Planet - C (pt. 2)


Source List & Abbreviations

Centerpoint Station
An enormous grey-white space station in the Corellian system, located at the balance point between the twin worlds of Talus and Tralus. Centerpoint presumably draws its power from the gravitational interflux between the Double Worlds. The ancient station, built before the invention of artificial grav, spins on its axis to provide centrifugal gravity. It is composed of a central sphere one hundred kilometers in diameter, with long, thick cylinders jutting from either side of the globe. The ends of the cylinders are referred to as the North and South Poles. The entire station is approximately three hundred fifty kilometers in length, even larger than the infamous Death Star. Centerpoint's simulated gravity becomes stronger the farther "down" one travels in the sphere, away from the axis of rotation. Several studies have been made on shifting the station over to artificial grav, but they have been abandoned due to expense and unknown side- effects. Centerpoint is completely covered with a bewildering array of piping, cables, antennae, cone structures and access ports; it would take several lifetimes to explore the vast and complex interior and exterior of the station. Hollowtown is the name given to the open sphere in the exact center of the station, which measures sixty kilometers in diameter. The walls of Hollowtown have long been colonized with homes, parks, lakes, orchards, and farmland, which received heat and light from the Glowpoint-- an artificial sun suspended in the exact center of the sphere. To simulate night, farmers installed adjustable shadow-shields, which appeared as bright patches of gold or silver from above. On both sides of the Hollowtown sphere, positioned along the spin axis, is a large cone ringed by six smaller cones; the sets are called the North and South Conical Mountains. Surrounding Hollowtown, and making up the remainder of the central sphere, are two thousand levels of decks and "shells" (decks which measure twenty meters high or more), with Shell One lying closest to Hollowtown. Centerpoint is believed to be a hyperspace repulsor, used in ancient times to transport the five Corellian planets into their current orbits from an unknown location. At some point the station was colonized, and Hollowtown-- which is actually a power-containment battery for the massive energy of firing a tractor- repulsor hyperspace burst-- became inhabited. Centerpoint remained stable for thousands of years, until the Saccorian Triad discovered that the station could destroy stars with a precise hyperspace shot from its South Pole. Two stars were targeted and destroyed, each accompanied by intense flareups in the Glowpoint. The small sun increased in heat so rapidly that Hollowtown and most of its inhabitants were completely incinerated during the first such incident. The Fed-Dub government immediately evacuated the remaining Centerpoint inhabitants to the Double Worlds, leaving Chief Operations Officer Jenica Sonsen in charge of the station. When word spread of the Hollowtown disaster it sparked several rebellions on Talus and Tralus. A group of starfighters representing one of the rebellions claimed the nearly-abandoned station for themselves, until chased off by a Bakuran cruiser. The massive interdiction and jamming fields, thrown over the entire Corellian system, were also generated from Centerpoint and activated by the Triad. The Triad's fleet was later defeated by New Republic and Bakuran forces, and the planned destruction of Bovo Yagen was averted at the last instant when a shot from the repulsor on Drall d isrupted Centerpoint's firing process. [AAC, AAS, SAC]
Chad (also called Chadra), a watery world orbiting the blue-white star of the same name, is the fourth planet in its system and the homeworld of the sociable, rodent-like Chadra-Fan. Chad's nine moons create a pulsing system of tides, and clans of Chadra-Fan inhabit the bayous among the red gum-tree forests and cyperill trees. The Chadra-Fan do not bother to construct permanent structures due to the unpredictability of destructive hurricanes-- in fact, a "death wave" wiped out much of their civilization just ten years ago. Most Chadra-Fan machinery is powered by methane, and most technology is primitive by galactic standards. Despite this, many Chadra-Fan items are valued as exports due to the care and craftsmanship that went into their design. [GG4, TFTC]
Chad III
An ocean world with several moons. Life in Chad III's deep oceans include the long-necked cetaceans called tsaelkes, hunters called wystohs, phosphorescent tubular eels, and the fish-lizards called cy'een. The Jedi knight Callista was originally from Chad III, and worked a deep-water ranch on an ark with her family, where they herded the semi-sentient wander-kelp. The ark followed the herds along Chad III's Algic Current, which runs between Chad's equator and its Arctic Circle. Callista was later called away to Bespin by the Jedi master Djinn Altis. [COTJ, DS]
(see Chad)
The second planet in the Garos system. [SWAJ]
A rocky, volcanic world with a semi-breathable atmosphere, Chalcedon is a key hub in the galactic slave trade. The planet features dry, violent storms, frequent earthquakes and no indigenous lifeforms, though two colonies and a way station have been established on its surface. Many buildings and other items in the cities are constructed from dark volcanic glass. Traders and peasants inhabit the bazaars, while the bureaucrats (boneless, trunked aliens) live in the cities and control the slave trade. [TCS]
Located in the Mid-Rim, Chamble is home to the corporate offices for Bansche Tech, a major manufacturer of black-market assassin droid components. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Imperial officials nationalized Bansche Tech along with several other droid corporations, and set up garrisons around Chamble's manufacturing plants. [SWAJ]
