Dilonexa XXIII
Located in the Dilonexa system, Dilonexa XXIII orbits a giant blue-white star along with 39 other planets. Dilonexa XXIII is the only world capable of supporting life, as the inner 22 are far too hot and the outer 17 too cold. The planet is nearly 25,000 kilometers in diameter, but its lack of heavy metals gives it a tolerable gravity. Dilonexa XXIII is entirely given over to agriculture. Its farms stretch across the entire surface of the planet, providing foodstuffs, plastics, fuels, and grain for the herds of native bovine. Weather- controlling satellites in orbit help keep the city-sized tornadoes in check with energy weaponry. All heavy metals must be imported to the planet, and the Dinonexican colonists (wealthy, successful farmers) have developed an allergic reaction to foods containing too many trace metals. Lando Calrissian made a run to Dilonexa XXIII, trying to unload a useless (on Dilonexa) cargo of fishing poles, leather hides, and wintenberry jelly. [LCFW]
One of the two primary worlds of the Sepan system, with the planet Ripoblus. The long war between Dimok and Ripoblus was forcibly ended by the intervention of Imperial forces after the Battle of Hoth, though the two worlds briefly (and unsuccessfully) tried to unite against the Empire as their common foe. [TSC]
Dles IV
The Trandoshan criminal Nakaron, after killing an undercover Alliance agent, was captured and scheduled to be incarcerated in the Republic detention facility on Dles IV. Nakaron, however, hijacked the shuttle and took its crew hostage. [SWAJ]
Dohu VII
The seventh of eight planets in the Dohu system. The three-armed, living-rock aliens called Silika can be found on the planet. The smuggler Dannen Lifehold traveled to Dohu VII to pick up a shipment in the city of Skagras, where he first met his Tinnell companion Purr. [SWAJ]
Doldur sector
The Doldur sector contains the Doldur system, the Monor system, the Dragonflower Nebula, and the hidden outpost of Silver Station. [SWAJ]
Doldur, located in the sector and system of the same name, is an Imperially-controlled world and site of the Doldur Spaceport. The planet is also the personal territory of Imperial Moff Eisen Kerioth. Kerioth, who had been sponsoring research into anti-blaster energy shields on Doldur, tried to steal the prototype shield developed by I'att Armament on Druckenwell so he could claim it as his own. [SWAJ]
Dolomar sector
The Dolomar sector was one target in an offensive by Grand Admiral Thrawn. The New Republic put up stiff resistance in this and the Farrfin sectors, and Admiral Ackbar personally made a tour of the defenses in both these areas. [TLC]
Located in the Outer Rim, Dom-Bradden (sometimes called Bradden) is the homeworld of the alien species known as Affytechans. Affytechans, a sentient form of plant life, have high, musical voices and bodies composed of thousands of colorful petals, tendrils, and stalks. While they appear quite beautiful, the Affytechans stink of ammonia and musk. The Imperial battlemoon Eye of Palpatine stopped at Dom- Bradden to pick up a contingent of stormtroopers, but brought in a group of Affytechans instead. [COTJ]
The homeworld of the warlike, reptilian Trandoshan species. Trandoshan society is run by a strict class system, and points of interest on the planet include the Lorpfan deserts. Lanish Ran, an undercover Alliance agent, once posed as an Imperial technician in a repair facility located on Banir Avenue in the Doshan city of Forak. The bounty hunter Bossk is one infamous Trandoshan. [ESB, SWAJ]
Douglas III
The home of the animal known as the jackelope. A taxidermized specimen is displayed in the Poly Pyramid tavern on Rafa IV. [LCMH]
A high-gravity world known for its dangerous native lifeforms and its sport hunting. The inhabitants of Dra III tend to be heavier and stronger due to the planet's higher gravity. The famous hunting beasts of Dra III include the vicious six-legged nashtahs (also called Dravian Hounds) that inhabit the planet's mountains. Nashtahs, the only animals from the planet to have yet been domesticated, are also the planet's most thoroughly studied animal, since the first contact team to escape from Dra III alive managed to kill several of the beasts and return with their bodies. The powerful (though somewhat outdated) Kell Mark II blaster is one planetary export. [HSR, HSLL, CSSB]
