Planet - K


Source List & Abbreviations

K Seven Forty-nine system
The K749 system, located in the Outer Rim near the Moonflower Nebula, contains the planet Pzob. [COTJ]
Kaal, a blue world covered with vast oceans, is located in the Yushan sector in the Mid-Rim. Now a major exporter of agricultural goods, Kaal also boasts many luxurious resorts and casinos, including the Grand Imperial. The planet's only starport is located on a string of islands forming a resort city. When the Emperor died at Endor, a Dark Jedi was so overwhelmed by his master's agony that he crashed his ship (rumored to be carrying a functional cloaking device) into Kaal's ocean. The crash created a tidal wave, which wiped out the Unis Islands resorts in the northwest and damaged several other areas. Kaal was an Imperial resort world until the Empire abandoned it soon after the Battle of Endor, at which point the world was taken over by the local crimelord Ti rgee Benyalle. Realizing that the Empire had never exploited the rich agricultural potential of Kaal, Benyalle purchased ten huge repulsorlift harvesters (including the Sea Sprite), which travel over the planet's oceans extracting and processing massive quantities of foodstuffs. Two years after Endor, the New Republic sent representatives to Kaal to negotiate for control of its valuable aquaculture industry. Among the other negotiators were the heads of two Imperial factions and the smuggler Talon Karrde, who was interested in retrieving the crashed Jedi ship and its supposed cloaking device. Kaal's population numbers around 4.5 million. [SWAJ]
Kabaira, located in the Teilcam system of the Outer Rim, has a surface nine-tenths covered with water and dotted by over two million volcanic islands. The few active volcanoes are located in the southern hemisphere, while the eight million Kabairans live in the north, primarily on the two island continents of Madieri and Belshain. Eponte Spaceport, the center of Kabaira's corporate government, is located on the north cost of Madieri and is bordered by mountains. Eponte's high altitude means its climate is typically cool, damp, and foggy. Along Eponte's ancient brick-lined streets one can find the disreputable Drayhar's Cantina, and corporate offices for Delgas Medical and Hydrospeare Corp. Kabaira's main industry is the mining of islands in the southern hemisphere, and indigenous animal life includes the white snow-wolves that inhabit the mountains. Though the planet is controlled by the Empire, underground Rebel activities have been making their hold on the planet more precarious. A number of years before the Battle of Yavin, the smugglers Tere Metallo and Matt Turhaya were involved in a dangerous adventure on Kabaira. [SWAJ]
Kabal is an outworld that was officially neutral in the Galactic Civil War, aligned with neither the Empire nor the Alliance. Following the Battle of Yavin, Princess Leia Organa attended a conference on Kabal and met with the leaders of several uncommitted worlds, including Aquaris. An Imperial Star Destroyer, alerted by a tip from the Freeholder Kraaken, arrived at Kabal to wipe out this conference and to punish the planet for its neutral stance. Waves of TIE bombers leveled the city, but the Princess was saved by the timely arrival of the Millennium Falcon. Kabal is also the homeworld of Lady Lapema Phonstom, one of Lando Calrissian's candidates for marriage. Lying near the planet is a small dwarf star with an artificially- accelerated gravitational pull, surrounded by a vast graveyard of derelict starships. [CSW, AAC]
An ultraviolet supergiant star orbited by Af'El, home planet of the Defel. [GG4]
A purple star orbited by Toola, homeworld of the Whipids. [GG4]
Kaikielius system
Lying very close to the Coruscant system. When the revived Empire began its conquest of the Kaikielius and Metellos systems six years after the Battle of Endor, New Republic leaders on Coruscant began to search for a new base of operations. [DESB]
A planet in the Corporate Sector. Torm Dadeferron, an associate of Han Solo, had family on Kail who controlled several large tracts of land known as the Kail Ranges. Torm's father and brother disappeared after a dispute with the Corporate Sector Authority over land-use rights and stock prices. [HSSE, CSSB]
A terrestrial planet in the remote Kalarba system, Kalarba is orbited by the moons Hosk and Indobok. Sites on the planet include Kalarba City, the Great Sea, and the Three Peaks of Tharen-- a revered symbol of the spirit. Before their service to Captain Antilles, R2-D2 and C-3PO worked for the Pitareeze family on Kalarba. Meg and Jarth Pitareeze operated Kalarba Safari and booked tours of the planet's ancient ancestral lands, while Baron Pitareeze ran a spaceship factory where they manufactured the MT-5 hyperdrive unit. Animal life on the planet includes the flying Vynock. [D]
Kalior V
Kalior V is the location of the Imperial aquaria, whose maintenance is entrusted to a group of Sedrians known as the Shalik family. [GG4]
Kalist VI
The site of an Imperial labor colony for political prisoners. Alliance gunner Dak Ralter was born in this colony, and lived there for 17 years until escaping with the help of a downed Rebel pilot. [MTS]
