Planets - B (pt.2)


Source List & Abbreviations

The first planet in the Garos system. [SWAJ]
Besberra system
The space station Zirtran's Anchor was once located in the Besberra system until it suddenly and mysteriously vanished. The station later reappeared, abandoned and empty, near the Phosphura Belt Nebula. [SWAJ]
Bespin system
Located in the isolated Ison Corridor, the Bespin system contains three planets (Miser, Orin, and Bespin) and the asteroid belt Velser's Ring, all of which orbit the star also called Bespin. The system is rich in natural resources, including tibanna gas and valuable metals. [GG2]
Bespin, the outermost planet in the system of the same name, is a large gas giant approximately 118,000 kilometers in diameter which rotates every twelve hours. Bespin has many moons, though only H'gaard and Drudonna (known as The Twins) are large enough to command attention. The planet's solid metal core is surrounded by a thick layer of liquid-metal rethen, which is in turn surrounded by a layer of liquid rethen. Above the rethen is Bespin's colorful cloud layer, which only extends 1000 kilometers into the heart of the planet. The "Life Zone," in which humans and Bespin's native animals can survive, is a thirty kilometer- deep band located within the cloud layer. Plant life in Bespin's Life Zone is exclusively made of vast colonies of floating algae, such as the numerous pinks and the phosphorescent glowers. Animal life includes predatory velkers, batlike rawwks, and the kilometers-wide, jellyfish-like grazers called beldons. The clouds are also home small herd of saillike Alderaanian thrantas, which are the only surviving members of their species after Alderaan1s recent destruction. Naturally-occurring tibanna gas is a useful hyperdrive coolant which can be found in Bespin's upper layers of clouds. Spin-sealed tibanna gas, however, is an extremely rare element used in boosting blaster firepower, and this gas can be found in abundance in the lowest levels of the gas giant's atmosphere. Many years ago, Lord Ecclessis Figg constructed the first floating settlement on Bespin near the planet's equator-- the Floating Home. At the time, it was the only outpost built on a gas giant to last more than a decade. Ten years after its founding, expansion began which would eventually turn the outpost into the vast metropolis of Cloud City. The construction materials for this expansion were mined from Miser, the innermost planet of the Bespin system. Cloud City is over sixteen kilometers in diameter and houses almost five and a half million inhabitants. The highest levels house casinos and nightclubs, while the lowest generally house factories and production plants. The seedy, corrupt environs of Port Town are found on the middle levels. Hotels in the upper plaza include the Yerith Bespin, the Stratosphere, and the Holiday Towers (formerly owned by Jabba the Hutt). Some of the many casinos include the Royal, the Pair O'Dice, and the Trest. Besides gambling, the many diversions for this level1s wealthy tourists include watching the monthly 3sky rodeo2 performed by the thranta herd and its alien riders, or boarding a floating health spa to breathe cloud vapor (which is rumored to have therapeutic value). Due to Bespin1s rapid rotation, visitors can enjoy two sunrises and sunsets every 3standard2 day. The three branches of Cloud City's government are the Exex group of business administrators, the Parliament of Guilds, and the single Baron-Administrator. The massive repulsorlift generators keeping the city afloat also draw spin-sealed tibanna gas from the lowest levels of the planet's atmosphere. The gas is sent into the city's refineries, where it is pressurized, purified, and frozen into carbonite blocks for storage and sale. Ostensibly, Figg & Associates, Ltd. manufactures tibanna gas for use as a hyperdrive coolant-- in reality, the company sells spin-sealed gas to weapons manufacturers not affiliated with the Empire. The city is small enough to avoid the official notice of the Mining Guild, but an annual payment was typically made to Guild leaders to keep them from organizing Cloud City's workers. Though the city's primary industry is tibanna gas production, other profitable Cloud City companies include Bespin Motors. Before the destruction of Alderaan, Bespin participated in a lucrative trade triangle with the Alderaan and Corellian systems, and Cloud City still receives much of its shipping from the nearby Corellian Trade Spine. Most of the city's industrial work is handled by a large population of Ugnaughts (originally from nearby Gentes) belonging to the Irden, Botrut, and Isced tribes. The Storm Guard weather watch keeps an eye on Bespin's atmosphere from Kerros' Tower (the highest point on Cloud City), and security is handled by the city's Wing Guard. A hollow wind tunnel runs through the center of the city. Another floating city, Tibannopolis, was once a prosperous boomtown but is now an abandoned ghost town, picked clean of valuables and drifting at an angle due to its malfunctioning repulsors. Many other refineries, waystations, and resorts drift through Bespin1s sky, including independent prospectors searching for elusive tibanna gas strikes. Years ago the Jedi Master Djinn Altis instructed his students, including Geith and Callista, from a Jedi training platform hidden in Bespin's clouds. The smuggler Lando Calrissian managed to become Baron- Administrator of Cloud City after winning the rights from Baron Raynor in a sabacc game. During his tenure Calrissian made the droid EV-9D9 his security chief, and the psychotic robot destroyed one quarter of Cloud City's droid population before being discovered and escaping aboard the hijacked Mining Guild cutter "Iopene Princess." Calrissian also established a new group of Commando-pilots to be used for Cloud City's defense. Later, the city was used by Darth Vader in a vain attempt to trap Luke Skywalker. Calrissian helped his friends escape Vader's ambush, and the city was subsequently seized by the Empire. Rogue Squadron pilot Rhysati Ynr, a native of Bespin, was forced to flee Cloud City with her family when Imperial forces arrived. Six years later, the Imperial garrison at Bespin was used by Grand Admiral Thrawn in his war effort against the New Republic. Two years later, Luke Skywalker returned to Bespin to recruit Streen, an independent prospector who used the Force to sense gaseous eruptions from the lower cloud levels, into his new Jedi Academy. One year later, one of the false charges filed against Cray Mingla by the Eye of Palpatine's central computer concerned retina prints and holograms provided by the government of Bespin. [ESB, ESBN, TLC, JS, HTTE, SWS, COTJ, GG2, ISWU, TFJP, XWRS]