Drackmar system
A system with multiple suns and home to the alien Drackmarians. Drackmarians are methane-breathers with blue scales, sharp talons, and snouts filled with vicious teeth. Members of this species do not sleep, and are noted for their generosity and their stubborn independence. The Drackmarians were fierce opponents of the Empire and are now very loosely aligned with the New Republic. Omogg, a wealthy warlord from the Drackmar system, lost the planet Dathomir to Han Solo in a sabacc game on Coruscant. [COPL]
Dragonflower Nebula
Located in the Doldur sector, the Dragonflower Nebula is a pink aurora containing five dark, pulsing vertices. A mining outpost was once established near the Nebula to exploit its valuable gasses, which grew to become Silver Station. [SWAJ]
One of the five inhabited worlds in the Corellian system, Drall is a pleasant, temperate planet with a lighter gravity than standard. During the summer, temperatures can reach levels high enough to cause portions of the landlocked Boiling Sea to actually boil, until it is cooled by winter precipitation. The planet is the homeworld of the short, furred aliens also known as Drall. The tidy, sensible Drall formerly hibernated during Drall's winter season, though most have abandoned the practice today. The species is known for its cautious nature, its honesty, and its meticulous skill at record-keeping. The planetary unit of currency is the Drallish crown. Other life on the planet includes the nannarium flower and many varied species of Drallish aviars. A vast, subterranean planetary repulsor is located near Drall's equator-- presumably used in ancient times to move the planet into its current orbit from an unknown location. One of the workers in the contract-labor mining camp on Dellalt was a Drall. During his tenure with the Corellian Security Force, Rogue Squadron pilot Corran Horn planted a false report implying that he had murdered six smugglers on Drall. The report was created so Horn and his supervisor could stage a public falling-out and remove suspicions of their working together to flee the Empire, but an Imperial death warrant was issued on Horn for the imaginary crime. During the starbuster crisis fourteen years after the Battle of Endor, Chewbacca took the Solo children and their tutor Ebrihim to Drall to stay with Ebrihim's aunt, the Duchess Marcha of Mastigophorous. The group discovered Drall's planetary repulsor, and Anakin Solo instinctively made it operational. A shot from the repulsor, fired by Anakin Solo, disabled Centerpoint Station and saved the star Bovo Yagen from destruction at the last possible instant. After the crisis, Leia Organa Solo was planning to appoint Duchess Marcha as the new Governor General of the Corellian sector. [AAC, AAS, SAC, HSLL, XWRS]
Draukyze system
A single Star Destroyer made a hit-and-fade attack on the Draukyze system several months before Grand Admiral Thrawn made a similar attack on Bpfassh. Later, New Republic support ships positioned themselves on the edge of the system to give the false impression they were planning to attack Tangrene. [HTTE, TLC]
An uninhabited world in the Hapes cluster. Prince Isolder spent time on Dreena as a child, playing in the pure oceans of the planet. [COPL]
The location of a small Rebel Alliance cell. The region of space called Keller's Void serves as a shortcut between Droecil and the Calus system. [SWAJ]
Droma sector
Following the Battle of Yavin, an Alliance A-wing was sent to the Droma sector to confirm delivery of a poisoned grain cargo to a waiting Imperial frigate. [FP]
Located in the Mid-Rim, Druckenwell is an industrialized, overpopulated urban world run by corporate guilds. Druckenwell's crowded cities are divided by wide oceans, and almost all of the planet's available land has been developed. Therefore, great care has recently been taken to reduce the risk of pollution and to protect the planet's few remaining resources. Druckenwell's 9.3 billion people are mostly workers for the planet's massive corporations who live in its congested metropolises. The strictly planned cities have specific zones for different worker classes-- blue-collar districts, business offices, industrial areas, and a few pleasant parks