Planet - R


Source List & Abbreviations

Rachuk sector
Lying close to the Galactic Core, the Rachuk sector borders the Morobe sector and contains the Chorax, Hensara, and Rachuk systems. The sector was controlled from an Imperial base, located on Vladet in the Rachuk system. [XWRS]
Rachuk system
The Rachuk system is located in the Rachuk sector and contains the planet Vladet, site of an Imperial sector headquarters. A great deal of trade and shipping traffic passes through the centrally-located system. The Rachuk roseola virus infects anyone visiting the system, and manifests itself as a red, itchy rash. Some three years after the Battle of Endor, the Alliance destroyed the Vladet base and forced the Empire to divert more of its forces to the Rachuk system, diluting its strength elsewhere. [XWRS]
Rafa system
Bordering the Oseon system, the eleven planets and numerous moons of the Rafa system are covered with the enormous plastic ruins of the ancient Sharu. The buildings are among the largest constructions in the galaxy and are quite impenetrable. Many human colonies, dating from the early days of the Old Republic, have sprung up around and between the structures. The system was also inhabited by a primitive humanoid species known as the Toka, who were treated as slaves by the Rafa colonists. The system is famous for its life orchards-- groves of crystalline trees whose crystal "fruit" can extend an individual's life when harvested and worn. Working among the crystal trees themselves, however, drains a person's life and intellect, and consequently most of the harvesting is done by the Toka or the criminals in the Rafa's numerous penal colonies. Following Lando Calrissian's procurement of the Mindharp from Rafa V, the Toka were revealed to actually be the Sharu and regained their civilization and mental abilities. [LCMH]
Rafa III
The location of a deep-bore mining operation using laser drillbits. [LCMH]
Rafa IV
Rafa IV is the center of government for the Rafa system. It was ruled by Duttes Mer, colonial governor of the Rafa, until the government was overthrown by the resurgent Toka. Its main spaceport city, Teguta Lusat, lies wedged between the colossal plastic ruins of the Sharu. The city contains numerous taverns, the Hotel Sharu, and a penal colony where the prisoners serve their sentences harvesting crystals from the life orchards. [LCMH, LCFW]
Rafa V
A frozen, dry world of red sand, archaeoastronomers believe that the ancient Sharu evolved on this planet. Orbiting the world are Rafa V's twin moons and a cloud of debris that might be the result of the Sharu's early attempts at spaceflight. It is the site of many life-orchards, harvested by a few hundred convicts, horticulturists, and Toka living in fewer scattered settlements. A colossal Sharu pyramid, projecting seven kilometers above ground level, towers over the other ruins of Rafa V and was the resting place of the famous artifact called the Mindharp. [LCMH]
Rafa XI
The outermost planet in the Rafa system, Rafa XI is a world of icy slush orbiting in the dark. It is the site of a research installation and a helium refinery. [LCMH]
A green, forested world with several modest settlements. A small, twelve-man Rebel base was located in a complex of caves on Rafft just prior to the Battle of Yavin. The Rebels, led by Commander Brion Peck, were sent to the planet to sabotage the construction of an Imperial garrison. The group was evacuated by the smuggler Dannen Lifehold after a homing beacon betrayed the base's location. [SWAJ]
The location of the Raithal Academy, the most prestigious training center in the entire Empire. After the Battle of Yavin, medical experts from Raithal were sent to an orbiting hospital frigate to study the outbreak of Candorian plague on Dentaal. [SWAJ]
The homeworld of a sentient insectoid alien species. Rakririans are wealthy, highly cultured, and known to be rather finicky-- few leave their homeworld because they are typically dissatisfied with the level of sophistication on other planets. Sabodor, owner of Sabodor's pet store on Etti IV, was a native of Rakrir. [HSSE, CSSB]
Ralltiir, located in the system of the same name, lies along the Perlemian Trade Route in the Darpa sector of the Core Worlds, just on the border of the Colonies region. Over the last several hundred years, Ralltiir was the only planet in the Darpa sector that was able to maintain its independence from the nearby world of Esseles. In recent history, Ralltiir was an attractive, high-technology world famous for its banking industry and home to the Grallia Spaceport. The planet's powerful financial institutions were politically neutral and had a reputation as a "safe haven" for investors' funds. With the rise of the Empire, certain factions began to infiltrate Ralltiir's financial system and steer its markets in a pro-Imperial direction-- erasing the fiscal records of alien investors, for instance. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, pro-Alliance members of the Ralltiir High Council tried to stop this and restore balance to the markets-- inspiring the Emperor to use Ralltiir as an example to other worlds that would resist his will. A brutal Imperial force, led by Lord Tion, immediately invaded Ralltiir and left the planet and its ten billion inhabitants in shambles. Tion disbanded the High Council, replaced it with a military tribunal headed by Imperial Governor Dennix Graeber, and set up interrogation centers and public executions of Rebel leaders. He also sealed off the entire Ralltiir system (not even permitting relief organizations to travel through his blockade), severely hurting commerce along the Perlemian Trade Route. Princess Leia Organa, on a mercy mission to deliver medical supplies and equipment to the High Council of Ralltiir, was permitted to land by Tion. The Princess rescued a wounded Rebel soldier, who later revealed the existence of the Death Star project. Ralltiir's economy is now in ruins, as many of its powerful corporations have relocated offworld. Since the occupation, Governor Graeber has been getting rich by secretly supplying the Rebel underground with weapons, which he then uses as a justification to persecute Ralltiir's citizens even further. Prior to the Battle of Yavin, an Alliance raid on the Cygnus Corporation's starfighter performance trials near Ralltiir resulted in the capture of the Assault Gunboat design team. Elea Poista, a top Exex at Bespin Motors and an occasional Alliance contact, gained her position after transferring from a shipping company on Ralltiir. [SWR, SWS, MTS, GG2, FP, SWAJ]