Kalla, in the Corporate Sector, is the site of a Corporate Sector Authority university intended for the education of Authority members' children. Consequently, major fields of study include technical education, commerce, and administration with very little emphasis on the humanities. Rekkon was an instructor at the university prior to his adventures with Han Solo, and Fiolla of Lorrd attended the University of Kalla prior to taking a position in the Corporate Sector Authority. General Evir Derricote, commander of the Imperial base on Borleias, was a native of Kalla. [HSSE, CSSB, XWRS]
Kalla VII&127
Prior to the Battle of Yavin, a group of Alliance X-wings eliminated a large Imperial base located near Kalla VII, in an attempt to strand arriving Imperial ships. This resulted in the capture of the frigate Priam. [FP]
A dry, hot planet orbiting a white star, Kamar is located just outside the Corporate Sector border and is the homeworld of the insect-like Kamarians. Kamar's native flora includes miser-plants, barrel-scrub, and sting- brush, while its fauna includes digworms, stingworms, bloodsniffers, nightswifts, and howlrunners-- canine hunters with heads resembling human skulls. The nocturnal Kamarians live in small groups called tk'skqua, and their more sophisticated nations have developed technology such as nuclear explosives and fluidic control systems. Members of the unique Kamarian Badlander culture choose to live in the most arid and harsh areas of the planet. Han Solo inadvertently started a new religion among the Kamarian Badlanders based on the holofeature Varn, World of Water during a visit to the planet. [HSR, CSSB]
Kamori, whose cities include Tandaro, Jandal, Hyra, and Kimora City, is ruled by Chamber President Thane Dregond. The planet was the site of a powerful earthquake, centered on the Zethusian plains. The quake caused tidal waves, killed hundreds of thousands of citizens, and severely damaged Jandal, Hyra and Kimora City. One of those killed was Glanthe school master painter Dana Dragond, one of Kamori's "living treasures." [SWAJ]
The Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth attended a Jedi training center on Kamparas for two years, from 2/15/90 until 8/33/88, Pre-Empire date. [DFR]
Kanchen sector
The Kanchen sector contains the planet Xa Fel. The heart of the sector fell to Imperial forces after a thirty- hour battle with New Republic warships over the planet. [TLC]
Kanz sector
The Kanz sector contains the planets Argazda and Lorrd. Four thousand years ago, the sector was an isolated region located on the frontier of the Old Republic. During the time known as the Kanz Disorders, the provisional governor of Argazda declared the sector independent from the Republic and tried to enslave the rest of its worlds, including Lorrd. The Republic, preoccupied with other matters, did nothing for three hundred years, until the Jedi Knights finally intervened to free the Lorrdians and end the Kanz Disorders. [CSSB]
Located in the Senex sector, Karfeddion is the site of several slave farms run by the House Vandron. Breeding farms are designed to produce Ossan and Bilanaka slaves, tailored for agricultural work. During an economic depression on Karfeddion, Lady Theala Vandron was summoned to the High Court of Coruscant to defend the slave farms on her homeworld. [COTJ]
The Nikto assassin Ma'w'shiye, during his time as an Alliance agent, served with Lieutenant Akul Witig during the Karideph operations. During this time, Witig gave Ma'w'shiye a heavy overcoat. [SWAJ]
Karnak Alpha
Karnak Alpha, located beyond the Hapes Consortium near the Deep Galactic Core, is home to the fur- covered alien species called Karnak Alphans. The shy, easygoing Alphans hold children in high esteem, always serving them first at meals. Having a large number of children means greater status in Alphan society, and their government has a children's council. They also love unusual zoological specimens, and keep elaborate zoos and beautiful holographic dioramas. Nineteen years after the Battle of Endor, Chief of State Leia Organa Solo met with the Karnak Alpha ambassador and her eight children, and presented the ambassador with a rare Coruscant hawk-bat egg. [YJK]
A small, dense planet in the Rayter sector, Karra is covered with flat, grassy plateaus separated by jungle canyons and is home to the alien species called Karrans. The planet's temperature is uncomfortably hot and its lifeforms consist almost entirely of insects. Karra's vast variety of insect life includes beetles, leapers, legworms, clouds of tiny swarmers, and a walker-sized mantis. The native Karrans are large, fur-covered insectivores whose primitive technology is centered around pottery and simple hand tools. The Karrans seem to have recently developed sentience based around a communal hive mind, and can apparently control the planet's insect population. Several hundred years ago, a colony was established on Karra to mine varmigio, a material used in hyperdrive cores. When no varmigio was found, the colonists were abandoned. Recently the Empire opened a varmigio mine for the same purpose, but met with no greater success. The Imperial base was later destroyed by swarms of attacking insects, presumably operating under the control of the native Karrans. [SWAJ]
The former homeworld of the long-extinct Kashi Mer culture. Soon after the formation of the Old Republic, the planet and its system were destroyed when their star inexplicably went nova. A force-user named Reda Jalooz had previously stolen a small gray stone-- an heirloom of the Kashi Mer monarchy-- but when she came back to return it, she was killed in the sudden supernova. After the Battle of Endor, this strange artifact mysteriously reappeared in the Corva sector. [SWAJ]

Planet - K (pt. 2)

Planet - K (pt. 3)