Planet - G (pt.2)


Source List & Abbreviations

Gbu is an extremely high-gravity planet and home to the alien species known as the Veubgri. Each Veubg is large and stocky, with six legs and long tendrils used as manipulative appendages. Before Leia Organa Solo visited Munto Codru she and her New Republic delegation met with representatives from the Veubgri above Gbu. The meeting was held on an orbiting satellite to avoid the negative effects of Gbu's gravity on human physiologies. [TCS]

Geedon V
Located in the system of the same name, Geedon V is the site of a former pirate base. Gallandro, the famed gunman, single-handedly took over this pirate's nest during one of his early exploits. Years later, a food- supply convoy of Imperial corvettes was destroyed in the Geedon system by the Alliance. Rebel pilots used captured ships from Overlord Ghorin during the attack, to be used in a later attempt to discredit Ghorin in the eyes of the Empire.[HSLL, FP]
A backwater world located in the system of the same name, Gelgelar has no Imperial presence. The Twi'lek known as Loh'khar the Finder arranged for transport from Kelada to Gelgelar for some Alliance operatives. [SWAJ]
Gelviddis Cluster
An atypical type of sand is located on a world in the Gelviddis Cluster. The unique composition of this sand allows Jedi to easily form it into familiar shapes and images through the use of the Force. [COTJ]
Located in the Outer Rim in the Atrivis sector, Generis was the site of the New Republic's Outer Rim comm center. After a fierce battle Grand Admiral Thrawn's clone forces captured the planet, including the comm center and most of the fleet supply depots. General Kryll and pilot Pash Cracken were able to evacuate Travia Chan and her people during the New Republic's retreat. [TLC]
Located in the remote Anoat system, Gentes is the homeworld of the pig-like Ugnaughts. The Ugnaughts lived in primitive colonies on Gentes' less-than-hospitable surface until most left the planet to work at Cloud City on Bespin. [MTS]
Located in the Mneon system, Geran is the homeworld of a near-human alien species. The inhabitants of Geran have bluish skin and need trace amounts of hydron-three added to their breathing air in order to survive while away from their home planet. Their religious system involves a belief in the Sky Seraphs. Animal life on Geran includes the flying reptile known as the shell-bat. Sergeant Doallyn, one of Jabba the Hutt's hunters, was a native of Geran. [TFJP]
Gerbaud 2
Located in the Sepan system, Gerbaud 2 was the site at which Admiral Harkov attempted to resupply his TIE Advanced squadrons during a rendezvous with the escort carrier Tropsobor following the Battle of Hoth. The transfer operation was attacked by a united force from the nearby planets of Ripoblus and Dimok. [TSC]
Gerrard V
Prior to the Battle of Yavin, segments of the Gerrard military staged a Rebel uprising in the planet's main city of Harazod. The uprising was brutally suppressed with orbital bombings from the Star Destroyers Adjudicator and Relentless. At the time, the planet was ruled by Governor Dannal and represented in the Imperial Senate by Senator Chelo. [SWAJ]
The location of a small Rebel Alliance cell, disguised as an accountant's office in a Gerrenthum city. [GG2]
Ghorman is located in the system of the same name in the Sern sector near the Core Worlds, and was the site of the infamous Ghorman Massacre, an early atrocity committed by the Empire. During a peaceful anti-tax demonstration, a warship sent to collect the taxes landed on top of the protesters-- killing and injuring hundreds. Tarkin, the warship's captain, was promoted to Moff for this action. The Ghorman Massacre was commemorated every year on its anniversary by those opposed to Palpatine's New Order, and it convinced Bail Organa of Alderaan to join the cause of the Rebellion. Years later, when an Imperial base on Ghorman was being enlarged, an Alliance attack on a vital supply convoy delayed the base expansion for over a year. [JS, DA, FP]
Gla Soocha
(see Da Soocha)
