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Corellian spaceports are known to construct unreliable, patched-together ships commonly called "Uglies." The system also contains a large space station called Gus Treta. It was in the Corellian system that Mon Mothma convinced three major resistance groups to join forces, which marked the beginning of the Rebel Alliance. A famous Corellian work of literature is The Fall of the Sun by Erwithat, and a respected honor is the red trouser piping known as the Corellian Bloodstripe. Corellians are known to hold the importance of family in high esteem. Other Corellian traditions include ryshcate, a dark brown sweetcake made with vweliu nuts, which is traditionally baked and served at important celebrations, and Jedi Credits or JedCreds, was were commemorative medallions made when a Corellian Jedi became a Master. The language known as Old Corellian, though it has been essentially extinct for 4000 years, still survives among smugglers and pirates. Notable Corellians include Han Solo, General Crix Madine, General Garm Bel Iblis, and Wedge Antilles. [SW, MTS, COTJ, HSLL, DFR, AAC, AAS, SAC, FP, XWRS, SWAJ]

Corellian Trade Spine
(see Trade Spine)

Planets C (pt.6)