Planets - B (pt. 4)


Source List & Abbreviations

Botor Enclave
A group of worlds, including the frozen planet Kerensik, that formed their own protective federation during the turmoil and constant warfare in the six years following the Battle of Endor. [DESB]
Bovo Yagen
Bovo Yagen was the third star targeted for destruction during the starbuster crisis, fourteen years after the Battle of Endor. One source claims the system contains one planet with a population of eight million, while another source lists the system's population as twelve million, spread across two planets and numerous asteroids and space stations. The star was saved at the last instant when Centerpoint Station (the starbuster weapon) was disabled by a planetary repulsor beam. [AAS, SAC]
A double planet with a complicated system of moons in the Bpfassh system, located near Praesitlyn and Sluis Van in the Sluis sector. During the Clone Wars some Bpfasshi Dark Jedi created trouble throughout the sector, and a Jedi task force (including Jorus C'baoth) was formed to oppose them. One Dark Jedi made it as far as Dagobah before his death. Because of the insurrection, most Bpfasshi today dislike all Jedi. Bpfassh was also the target of a hit-and-fade attack by Grand Admiral Thrawn and the site of an attempted abduction of Leia Organa Solo. During their search for Delta Source, Leia and Winter analyzed an intelligence report from the Bpfassh system suggesting the Star Destroyer Chimaera was at Anchoron. [HTTE, TLC]
(see Dom-Bradden)
Brak sector
The Brak sector contains the planet Bacrana. [SWAJ]
Located in the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds, Brentaal sits at the strategic intersection of the Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian Way. Brentaal is a dry planet whose eight continents are separated by small salty oceans. Most available land on the wealthy world is covered with starports, industrial facilities, and thriving trade markets. The planet once endured high levels of pollution, though this has been largely alleviated in recent years. Life on Brentaal revolves around commerce, and the planet is efficiently run by the Brentaal Houses-- noble families who control various guilds and aspects of commerce and trade. Representatives from the Houses meet daily in the capital city's Trade Hall to plan economic policy. Most of Brentaal's 65 billion citizens are involved in some manner with the trade and shipping business, and many megacorporations are based on the planet. The Houses are overseen by the wealthy Imperial Governor Jerrod Maclain. For thousands of years Brentaal was the major rendezvous point for those heading to and returning from the Colonies region, and its markets were naturally the first to receive exotic goods from these expeditions. Over 6000 years ago, during the Old Republic's early Manderon Period, a set of antique pistols later owned by the jatz musician Fitz Roi were created on Brentaal. 3000 years ago, the legendary pioneer woman Freia Kallea helped explore Brentaal space and single-handedly blazed the Hydian Way. The smuggler Platt Okeefe, a native of Brentaal, spent a great deal of time in the Brentaal spaceport as a child. [SWAJ]
A blue planet, Briggia was the former location of an Alliance base. It was the first target of the Empire's Operation Strike Fear, prior to the Battle of Yavin, and was immediately evacuated by Alliance personnel. [FP]
Located in the remote Tion Hegemony, Brigia is a backwater planet inhabited by tall, purple-skinned humanoids. All ships landing on Brigia must undergo phase-one decontamination procedures. The Brigian government, the New Regime, has established a planet-wide monetary system and made it illegal for citizens to hold off-world currency. It also made a large purchase of secondhand military equipment, including an outdated Marauder-class pocket-cruiser. The University of Rudrig agreed to help establish a college on Brigia despite opposition from the New Regime and its Inner Council. University representatives hired Han Solo to deliver the necessary teaching supplies, and the Brigian government attempted to intervene. [HSLL]
One of the Trianii colony worlds within the disputed border of the Corporate Sector. The Trianii Rangers Atuarre and Keeheen stopped a group of thionarx dealers on Brochiib. [CSSB]
Broest system
Located in the Core Worlds, the Broest system contains one of the eighteen farming planets administered by the Salliche Ag Corporation. After the Battle of Endor, workers in the Yulant, Ruan, and Broest systems revolted against the Imperially-controlled Salliche Ag by burning fields and destroying hydroponics facilities. [SWAJ]
Bruanii sector
The Bruanii sector, near the Tungra and Javin sectors, was home to a Mugaari space depot. The Calamari cruiser Lulsla, stationed at this depot, was the launch point for Alliance strikes into the Javin sector on Imperial space platform D-34, following the Battle of Hoth. The Lulsla was completely destroyed by the Empire in a retaliatory strike. [TSC]
The famous chef Porcellus once worked for the Imperial official Yndis Mylore, governor of Bryexx and Moff of the Varvenna sector. During his tenure Porcellus served meals for the Emperor himself, but he was made a slave to Jabba the Hutt approximately one year prior to the Battle of Yavin. [TFJP]
The planet Bryx, led by Governor Carigan, was conquered by the Empire in the days before the rise of the Rebel Alliance. Carigan defended his world with hundreds of ground-based guns and submersible fighter carriers, and Imperial forces triumphed only after a long and bloody battle in which thousands of troops were killed. Carigan's effective planetary defensive tactics have since been termed the "Carigan Defense." [SWAJ]