Years ago, Jabba the Hutt and the Chevin criminal Ephant Mon were partners in a gunrunning operation on an ice-covered moon of Glakka. The pair planned to steal an Imperial weapons cache and resell it for a profit, but were ambushed by an Imperial squad. They survived the attack but almost died during the subzero night, when Jabba kept Ephant Mon alive by covering him in the folds of his sluglike body. The pair was rescued in the morning, but Ephant Mon remained grateful to Jabba for saving his life. [TFJP]
Glythe sector
The Glythe sector contains the planet Valrar, the location of an Imperial base. [DFR]
Goelitz was once involved in an ancient feud with the planet Ylix, located a few systems away. After much fighting, Goelitz was defeated by members of the Ylix militia, including the infamous gunman Gallandro. [CSSB]
Imperial forces trying to conquer Gorbah suffered heavy losses from four hidden fighter bases attacking in a "space-snipe" defense. When the Empire eventually triumphed, the fighters abandoned their secret outposts and fled the system. [SWAJ] Grakouine
The location of an Alliance storage base. After Boba Fett was supposedly killed by the Sarlacc, the Alliance towed Fett's abandoned Slave I to Grakouine. It remained there for years until Fett repurchased his ship through legitimate channels. [DESB]
Major Reskik, commander of the Imperial Salvage Station deployed to analyze the first Death Star's wreckage, grew up on a fish farm on Grandeel. [GG2]
Greater Galam
The fifth planet in the remote Lan system, Greater Galam is a gas giant with sixteen moons. [SWAJ]
Greater Plooriod Cluster
The Greater Plooriod Cluster (located within the Greater Plooriod sector) is a large area containing the planet Corsin, which was the site of prestigious swoop races until its occupation by the Empire. The Plooriods also contain several vital agricultural worlds, and the Cluster had been the primary grain supplier to the Empire in the sector. The entire Cluster was formerly ruled by the ruthless Overlord Ghorin. Following the Battle of Yavin, Ghorin agreed to supply the Alliance with badly-needed grain, but double- crossed the Rebels by providing them with tainted food cargoes. The Alliance responded by making it appear as if Ghorin was cheating the Empire, and Darth Vader personally executed the Overlord for his supposed treason on the planet Plooriod III. The sector also contains Imperial Drydock IV, from which several Interdictor cruisers departed to join the Outer Rim Imperial fleet. [MTS, FP]
Greeb-Streebling Cluster
A cluster located in the Ninth Quadrant, near the Senex and Juvex sectors. [COTJ]
The outpost planet on which Dev Sibwarra spent his youth. This was apparently one of the first planets attacked by the Ssi-Ruuk. [TAB]
A heavily-populated world in the Galactic Core. Grizmallt was one of many planets that surrendered to Admiral Ackbar and the Alliance fleet in the years following the Battle of Endor. [DESB]
Gromas system
Several small moons in the Gromas system contain the rare metal known as Phrik. The Empire constructed a mining facility on one moon, to produce Phrik for use in armoring the Dark Troopers. Following the Battle of Yavin, Alliance agent Kyle Katarn completely destroyed this facility with a sequencer charge. [DF]
Located in the Expansion Region. The smuggler Platt Okeefe smuggled goods past the customs inspectors on Gruvia by covering her cargo with rotting vohis mold. [SWAJ]
Gunthar system
The Gunthar system contains the swamp planet Taul. [SWAJ]
Gus Treta
A large spaceport located in the Corellian system. Alliance hero Wedge Antilles' parents were managers of a fueling depot in outer Gus Treta until they were killed in a fueling mishap caused by a fleeing pirate ship. [MTS]
Gyndine is an Imperial territorial administrative world, which has the nearby Circarpous system under its jurisdiction. It is ruled by the obese Imperial governor Bin Essada. Cargo ships are known to make deliveries of denta beans to Gyndine's grain market, and animal life on the planet includes the dangerous ethersquid. During the Imperial Mutiny six years after the Battle of Endor, Gyndine protected itself by becoming a "Fortress World," guarded by planetary shields and a fleet of thirty defensive ships. [SME, SWAJ, DESB]