Planet - Q
Source List & Abbreviations
Qat Chrystac
General Garm Bel Iblis fought Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces at Qat
Chrystac, where Thrawn used Interdictor Cruisers to bring his ships out
of hyperspace at precise locations. More than one assault was staged,
and Wedge Antilles helped battle two squadrons of cloned TIE pilots
during the first. Imperial shock forces were working their way across
Qat Chrystac during Thrawn's siege of Coruscant. Bel Iblis was at Qat
Chrystac when he intercepted a distress call from Lando Calrissian's
Nomad City mining complex on Nkllon. [TLC]
Quanta sector
The Quanta sector, formerly ruled by Moff Jerjerrod, contains the planet
Tinnel IV. [SWAJ]
Quelii sector
The Quelii sector contains the planet Dathomir. The sector was once
under the control of Imperial Warlord Zsinj. [COPL]
The human inhabitants of Quian have light brown hair, aqua-green eyes,
and dark complexions. The Imperial spy Benald Orlan is a native of
Quian. When Orlan informed the Empire that members of his family were
Alliance sympathizers, his father and siblings were executed. [SWAJ]
Quintar Nebula
Found on few star charts, the Quintar Nebula is a thick mass of
colorful, swirling clouds that can blind sensors and ionize
flight-control systems. Tron Nixx, the navigator for Drek Drednar's
pirate crew, used the Force to chart a safe route through the Nebula,
where he discovered the hidden world of Taraloon. [SWAJ]
Source List & Abbreviations