Byblos, in the Colonies region, is an urban world with an extremely massive population. Most of the planet's 164 billion inhabitants live in hundreds of huge city towers, architectural wonders which can run up to 5000 levels tall. The base of the towers are industrial levels, and most structures flare out as they rise, creating a hollow interior capped by a clear transparisteel dome which acts as a central lighting well. Each tower has a specific purpose-- there are corporate, residential, starport, and Imperial garrison towers. One tower is completely taken up by the prestigious University of Byblos, and tubeways connect the various towers to one another. Byblos is a major manufacturing center for high technology and military equipment, though the planet must import most foodstuffs. The world is ruled by an Imperial governor. [SWAJ]
Byss, the homeworld of the one-eyed Abyssin, travels in an unusual figure-eight orbit between the binary stars of Byss and Abyss. Byss is a hot, arid planet, and temperatures reach their highest when the planet is orbiting directly between both stars, a time known as "the Burning." Most plant life on Byss utilize extensive taproots to extract underground water, while animals rely on scattered oases and their own water- storing capabilities. The nomadic, violent Abyssin lead primitive lives, engaging in tribal wars and tending to their flocks of cowlike gaunts. Byss is largely ignored in galactic trade, its one substantial export being the Abyssin themselves as slaves. [GG4]
Formerly located in the heart of the Deep Galactic Core, the now-destroyed planet Byss was Emperor Palpatine's private world and the center of his reborn Empire six years after the Battle of Endor. The secret planet was accessible only through certain encoded routes, due to the near-impossibility of navigating through the dense mass of stars found in the Deep Core. Byss and its five moons were in a binary system and orbited both a blue star and blue dwarf star. Tectonically stable, with almost no axial tilt, it was an extremely pleasant world of plateaus and canyons seldom bothered by storms, earthquakes, or other violent phenomena. Microscopic life in the many lakes and rivers was nourished by the blue-green sunlight. The planet's flora was dominated by lichens and ferns, while its fauna was primarily nocturnal and mostly harmless. While Byss had no native intelligent species, the planet contained several ruins dating from before the Expansion Era. Years ago, Emperor Palpatine chose the world as his private retreat, and Imperial architects and engineers were commissioned to build him an opulent palace. Several million humans per month, lured by the rumors of a paradise planet, were allowed to emigrate to Byss-- where the Emperor and his Dark Side Adepts began feeding off their life energies. The planet's population reached almost 20 billion, and all outgoing communications were censored by security agents. Byss was well-guarded against attack with powerful planetary shields, hunter-killer probots, and the Imperial Hyperspace Security Net, and contained orbital drydocks for the massive World Devastators and the more recent Galaxy Gun. The Imperial control sector covered most of one continent, and Palpatine's kilometers-high Imperial Citadel could be found at its center. The vast Citadel contained gardens, museums, the Emperor's Clone Labs, barracks for Imperial troopers, and a fully-equipped dungeon; it was guarded by advanced turbolasers and dangerous monsters called "Chrysalides" or Chrysalis Beasts. Certain freight haulers were specially licensed to ship to the protected Deep Core, where they delivered their cargoes to the heavily-defended Imperial Freight Complex. The Freight Complex, on the outskirts of the Emperor's ruling city, was three kilometers wide, nearly 168 kilometers high, and was tethered to an orbital satellite for added stability. It contained a popular spacers' hangout known as the Byss Bistro. Following the Battle of Endor, Grand Vizier Sate Pestage was impeached and stripped of authority by those who feared he might claim the title of Emperor for himself. Pestage retreated to Byss, where he prepared for Palpatine's expected return. The Emperor did indeed manage to survive his "death" at Endor, and his spirit returned to Byss to inhabit a new clone body. Weakened by the difficult journey, Palpatine convalesced on Byss for years before finally taking his revenge against the New Republic six years after the Battle of Endor. During this period, Luke Skywalker attempted to learn the secrets of the Dark Side as the Emperor's apprentice after a Mandalorian prison ship delivered him to Byss. Later that year, Lando Calrissian and Wedge Antilles led an unsucc essful attack on the Imperial Citadel using a cargo of hijacked Viper Automadon battle droids. Soon after, in a battle near Onderon, Han Solo and a team of commandos hijacked the Emperor's flagship Eclipse II and brought it through hyperspace to Byss. R2-D2 steered the Eclipse II on a collision course with the Galaxy Gun, which accidentally fired a planet-destroying missile into Byss' core, utterly destroying the Emperor's throneworld. [DE, DE2, DESB, EE] Located in the Expansion Region, the Boeus sector was formerly Imperial territory under the command of Imperial Governor Darvon Jewett. Jewett made overtures to the New Republic after Imperial forces withdrew from his sector soon after the Battle of Endor, and managed to keep trade and communications flowing throughout his region. [SWAJ]