A heavy industrial world in the Corporate Sector with an extremely high degree of pollution and contamination. The Rampa Skywatch keeps an eye out for water smugglers hidden among the regular cargo traffic, for Rampa's citizens are willing to pay a very high price for pure R'alla mineral water. Han Solo and Chewbacca made some smuggling runs "down the Rampa Rapids" during their early adventures. [HSR, HSLL, CSSB]
Female ward-cousins on the planet Randon are traditionally honored (due to their potential inheritance) and are customarily served first. Randoni women wear their hair loose and flowing, and an alcoholic drink from Randon is the Randoni Yellow Plague. Luke Skywalker and Tenel Ka posed as archaeological traders from Randon during their undercover mission to Borgo Prime. [YJK]
Rayter sector
The Rayter sector contains the planet Karra, located in the sector's largely unexplored rimward section. [SWAJ]
A harsh, sparsely-populated world in the Hapes cluster, Reboam once served as a hiding place and as the supposed location of a training center for a group of fifty Jedi Knights. After one year the knights were discovered by Darth Vader and a group of Dark Jedi, who killed them and had them sealed in Reboam's ancient ruins. [COPL]
Redcap is a rainy, barren world of shifting mud plains, crossed with jagged canyons and mountain ranges. Since ships can easily sink in the thick mud, landings are restricted to the stable Tyma Canyon, which runs for several hundred kilometers across the planet's surface. Redcap's human inhabitants-- the poverty- stricken descendants of early mining colonists-- live in settlements built on the bases of the mountain chains. Repulsorlifts are inoperable on Redcap, since the omnipresent mud clogs their systems. Instead, residents travel on olai, horned beasts of burden originally brought from a nearby moon to Redcap for use in the mining industry. Points of interest on the planet include Juteau Settlement, which was built near the Garish Ridge and contains the Lau ghing Bantha tavern. Ruck's Rut is a multileveled network of rifts and fissures located in Tyma Canyon. Redcap is shrouded in gray skies, though low patches of lavender-pink clouds sometimes hug the world's surface. Redcap is nominally under the Empire's control and has a minimal Imperial presence, though the planet's 140,000 inhabitants possess no form of organized government. The old smuggler Toob Ancher, suffering from the Bitter Winter disease, came with Drake Paulsen to Redcap, where the old man's checkered life came to an end. [SWAJ]
Reegan system
Imperial lieutenant Brandei had just completed business in the Reega system before he delivered the young girl Alex to Garos IV, for adoption by Tork and Sali Winger. [SWAJ]
Regar I & II
Regar I is the fifth planet in the Garos system; Regar II is the sixth. [SWAJ]
Independent operative Dirk Harkness served as a mechanic in a hidden Rebel base on Reginard soon after he joined the Alliance. [SWAJ]
A planet in the Corporate Sector. Reltooine is one of the stops made by the luxury liner Lady of Mindor during its voyage from Roonadan to Ammuud. [CSSB]
Renatasia system
The Renatasia system, containing eight planets orbiting a yellow star, is located far outside civilized space. It was apparently colonized in a long-forgotten mission many thousands of years ago in Pre-Republic days. No records exist of this early colonization, and the Renatasians gradually became unaware of their extrastellar origin. Renatasia III and IV are green, pleasant worlds, though the Renatasians had colonized every planet in their system by the time they were discovered by a damaged trader ship. The Empire decided to send representatives to probe the society's weaknesses, and the Ottdefa Osuno Whett and the droid Vuffi Raa were sent as envoys to the nation-state of Mathilde on Renatasia IV's second-largest continent. After observing the locals for 700 days, a full report was transmitted and the Imperial fleet arrived, which began to collect slaves and taxes. The Renatasians resisted, and the fleet attempted to seize the system intact through the use of ground forces-- taking heavy losses in a costly but inevitable Imperial victory. Over two-thirds of the population in the Renatasia system was killed in the pacification effort. [LCFW, LCSC]
The location of the Rendili space construction center, one of the facilities used by the Emperor to build his largest warships and special weapons platforms. Rendili StarDrive manufactures the Victory-class Star Destroyer. [SWS, ISWU]
Retep III
In the time following the Battle of Yavin, a group of Habassan freighters delivered a cargo of foodstuffs to the Alliance at a rendezvous near Retep III. The transfer operation was attacked by Imperial starfighters. [FP]
Retep V
A Habassan convoy was ambushed by Imperial corvettes near Retep V following the Battle of Yavin. An Alliance strike force helped rescue the convoy. [FP]

Planet - R (pt. 2)