Planets - C (pt.4)

Corellian system
The Corellian system, located in the Corellian sector, contains five inhabited worlds-- Corellia, Selonia, Drall, Talus, and Tralus-- collectively referred to as the Five Brothers. The five worlds have such close orbits that some theorists believe the entire system was created by unknown entities long ago. Recently, powerful repulsors have been discovered beneath the surface of each planet that seem to indicate they were moved into their current orbits from some unknown location. Centerpoint Station, located directly between the Double Worlds of Talus and Tralus, is the ancient device that theoretically was used to transport the five planets through hyperspace. The system is inhabited primarily by humans, Selonians, and Drall (though the latter two species are rarely seen outside the system), and is policed by both the Corellian Defense Force and the Corellian Security Force, or CorSec. Pilots from the Corellian system are known throughout the galaxy for their superb skills, and the system is also notorious for its smugglers and pirates. The human-run Corellian Engineering Corporation's shipyards are famous throughout the galaxy for their long, distinguished manufacture of a vast variety of starships. Due to the strategic importance of these stardocks, the Empire kept the system heavily defended after the Battle of Endor. Some disreputable Corellian spaceports are known to construct unreliable, patched-together ships commonly called "Uglies." The system also contains a large space station called Gus Treta. It was in the Corellian system that Mon Mothma convinced three major resistance groups to join forces, which marked the beginning of the Rebel Alliance. A famous Corellian work of literature is The Fall of the Sun by Erwithat, and a respected honor is the red trouser piping known as the Corellian Bloodstripe. Corellians are known to hold the importance of family in high esteem. Other Corellian traditions include ryshcate, a dark brown sweetcake made with vweliu nuts, which is traditionally baked and served at important celebrations, and Jedi Credits or JedCreds, was were commemorative medallions made when a Corellian Jedi became a Master. The language known as Old Corellian, though it has been essentially extinct for 4000 years, still survives among smugglers and pirates. Notable Corellians include Han Solo, General Crix Madine, General Garm Bel Iblis, and Wedge Antilles. [SW, MTS, COTJ, HSLL, DFR, AAC, AAS, SAC, FP, XWRS, SWAJ]
Corellian Trade Spine
(see Trade Spine)
After resupplying on Wistril, the Star Destroyer Chimaera was planning to join the Stormhawk and ambush a New Republic convoy near Corfai. [DFR]
During the New Republic's retreat from Coruscant six years after the Battle of Endor, Taryn Clancy of the Core Courier Service was enlisted to deliver a rendezvous location to one of the New Republic battle fleets. After escaping Coruscant, Clancy changed course at Coriallis before proceeding to her destination. Sergeant Zeck Tambell, an Imperial investigator on the planet Stassia, was a native of Coriallis. [SWAJ]
The planet Corlass has a long tradition of piracy, dating back to the earliest days of primitive sailing ships on the planet's seas. Points of interest on the world include Quori City, which was built in a complex maze-like pattern. Tron Nixx, a navigator in Drek Drednar's pirate crew, grew up on Corlass. [SWAJ]
Corporate Sector
Consisting of tens of thousands of star systems, the Corporate Sector is a free-enterprise fief located on the edge of the galaxy, and bordered by the Aparo and Wyl sectors. The Corporate Sector is as wealthy and influential as the richest sectors in Imperial space, and the skylines of its many urban worlds are lit by the multicolored flashes of countless advertising signs. It offers the widest selection of products anywhere, and tourists come from all over the galaxy to purchase its unique goods. The entire sector is run by a single corporation, known as the Corporate Sector Authority (CSA). The CSA is composed of dozens of contributing companies (over 1000 companies are currently on the waiting list to join) and is run by the 55 members of the Direx Board, who are in turn headed by the ExO. The CSA has exclusive rights to use the sector's resouces as they see fit-- typically they use up a planet and move on to another one, and are not above using slave labor or grossly polluting the environment. Since it has no internal competition, the CSA can mark up the prices of their goods to many times their actual worth, and businesses in the sector do not accept any currency except Authority Cash Vouchers and crystalline vertexes. A portion of the CSA's enormous profits were secretly funneled to Emperor Palpatine, with the understanding that the Empire would take no direct role in the operation of the sector. Therefore, the protective CSA has formed its own military forces, including Security Police (or "Espos") and a comparatively poor and outdated starfleet. Planets in the Corporate Sector, in addition to its sterile, climate-controlled capitol worlds, include Ammuud, Bonadan, Roonadan, Etti IV, Kalla, Kail, Orron III, Duroon, Mytus VII, Gaurick, Rampa, Mall'ordian, Reltooine, Knolstee, Mayro, and the Trianii colony worlds of Fibuli, Ekibo, Pypin, and Brochiib. The feline Trianii have been actively opposing the Corporate Sector's annexation of their worlds, and much of the fighting occurred in the Tingel Arm. An armistice in this conflict has recently been called after three years of fighting. Originally established several hundred years ago by the Old Republic, the Corporate Sector was once a group of several hundred systems all devoid of intelligent life. The corporations allowed to operate in the sector could purchase entire regions of space, but were held in check by the watchful eye of the Republic. During the Emperor's rise to power, however, several corporate allies of Palpatine convinced him to expand the sector to encompass nearly 30,000 stars. Eleven native intelligent species were discovered in this expanded region, though this fact has been effectively covered up. The CSA was soon established to manage all aspects of the sector's operations, and thus the "modern" era of the Corporate Sector began. Han Solo and Chewbacca had several legendary exploits in the Corporate Sector during their early adventuring, including a jailbreak from the infamous Stars' End. Following the Battle of Hoth, the Corporate Sector company Galactic Electronics developed a new "mag pulse" weapons technology and sold it to the Rebel Alliance. In retaliation, the Imperial Star Destroyer Glory traveled to the sector and seized the corporation's deep-space research facility. Emperor Palpatine once had plans to build a great palace for himself in the sector, and construction continued even after Palpatine's supposed death at the Battle of Endor. Six years later, during the Emperor's reappearance, the Corporate Sector declared its neutrality in the conflict and began supplying weapons and arms to both sides. [HSSE, HSR, DESB, CSSB, TSC, SWAJ]
Located in the Greater Plooriod Cluster, Corsin was a beautiful world known for its love of life until it was forcibly subjugated by Imperial troops. Alliance historian Voren Na'al witnessed the start of the military occupation while covering the prestigious swoop races on Corsin. [MTS]
A forested planet on which Han Solo spent some time as part of his Alliance duties. [TLC]
Corulag and its several moons are located In the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds, along the Perlemian Trade Route. A rather unremarkable planet, Corulag is totally devoted to Emperor Palpatine and the principles of his New Order, and is viewed as a "model" world of proper Imperial behavior. Its fifteen billion citizens enjoy the many benefits of a productive and prosperous economy, and the planet is home to several large corporations. Corulag's capital city is Curamelle and its government is run by an elected House of Citizens, which is presided over by Imperial Governor Zafiel Snopps. Curamelle boasts the Corulag Academy, a branch of the Empire-wide military school that is only slightly less prestigious than the famous Raithal Academy. An Imperial Navy base and training facility are located on Corulag's largest moon. Meysen Kayson, wealthy owner of the Greel Wood Logging Corporation in the Pii system, was born on Corulag. [SWAJ]