Planet - M (pt.2)


Source List & Abbreviations

Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa once shared rations on a Mindar battlefield, amid the dead bodies of Imperial stormtroopers. [COPL]
Mindavar system
A group of settlers in the Mindavar system were almost completely wiped out when a deadly virus spread through their colony. The smuggler Reina Gale lost her parents to the virus when she was only an infant. [SWAJ]
Minos Cluster
Located on the fringes of known space, the Minos Cluster contains the Shesharile system. [SWAJ]
Mirit system
The Mirit system is located only hours from the Pyria and Venjagga systems at the edge of the Galactic Core. It contains the planet Ord Mirit, which was the site of a former Imperial base. [XWRS]
Captain Dorja, of the Star Destroyer Relentless under Grand Admiral Thrawn, was known to use an ancient Mirshaf gesture of victory. [TLC]
The innermost planet of the Bespin system, Miser is a small world lacking atmosphere but rich in valuable metals. The planet's powerful magnetic field interferes with most electronic equipment. Miser was heavily mined for raw materials during the construction of Bespin's Cloud City, and deep craters from the operation can still be seen on its surface. The inhospitable temperature extremes made the mining hazardous, and hardy Ugnaughts were needed to staff the operation. The mines have since been abandoned, and are now infested with mynocks. The desolate planet has frequently been used over the centuries as a hideout for smugglers and pirates. Lord Ecclessis Figg, the founder of Cloud City, once proposed a rolling mining center that could stay permanently on the cooler, shadow side of Miser. It was never built, but it provided the inspiration for Lando Calrissian's Nomad City mining operation on Nkllon. [HTTE, GG2]
Mneon system
The Mneon system contains the planet Geran, home of a near-human alien species. [TFJP]
Moddell sector
The Moddell sector contains the planet Endor. A report filed to Imperial Command by an Imperial scout in the Moddell sector briefly described the previously unexplored system and dismissed the threat of the native Ewoks. [SWS]
The oxygen-rich planet Moltok is one of the inner worlds of the Dartibek system and is the homeworld of the Ho'Din. Active volcanoes fill Moltok's skies with ash, which helps protect the planet's surface from the harmful effects of its sun. The Ho'Din live in the hot rainforests of the lower latitudes and have a deep religious reverence for the plant life found there. Moltok is a heavy exporter of high-priced medicinal plants, but technology is discouraged by the Ho'Din due to an early ecological catastrophe resulting from an attempt at mining. The government on Moltok is controlled by the clergy of the dominant [Dinante Fli'R] religion. The Jedi master Plett, who built a house and laboratory on Belsavis, was a native of Moltok. [GG4, COTJ]
Located in the system of the same name in the Doldur sector. Just after the Battle of Yavin, resistance leader Una Poot was planning to deliver a cargo of blaster carbines to the Rebels on Monor from her base on Silver Station. [SWAJ]
Mons Calamari (see Calamari)

