Planet - K (pt.3)


Source List & Abbreviations

Kirdo III
A hot, arid world in the Outer Rim marked by red, cracked plains of dried mud and the white sands of the Kurdan desert. Kirdo III is also the homeworld of the patient, resilient Kitonaks, who live among the dunes where windstorms can reach speeds of 400 km/hr. To withstand the milder storms Kitonaks stand still, angling their bodies into the onrushing wind. This is similar to their method of feeding on the small, burrowing chooba by mimicking the sulfaro plant, the choobas' main feeding site. The vanilla-smelling Kitonaks stand still for hours until a chooba climbs close enough to be swallowed, which is enough food to feed a Kitonak for a month. The Kitonaks roam Kirdo III in nomadic tribes of around 100 individuals, following the migrating chooba. Kitonaks have no natural predators and fear only quicksand and caves, both of which hold mysterious and deadly dangers. Once each decade a great rainstorm covers Kirdo III, flooding the dry riverbeds and ushering in the Kitonak mating ritual known as the "Great Celebration of Life." Kitonaks are skilled at playing beautiful music on chidinkalus, the hollowed-out reeds of chidinka plants, which sometimes results in their capture by slavers and subsequent employment as professional jizz wailers. Droopy McCool, the stage name of one of the band members in Jabba the Hutt's palace, was a Kitonak. Eight years after the Battle of Endor the Imperial battlemoon Eye of Palpatine apparently stopped at Kirdo III to pick up a contingent of stormtroopers, but brought in a group of Kitonaks instead. [GG4, ROTJ, COTJ, TFJP]
One of seven planets in the Teta system, Kirrek had three of its cities destroyed when it resisted the Tetan political coup headed by Satal Keto and Aleema. [DLOS]
Kirtania, the fourth planet in the Yyrtan system, is a green-blue world of jungles, deserts, and mountains, and is home to the arachnid alien species called the Araquia. Kirtania was originally colonized by several groups of humans, who founded the competing economic states of Surana, Kinkosa, and Dulai. Over the years, the states have seriously depleted the planet's natural resources and polluted the environment. The population of the planet includes two million humans and only 1,500 remaining Araquia. Kinkosa has recently agreed to become an Imperial supply station in exchange for the modernization of Kinkosa City and privileged trading status within the Empire. Shiarha Root, the only known cure for the deadly Direllian Plague, grows in Kinkosa's humid rainforests. Some of the many forms of life in the rainforests include river serpents and predator lizards. [SWAJ]
The home planet of the alien species known as Klatooinians. It is a Klatooinian custom to sell their disrespectful youths into indentured service, and Jabba the Hutt picked up the contract of a Klatooinian manservant named Barada. Barada then became the head of Jabba's repulsorpool, but was killed during the rescue of Han Solo. Animal life on the planet includes the ill-tempered Klatooine paddy frog. Jabba was sometimes known to snack on live paddy frogs, served in brandy to keep them from attacking and killing each other. [MTS, TFJP]
Klaymor 4-2
An Imperial reconnaissance mission discovered a Rebel spy probe located near Klaymor 4-2. A single TIE fighter, dispatched from the corvette Astin, was sent do destroy it. [TSC]
A planet in the Corporate Sector. Knolstee is one of the stops made by the luxury liner Lady of Mindor during its voyage from Roonadan to Ammuud. [CSSB]
Location of the Kobbahn starport. [SWAJ]
Komnor system
When a warlord evicted all Hutts from the Komnor system, Jabba hired the bounty hunter Dyyz Nataz to eliminate the offending ruler. [TFTC]
Outlaw stations on Korbin will service any ship, including those belonging to pirates and wanted criminals. [SWAJ]
Koros Major
One of seven planets in the Teta system, Koros Major was the last planet to resist the system's brutal subjugation by the Krath. The Krath leaders, headed by Satal Keto and Aleema, dispatched hundreds of ground troops to the planet and clashed with a joint Republic/Jedi space force in Koros Major's orbit. The Republic ships were badly damaged in the battle and were forced to retreat. [DLOS]