Chandrila is located in the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds, along the Perlemian Trade Route. The agricultural planet's two main continents are covered with rolling, grassy plains. The inhabitants of Chandrila have a remarkably low birth rate, keeping the world's population of 1.2 billion in check, and tend to live in scattered, small communities instead of large metropolises. All citizens have a direct voice in government, and are known for vociferously arguing politics among each other. The planet is ruled by the democratic Chandrilan House, which is overseen by Imperial Governor Gerald Weizel. Weizel, a rather aloof leader appointed as a replacement for Grandon Holleck, rules from the Imperial base on the outskirts of Hanna, Chandrila's capital. Sights on the planet include the attractive Gladean State Parks, a wild game reserve near Hanna, Brionelle Memorial Military Academy, and a dacha owned by Alliance founder Mon Mothma on the shores of Lake Sah'Ot. The Chandrilans also keep elaborate gardens and many other symbols of natural beauty. Chandrila is famous as the homeworld of Mon Mothma, whose father was an arbiter-general of the Old Republic and mother a governor of Chandrila. Canna Omonda was named Chandrila's representative to the Imperial Senate after Mon Mothma's resignation from that office. When Senator Omonda criticized the Emperor for disbanding the Senate, Palpatine charged Omonda with treason and sent three Star Destroyers to Chandrila to seize her; her public execution was scheduled during Coruscant's Fete Week. Later, the Empire placed stiff agricultural tariffs on the Bormea sector which were clearly designed to hurt Chandrila, one of the largest agricultural exporters in the Core Worlds. Six months after the Battle of Endor, the Empire deployed seven Star Destroyers to Chandrila where they enforced a strict blockade of the planet. The reasons for this are unknown, but it is believed that Grand Vizier Sate Pestage may have implemented a plan to hold Chandrila hostage in case New Republic forces were able to threaten Coruscant. During the Emperor's reappearance six years after the Battle of Endor, Alliance historian Arhul Hextrophon traveled to Chandrila to recuperate from injuries received on Caprioril. Dev Sibwarra (the Ssi-ruuk's human liaison) was originally from Chandrila, though his family fled to G'rho during the Jedi purge. The Imperial stormtrooper Triv Pothman also lived on the planet, until his reassignment to Pzob to await the Eye of Palpatine. [TAB, SWS, COTJ, DESB, SWAJ]
n Shipyards An Alliance space facility composed of pressurized spheres, where workers could build space vehicles in a zero-g environment. The shipyards produced a wide variety of Alliance starfighters, from the Y-wing to the E-wing, until they were devastated by Colonel Cronus and his fleet of Victory-class Star Destroyers eight years after the Battle of Endor. [DS]
Site of the University of Charmath. Alliance historian Arhul Hextrophon searched through old, classified data files at the University in order to find the hidden location of Yoda. [SWS]
A technological world in the Hapes cluster, Charubah manufactures the Hapan Gun of Command. Those shot with the gun's electromagnetic wave field lose the ability to make rational decisions, and tend to follow any orders given them. [COPL]
Located in the Chazwa system and the Orus sector, Chazwa orbits a tiny white dwarf sun. Its central transshipment location means that heavy freight traffic is a common sight in the system. The smugglers Talon Karrde and Samuel Tomas Gillespee battled two Imperial Lancers at Chazwa, and later it was used as a rendezvous for Karrde, Par'tah, and Clyngunn the Ze'Hethbra to discuss actions against Grand Admiral Thrawn. [TLC]
Chokan system
Han Solo and Prince Isolder both worked as smugglers in the Chokan system years ago. Isolder continued to work there despite the rise of the Empire and a deadly plague in the area because he was seeing a woman in the system. [COPL]
Chorax system
Located in the Rachuk sector with the Hensara and Rachuk systems, the Chorax system contains a medium-sized star and a single planet, Chorax. The system is a hotbed for smuggling and piracy. Some three years after the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron was skirting the Chorax system on a hyperspace jump to the Morobe system when they were accidentally yanked from hyperspace by the Interdictor cruiser Black Asp. The Rogues rescued the cruiser's true target, the smuggling ship Pulsar Skate, and forced the Black Asp to flee the system. [XWRS]
The site of one battle during a multi-pronged attack by Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Star Destroyer Nemesis participated in this battle, which was actually a diversion to draw attention away from Thrawn's true target of Ukio. [TLC]
The planet Churba, located in the Mid-Rim in the sector of the same name, is home to the corporate offices for Sencil Corp, a major manufacturer of black-market assassin droid components. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Imperial officials nationalized Sencil Corp along with several other droid corporations, giving them control of the Mid-Rim droid market. Churba is also the homeworld of Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor. [XWRS, SWAJ]
Churba sector
The Churba sector, located in the Mid-Rim, contains the planets Churba and New Cov. Four Bothan ships once attacked a Victory-class Star Destroyer in the Churba sector, and kept it occupied until an Alliance Star Cruiser could assist them. [DFR, XWRS, SWAJ]
Cificap VIII
Following the Battle of Yavin, several Imperial freighters filled with Habassan prisoners were scheduled to rendezvous with the frigate Mayhem near Cificap VIII. The Habassans were rescued by an Alliance strike force. [FP]

Planet - C (pt.3)Planet - C (pt.4)Planet - C (pt.5)