Moonflower Nebula
A large nebula of dust and gasses, located in the Outer Rim past the K Seven Forty-nine system. The nebula contains two or three stars and a vast asteroid field, where the Imperial battlemoon Eye of Palpatine lay undiscovered for thirty years. [COTJ]
Morobe system
The Morobe system contains a red/yellow binary pair of stars, and the planet Talasea is the fourth planet orbiting the yellow primary. The system is located in the Morobe sector, which borders the Rachuk sector. [XWRS]
The vandfillist artist Maxa Jandovar was arrested by Imperial forces on Morvogodine. She later died in custody. [TFTC]
Located in the Noonian sector. Rebel privateers, presumably operating from Movris, were able to steal nearly a quarter of the foodstuffs being produced by Nebula Consumables in the Noonian system. [SWAJ]
Mrisst was first contacted by the Old Republic through the Tenth Alderaanian Expedition, and one of the interesting discoveries was that none of the dozens of Mriss cultures had developed any type of three- dimensional art. Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron planned to deliver a convoy of food and supplies to Mrisst but were ambushed on Cilpar by a group of TIE fighters. Mrisst was a target in a planned assault by Grand Admiral Thrawn due to its proximity to the heart of the New Republic, and was also intended as a lure to defeat the New Republic fleet if they made a concerted effort to defend the planet. [TLC, XW]
Mulako Corporation Primordial Water Quarry
The MC Quarry is actually a periodic comet in a hundred-year orbit around its star. For several months during its approach and departure from the sun, the comet warms enough to support life in its hollowed-out interior. During this time the Mulako Corporation promotes the comet as a tourist destination, and many people come to the satellite to visit its exclusive resorts, restaurants, and lounges. Tourists can visit the comet's surface (to view erupting gas geysers or experiment in the satellite's low gravity), or just enjoy the interior's bubbling fountains and the soft lighting shining through the mists. After the tourist season during the comet's long orbit away from the sun, ice-mining machines roam the irregular surface. The ice is chipped away in blocks and sold to gourmets, promoted as "pure water" formed at the creation of the solar system. Luke Skywalker and Callista visited the MC Quarry eight years after the Battle of Endor in order to help Callista regain her Jedi powers. [DS]
Munto Codru
Munto Codru is home to the four-armed aliens known as Codru-Ji, and is considered of only marginal interest to the rest of galactic society. The planet features several moons, beautiful mountains, and ancient castles in its temperate zone, which are famous for their elaborate carvings on translucent rock walls. The castles were constructed by a now-vanished civilization and are now used as provincial capitals by the Codru-Ji. Codru-Ji society is based on a complicated system of political families and entities (including the Sibiu, the Temebiu, and the province of Kirl) and is headed by Chamberlain Iyon. Coup abduction and ransom in this society is a common and expected political maneuver, during which no one of noble birth is to be injured. Animal life on Munto Codru includes a four-winged bat and the six-legged, fanged wyrwulfs, which are actually the Codru-Ji themselves in the earliest, infant stage of their lives. Leia Organa Solo's three children were abducted while she was on a diplomatic mission to Munto Codru. [TCS]
Mussubir Three
A planet possibly in the Senex sector. The uncommitted ex-governor of Mussubir Three took a "vacation" to attend a meeting on Belsavis with Roganda Ismaren. [COTJ]
The homeworld of the leonine alien species known as the Gorvan Horansi. Myrgaanti Shi-iki, a Gorvan Horansi, was a freelance Alliance operative until he stole a prototype fighter and deserted for unknown reasons. [SWAJ]
The location of Imperial maintenance facilities. Han Solo reportedly acquired several powerful deflector shield generators from these facilities for installation on the Millennium Falcon. [SWS]
Mylock IV
A small, gray planet located in the Mylock system of the Outer Rim, Mylock IV is the homeworld of the Nharwaak and Habeen. The two races developed a new hyperdrive together, though the Nharwaak balked at the Habeen decision to deliver this technology to the Empire. In a rendezvous near Mylock IV, the Habeen officially turned the technology over to Admiral Zaarin's forces in exchange for their planet's formal entry into the Empire. The Nharwaak attempted to sell the same technology to the Rebels, but were destroyed by Imperial attacks. [TSC]
Although Myrkr has been settled for 300 years and was well within the Old Republic's boundaries, both the Old Republic and the Jedi always avoided the planet. As a result, Myrkr is unknown to virtually all galactic citizens, with the exception of smugglers and other lawbreakers. The historical aversion of the Jedi was due to one of Myrkr's native life forms, the tree-dwelling ysalamir. The ysalamir has evolved a defensive mechanism allowing it to push the Force from itself in a protective bubble, and many ysalamir grouped together can create a vast region in which the Force does not exist. Another of Myrkr's animals, the predatory vornskr, uses the Force to assist in hunting and tracking prey. The high metal content of Myrkr's trees make sensor readings unreliable, which is one reason why the smuggler Talon Karrde built his chief base deep in the western part of the Great Northern Forest. This base was overrun by Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces after Karrde helped Luke Skywalker escape in Hyllyard City, Myrkr's major population center. Myrkr is located about 350 light years from the planet Wayland. Ood Bnar, a five thousand-year old Jedi master, was a member of the Neti-- an alien species that evolved from trees on Myrkr. [HTTE, DFR, TOTJ, DE2]
Mytus VII (Stars' End)
A small, rocky planet with low gravity and no atmosphere, Mytus VII is located in the debris-cluttered Mytus system and was home to the Corporate Sector Authority prison known as Stars' End. Mytus VII orbits at the edge of its system, whose small star is located at the distant end of the galaxy and the farthest border of Corporate Sector space. The prison, where inmates were kept in suspended animation between interrogations, was commanded by Authority Viceprex Mirkovig Hirken. Stars' End was destroyed by Han Solo and his companions during an attempted jailbreak. Prior to the Battle of Yavin, a group of Alliance pilots escaped from Mytus VII in a freighter and were subsequently rescued by a Rebel shuttle. [HSSE, CSSB, FP]