When the Empire decided to open a high-security base of operations in the Bestine system, the entire population of Bestine IV was evacuated to make room for the installation. Alliance pilot Jek Porkins was one of these dispossessed persons, and learned his piloting skills by hunting sink-crabs on Bestine IV's rocky islands in his T-16 Skyhopper. Kestic station, a free-trader outpost, was located near the Bestine system until eliminated by the Star Destroyer Merciless. Alliance pilot Biggs Darklighter defected to the Rebellion along with his ship, the Rand Ecliptic, during a mission to the Bestine system. The Alliance cruiser Defiance barely survived a surprise attack from the Star Destroyer Immortal near Bestine, which was the site of an important base. A later attack on the Rebel flagship Independence, just prior to the Battle of Yavin, also resulted in a narrow escape for the Alliance. [SWN, MTS, FP] Bethal
One of Bethal's primary exports is apocia hardwood, which takes two centuries to mature and is used in the making of luxury furniture. Cities on Bethal include the Altoona and Dora Prefectures, and the major planetary cooperative is Bethal AgriCorp. Soon after the Battle of Yavin, Bethal was infested by swarms of giant termites called greddleback bugs. Several attempts were made to contain the nearly two hundred greddleback swarms, which were moving across Bethal's southern continent and threatening to wipe out the planet's apocia industry for generations. [SWAJ]
A swamp world that was scouted for possible colonization by Wetyin's Colony. When a sentient species was found on the planet, Betshish was removed from consideration. [GG2]
Bextar system
Located deep within the Velcar Free Commerce Zone in the Pentastar Alignment, the Bextar system consists of four gas giants orbiting a pale yellow sun. A thriving gas-mining operation, run by the Amber Sun Mining Corporate, lies scattered across the planets' many moons. The operation's labor force consists primarily of alien Entymals, who have green exoskeletons and gliding membranes and make excellent pilots. The Entymals were brought to the Bextar system from their homeworld, and many dream of leaving the oppressive labor conditions of Bextar and gaining their freedom. [SWAJ]
A minor industrial planet formerly under Imperial rule. When the Empire withdrew from Biivren after the Battle of Endor, they scuttled several key factories and contaminated the world's water supply. Some enterprising free-traders have been profiting by selling pure drinking water to the planet's inhabitants. [SWAJ]
Located in the Bilbringi system, the Imperial Shipyards of Bilbringi are a mass of dockyard platforms, partially-built ships, and construction vehicles, and are defended by at least four Golan II battle stations. Floating shield generators line the approved approach vectors, preventing any stray ships from wandering into restricted areas. The shipyards, run by Bilbringi Control under the command of General Drost, drastically stepped up warship production during Grand Admiral Thrawn's offensive against the New Republic. During this period of construction the yards ran short of strategic metals, prompting an Imperial raid of Nkllon's Nomad City. Bilbringi was the site where twenty-two asteroids were fitted with cloaking devices for Thrawn's siege of Coruscant; la ter, an attack on the shipyards by the smugglers Mazzic and Ellor resulted in the demolition of a nearly-completed Star Destroyer. The New Republic attacked the Bilbringi shipyards after giving the false impression that Tangrene was their target, and ran into a carefully-prepared trap set by Thrawn. Help from a coalition of smugglers (who had planned to steal Bilbringi's CGT array to sell to the New Republic) allowed Ackbar's fleet to escape the trap and defeat Thrawn's forces. [TLC]
Bimmisaari is inhabited by a species of short, half-furred, yellow-clad aliens called Bimms. Attractions on the planet include their unusual moving trees, the Tower of Law, a three-level, two-hundred year old marketplace, and the city of Glastro, which is surrounded by asaari woods. All weapons of violence are banned from Bimmisaari's main city. Several years ago, the Bimm Glah Ubooki discovered a crashed Imperial R&D vessel and, together with seven of his brothers, sold the prototype weapons found on the wreck. The eighteen identical Glah brothers have since opened import businesses around the galaxy, selling strange and unusual items. Each brother insists that he is Glah Ubooki, though his confused customers often insist otherwise. Five years after the Battle of Endor, a commando team of Noghri attempted to kidnap Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo during their diplomatic mission to Bimmisaari. [HTTE, SWAJ]
Black Nebula
The pirate Roark Slader once delivered a cargo of plexite ore to a group of rogue starship fitters in the Black Nebula. [SWAJ]
(see Borleias)
Bnach is an Imperial prison planet. According to the smuggler Toob Ancher, he and Kaine Paulsen once had a shoot-out with sector cops on Bnach, though the veracity of this story is doubtful. [SWAJ]
Boeus sector

Planet - B (pt. 3)

Planet - B (pt. 4)