Planet - D (pt.2)


Source List & Abbreviations

Dawferm Selfhood States
A group of worlds that formed their own protective federation during the turmoil and constant warfare in the six years following the Battle of Endor. [DESB]
Dela system
Lando Calrissian's destination before visiting the Oseon was the Dela system, but he decided against it due to the tricky landing required on a mountaintop spaceport. [LCMH]
Delari Prime
Located in the Delari system of the Corva sector of the Outer Rim, Delari Prime is the first planet orbiting its binary star. Millennia ago, the world was teeming with life, until a wayward asteroid knocked its orbit closer to the heat of the twin suns. Catastrophic climate changes caused the planet's seas to burn up, and massive erosion formed kilometer-deep chasms that now crisscross the orange-rust surface. The world has a mere 10-hour rotation cycle, is buffeted by intense windstorms, and can only support vegetation at its poles. The Empire set up a hidden communications base on Delari Prime, but abandoned it after the Battle of Endor. [SWAJ]
Delassin Six
After leaving his homeworld, the young Vodran Xenon Nnaksta worked as a longshoreman on Delassin Six, tending to the primitive sailing ships plying the Diniz and Zehr seas. Nnaksta later became an operator of the Greel Wood Logging Corporation in the Pii system. [SWAJ]
A sister world of the planet Alderaan, Delaya is located in the Alderaan system. The low-grade, blue quella gem was found only on Alderaan and Delaya; since Alderaan's destruction, Delaya is the only source. Alliance general Carlist Rieekan was inspecting a satellite transmission station in orbit around Delaya when the Death Star appeared in the system and subsequently destroyed Alderaan. [MTS, SWAJ]
The gas giant Yavin has been compared to a ball of multicolored yarn woven by the primitive northern tribes of ancient Delderaan. [GG2]
Delfii system
Just prior to the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance held a deep-space military summit in the Delfii system to plan their assault on the second Death Star. [TSC]
Dellalt, located in the system of the same name in the Outer Rim, orbits a blue-white star in the remote Tion Hegemony. A watery world with two moons and a higher gravity and shorter day and year than standard, Dellalt held a strategic location in pre-Republic days, but it is now a poor, fringe planet isolated even from the rest of the Tion. Thousands of years ago, the ancient tyrant Xim the Despot built an opulent city and immense treasure vaults on Dellalt. These vaults and the planet's single city are located near a cold lake on the southernmost of Dellalt's three continents. This city was once an impressive metropolis designed by Xim's engineers but it has since fallen into poverty and ruin. The outermost of the apparently empty vaults house the Dellaltian Bank and Currency Exchange (the local currency unit is the driit) and the Landmark Preservation Office, while the actual treasure vaults lie below these empty decoys. The vaults are studded with anti-weapon defenses and hold a now-worthless cache of kiirium and mytag crystals. The intelligent sauropteroids of Dellalt, the Swimming People, run a ferry business at the lakeside docks, towing passengers across on rafts. Deep within the mountains is a colony of a hundred people calling themselves the Survivors-- apparently stranded on Dellalt in pre-Republic times, their culture survived for tens of thousands of years in isolation. The Survivors still hope to be rescued, and their religion involves watching over Xim's remaining war robots and making human sacrifices to increase the strength of their rescue beacon. All Survivors are hypno- imprinted at childhood, and Survivor infiltrators can be found working in Dellalt's main city. Dellalt's flora includes dendroid vines and soft blue moss, while its fauna includes dog-like animals with prehensile tails, eight legged dray beasts, and lake crustaceans. During one of Han Solo's early adventures, Xim's robots were activated by the Survivors and wiped out a contract-labor mining camp before their destruction. Two years later, three of Xim's war droids were featured in a New Year Fete Week parade on Coruscant as part of the Tion Hegemony's display. Just prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Imperials were using Dellalt as a staging point for supplies and equipment. [HSLL, FP, SWAJ]
Delle II
Hemmel crops are grown on Delle II. [SWAJ]
A prison planet used for the incarceration of dangerous criminals. The infamous Dr. Evazan was held on Delrian until he escaped to the Hindasar system. [MTS]
The Imperial Fourth Attack Squadron was soundly defeated by the Alliance at the Battle of Denab. The Squadron was primarily composed of Victory-class Star Destroyers, and it is their relatively slow sublight speed that is regarded as the key reason for their defeat. [SWS]
Denarii Nova
A rare double star located on the fringes of the unmapped heart of the galaxy. The smaller star in the pair periodically fed on plumes of flaming gas drawn from its larger partner. This star system was destroyed 5000 years ago by the Sith magician Naga Sadow in order to escape from a group of pursuing Republic gunships. Nineteen years after the Battle of Endor, the Second Imperium's Shadow Academy moved to a hiding place near the Denarii Nova after escaping from the Coruscant system. [DLOS, YJK]