and gardens for the corporate elite. Druckenwell's strict population laws specify that no couples may marry until they can prove their fiscal independence. The city of Il Avali includes Happy's Landing tavern and the I'att Armament complex, where a personal shielding device to protect stormtrooper armor from blaster fire was developed. When Imperial Moff Eisen Kerioth tried to claim the energy shield as his own invention just prior to the Battle of Yavin, Tinian I'att (young heiress of the I'att Corporation) escaped with the shielding device components and fled Druckenwell with the help of Twilit Hearth's musical band. Tinian's lover Daye Azur-Jamin managed to destroy the I'att Armament complex and its Imperial invaders, but was almost killed in the effort. Druckenwell is also home to the corporate offices for SGI Systems Inc., a major producer of black-market assassin droid components. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Imperial officials nationalized SGI Systems along with several other droid corporations, giving them control of the Mid-Rim droid market. [SWAJ]
One of the two largest moons orbiting the planet Bespin. Drudonna and its larger sister moon H'gaard are known together as The Twins. The moon is only two and a half kilometers in diameter. Both are unremarkable ice satellites, and appear as large green spheres in Bespin's night sky. Shirmar Base, a staging area and processing center for Ugnaught expeditions into Velser's Ring, is located on Drudonna. [GG2]
Dufilvan sector
Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces launched a multiple attack on various targets in the Abrion and Dufilvan sectors. The planet Ukio was captured, and the New Republic base on Ord Pardron suffered heavy damage. [TLC]
Duluur sector
The location of the Duluur Sector Imperial Naval Academy. [SWAJ]
The notorious bounty hunter Beylyssa single-handedly wiped out the Alliance cell on Durgeon, after tracking the group for months. [SWAJ]
Duroon, a grey-skied world in the Corporate Sector, is the site of a major Authority installation that uses slave labor. Duroon has three moons, and its surface is dotted with lush jungles located between volcanic vents and fissures. Animal life in the jungles includes an unusual, harmless ball-like creature. The ball creatures, also called "bouncebeasts," have become popular pets on many worlds. Han Solo participated in a gun-running operation to the alien slaves on Duroon. [HSSE, CSSB]
A terrestrial planet in the Duro system, Duros (sometimes referred to as Duro) is the homeworld of the alien species also known as Duros. The Duros have been traveling space for thousands of years, and the Duro system is filled with vast, orbiting cities and many smaller depots and shipyards. The system is governed by a group of starship corporations, and political decisions are made by their stockholders. The planet Duros is primarily uninhabited, and is covered with automated farms that help feed the inhabitants of the space cities. Animal life on the planet once included a now-extinct cannibal arachnid. Han Solo's ancestor Korol Solo, a pretender to the throne of Corellia, married and fathered a son on Duros. The planet Pii 3, in the Pii system, was once home to seventh Duro Relocation Colony, which was abandoned when its Duros settlers became restless and returned to the stars. [TLC, COPL, GG4, DA, SWAJ]
Dxun, also called the "Demon Moon," is one of four moons orbiting the planet Onderon. Its thick jungles are home to numerous bloodthirsty monsters and, due to Dxun's erratic orbit, many of the creatures are able to migrate to the surface of Onderon during an annual period in which the two worlds' atmospheres intersect. Four thousand years ago, after the evil Queen Amanda of Iziz was defeated by the Jedi, the inhabitants of Onderon built a Mandalorian iron tomb on Dxun to house the remains of their Queen and of the Dark Jedi Freedon Nadd. The fallen Jedi Exar Kun later visited the tomb, where the spirit of Nadd helped him discover some hidden Sith scrolls. Later, at the end of the Sith War, the warrior clans of Mandalore fled to Dxun after failing in their attempt to capture Onderon. Their leader was killed by a pair of the Dxun beasts, and a new warrior assumed the mantle of Mandalore. [TOTJ, FNU, DLOS, TSW]