublings are not given names until they reach their first birthday, and the people's belief system involves Askaj's Moon Lady and the demons of the Nethermost Abyss. Animal life on Askaj includes large reptiles and the horned herd animals called tomuons-- valued throughout the galaxy for their wool. Askajian weaving techniques are closely-guarded secrets, and it is said that Emperor Palpatine's ceremonial robes are spun from tomuon wool. Yarna, daughter of a tribe chieftain on Askaj and a first-rate competitive dancer, was captured with her family by slavers and sold to Jabba the Hutt. Yarna served in the Hutt's court as a dancer, but escaped after Jabba's death and eventually bought her cublings out of slavery. [TFJP]
Athega system
The Athega system contains the planet Nkllon, where Lando Calrissian had a mining operation. Due to the heat of its sun, ships must be escorted by a shieldship from the outer parts of the Athega system in order to approach the inner planets. [HTTE]
Atravis sector
The Atravis sector contains the Atravis systems, which were devastated by Imperial attacks. Of the massacres that occurred in the sector, Grand Moff Tarkin said, "They have only themselves to blame." Grand Admiral Harrsk's troops began concentrating in the Atravis sector eight years after the Battle of Endor. [COTJ]
Atrivis sector
Located in the Outer Rim, the Atrivis sector contains the Mantooine and Fest systems and the planet Generis. During the early formation of the Rebel Alliance, Mon Mothma helped unite various insurgent organizations, including the Atrivis Resistance Groups. Five years after the Battle of Endor, New Republic pilot Pash Cracken was stationed in the Atrivis sector and helped defend (unsuccessfully) the Outer Rim comm center against an Imperial attack. [TLC, DESB, FP]
Auril systems
A distant group of six star systems (including the Adega system) in the Auril sector, which also encompasses the Cron Drift. Originally there were nine Auril systems, though three systems were destroyed during the Great Sith War as the Cron Cluster ignited in a multiple supernova. The space city Nespis VIII is located at the node of the Auril systems. [DE2, TSW]
Austan Asteroid Cluster
Meysen Kayson, wealthy owner of the Greel Wood Logging Corporation in the Pii system, also owns several properties in the Austan Asteroid Cluster. [SWAJ]
Averam was the location of a local Rebel Alliance cell, where Leia Organa's aide Winter worked for a few weeks under the code name "Targeter." Imperial Intelligence cracked the cell soon afterwards. The natives of Averam are called Averists. [TLC]
Averill system
A vast letter-dumping ground, almost one thousand kilometers long, was discovered five light-years out of the Averill system. Investigation revealed that at least three private courier services were jettisoning their datacard cargoes in the region. [SWAJ]
Avhn-Bendara system
A harsh system containing the planet Ryvellia. [SWAJ]
Azbrian is the homeworld of Condren Foreck, daughter of a wealthy farmer and a famous athlete on her world. She lives on a farm containing eight-legged herd animals. Foreck was one of Lando Calrissian's marriage candidates, until he discovered she had already married someone else. [AAC]