A red planet in the system of the same name, Deneba was the site of a meeting of thousands of Jedi knights and masters within Mount Meru 4000 years ago. The land surrounding the cavernous Mount Meru and the nearby Meru Spaceport is covered with tall, flowing grasses. During this meeting, the Jedi (who had taken on the responsibilities of guarding the Core systems) discussed the problem of the Krath takeover of the Tetan system and the failed Jedi/Republic mission to save Koros Major. Ulic Qel-Droma announced his intentions to join the Krath in order to learn their secrets. A subsequent war droid attack, planned by the Krath, resulted in the death of Jedi Master Arca. Millennia later, the smuggler Lo Khan stopped in the Deneba system to refuel while making the Gamor Run. When he was saved from an Imperial attack by the Yaka Luwingo, Khan hired the alien as his bodyguard. [DE, DLOS, DESB]
A planet captured by the New Republic approximately four years after the Battle of Endor. The Victory Star Destroyer Tempest managed to escape Denlathia carrying components for an anti-orbital ion cannon, which were brought to the city of Zila on Garos IV. [SWAJ]
The location of a secret Santhe/Sienar Technologies laboratory. Santhe/Sienar was rumored to have developed a prototype cloaking device at this facility. [SWAJ]
A planet in the Mid-Rim. Dentaal was formerly ruled by Imperial Governor Taliff, who disbanded the Dentaalian House when he came to power. The House members, meeting in secret, declared nine months later that their planet would no longer recognize Imperial rule. Members of the Dentaal Independence Party (DIP) forcibly ousted Taliff and disarmed the planet's Imperial garrisons, while DIP leader Hancc Rellow announced Dentaal's status as a free world. In retaliation, Imperial storm commandos under the command of Crix Madine came to Dentaal and planted the seeds of the Candorian plague-- a deadly virus for which there is no cure. Madine was torn with guilt over his role and, during wilderness training exercises with his commandos, disappeared into a series of cave s. Believed killed, he made his way back to a temporary Imperial base, stole a shuttle, and eventually defected to the Alliance. The Candorian plague finally broke out in Calif City and spread over the entire Kindelian continent, killing over 10 billion people and eventually wiping out every single inhabitant of the planet. The Empire erected a blockade of the entire system, and blamed the outbreak on the accidental release of a biowar virus designed by the Rebels. [DS, SWAJ]
Derra IV
An Alliance transport convoy tried to bring badly-needed supplies from Derra IV to the new Rebel base on Hoth. The convoy and its fighter escort, including Commander Narra, were completely destroyed by TIE fighters soon after they left the planet. General Evir Derricote, later the commander of the Imperial base on Borleias, was at Derra IV and helped destroy the Rebel convoy. [ESBR, XWRS]
Despayre, a prison planet located in the Horuz system in the distant Outer Rim, was the construction site for the first Death Star. The almost unknown status of the world helped guarantee the security of the orbital construction yards assembled to build the battle station. Despayre was green jungle planet broken by rivers and shallow seas, and home to countless predators including carnivorous crustaceans, poisonous flora, and deadly insects. The planet's penal colony was the only outpost in the system, and many prisoners were used to help construct the Death Star. When the battle station was completed, it tested its superlaser on Despayre and utterly destroyed the planet. [MTS, DSTC, DS]
Devaron, homeworld of the horned Devaronians (or Devish), is a temperate, sparsely-populated world covered by low mountain ranges, deep valleys, shallow lakes, and thousands of navigable rivers. The planet has little political importance but is located near the influential Core Worlds. Devaronian females live in the mountains and raise their families in Devaron's villages and industrial centers. The females control the planet's democratic government and all aspects of production and manufacturing. Devaronian males, however, prefer to aimlessly wander, and either spend their lives exploring Devaron's rivers or leave the planet altogether. Male Devish have much sharper teeth than females, and about 2% of males are born with two sets of teeth-- one for shredding flesh and one for grinding other foods. Devaron produces enough goods to support its inhabitants but does not have any useful exports. During an outbreak of Rebellion on Devaron, the Devaronian Army was placed under Imperial command. Captain Kardue'sai'Malloc (later known as Labria) oversaw the shelling of the ancient city of Montellian Serat and the massacre of 700 Rebel prisoners that followed. [GG4, TFTC]
Located in the Anoat system, Deyer is a colony world composed of floating raft cities, terraformed lakes, and abundant fish and crustacean life. The colonists on Deyer had created a peaceful, democratic political system until they spoke out against the destruction of Alderaan, paving the way for a brutal military takeover of Deyer by Imperial troops. Kyp Durron and his family were originally from Deyer. [JS, DA]
Deysum III
Located within the Trax sector along the Trax Tube trade route. Deysum III is the headquarters for Vo Lantes, the owner of a used-droid chain and a secret Alliance operative. [SWAJ]

Planet - D (pt. 3)