A hidden world, Korriban holds the mummified remains of many Sith lords within great temples located in the Valley of the Dark Lords. The tombs are designed to focus and amplify Dark Side energy, which permeates the entire valley. The temples' exterior is guarded by human skeletons, activated through a combination of machinery and Sith magic. Within the temples was an immense crystal, which held the trapped spirits of Jedi Masters who had dared oppose the Sith. Four thousand years ago, Exar Kun visited Korriban to learn Sith secrets and was tormented by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. Nadd destroyed the crystal and unleashed guardian creatures on Kun, who eventually surrendered to the Dark Side of the Force. Emperor Palpatine was known to frequent Korriban, and referred to it as his "place of power." One of Palpatine's last visits occurred around the time of Battle of Yavin. He eventually returned, ten years later, to try to convince the Sithlord spirits to halt the decay of his last remaining clone body. [DLOS, EE] Kothlis Kothlis is a colony world of the alien species called Bothans. New Republic Councilor Borsk Fey'lya grew up on this colony world, instead of on the Bothan homeworld of Bothawui. Prior to the Battle of Endor, Bothan spies captured an Imperial freighter carrying highly-classified data about the second Death Star. The Bothan space station Kothlis II, orbiting near Kothlis, allowed the stolen freighter to dock and take on supplies. The Empire soon seized this station, searching for any evidence of the classified information. [DFR, TSC]
Ksiczzic III
The young heiress Tinian I'att and her traveling companions were picked up by the ship Quandary on Ksiczzic III, after their departure from Druckenwell. [SWAJ]
K'taktaxka system
After the Battle of Hoth, Alliance operatives were sent to the Inner Rim and Expansion Region, to search for tibanna gas deposits on gas giant planets in the Lequabis, K'taktaxka, Poviduze, and Kelavine systems and the Shasfath Cluster. [SWAJ]
Kuan, orbited by several moons, is located in the Taroon system on the outer edges of the Rim. For nearly twenty years, Kuan was involved in a devastating war with its sister planet Bordal, until the conflict was suddenly ended by the intervention of the Empire. The long interplanetary struggle destroyed much of Kuan's main city, home to illegal swoop races and a popular hangout called The Maze. Animal life on Kuan includes the rondat, and plant life includes the pleasant-smelling shimsha flower. A planetary crop is tarine tea. The highly-decorated Imperial pilot Maarek Stele was a native of Kuan. [TSC]
The planet Kuar is located in the system of the same name, near the Teta system. Nearly four thousand years ago, the masked warrior clans led by Mandalore made their base in the ruined underground cities of Kuar. From there they struck at the heart of the Teta system, prompting the Tetan leader Ulic Qel-Droma to fight Mandalore in single combat on Kuar's plains of Harkul. Battling on an unstable web of chains, Qel- Droma defeated Mandalore, thereby winning the loyalty of the warlord and his fierce soldiers-of-fortune. [TSW]
Kuat, located in the Kuat sector in the most densely-populated section of the galaxy, is the location of the massive Kuat Drive Yards starship construction facility. Kuat Drive Yards, or KDY, is one of the Empire's primary producers of warships and manufactures the feared Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Due to the strategic importance of the Kuat Drive Yards, the Empire defended the Kuat system with fifteen Star Destroyers after the Battle of Endor, and rigged the stardocks with explosives in case it was necessary to scuttle them. [SWS, ISWU, XWRS, SWAJ]
Ku'Bakai system
The Ku'Bakai system is named for its blue giant star, whose unpredictable solar flares have left the first four planets of the system scorched and lifeless. The fifth planet, Kubindi, is the homeworld of the Kubaz. The sixth, eighth, and eleventh planets house insect farms for the Kubaz to use in preparing their unique cuisine. [MTS]
Kubindi, the fifth planet in the Ku'Bakai system, is the homeworld of the insect-loving Kubaz. Due to the unpredictable solar flares of Ku'Bakai, Kubindi suffers baths of intense radiation and constantly-changing weather patterns. The adaptability of insects have made them particularly successful lifeforms on Kubindi, and be found in many varieties including the bantha-sized sun-beetle. Insects are considered a true delicacy on Kubindi, and the civilized, cultured Kubaz have organized their society around insect trading circles. Kubaz families farm designer insect hives and trade with others; the largest trading families make most planetary governmental decisions. Kubindi is isolated and seldom sees galactic traffic. As a result, many Kubaz are attempting to develop their own starship technology. Garindan, the Mos Eisley spy known as "Long Snoot," was a Kubaz. Several years after the Battle of Endor, the Kubaz negotiated with the Barabel to purchase Verpine body parts to use in their cuisine. [GG4, MTS, COPL]
Kwenn Station
A space station, containing the Royal K Casino, where Jabba the Hutt acquired his pet Kowakian Lizard- Monkey, Salacious Crumb. Meysen Kayson, wealthy owner of the Greel Wood Logging Corporation in the Pii system, also owns a sizable percentage of Kwenn station. [MTS, SWAJ]