Planet - S


Source List & Abbreviations

An isolated world hidden in a corner of the galaxy, Saarn was used by the Rebel Alliance for military training purposes, and was later used as a remote surveillance outpost after the New Republic moved to Coruscant. Five years after the Battle of Endor, one of Grand Admiral Thrawn's Star Destroyers, the Stormhawk, executed a hit-and-fade attack on Saarn, wiping out the New Republic personnel and setting up a listening post to protect the movements of Thrawn's fleet. [SWAJ]
Located in the Sacorrian system, one of the Outlier systems of the Corellian sector, Sacorria is a pleasant but secretive world with strict regulations. It is the site of the Dorthus Tal prison and its main city has a cobblestone square in town. Sacorria is ruled by the Triad-- a secretive council of dictators consisting of one human, one Drall, and one Selonian. Almost nothing is known about the three rulers, not even their names, though the Selonians on Sacorria are known to be descendants of a dishonored Selonian den. In years past the Triad was merely the puppet of the Corellian Diktat, but it now freely runs the planet and has passed more and more restrictive laws. Women are not allowed to marry without their fathers' consent, and a recent law made it illegal to marry an off-worlder. Sacorria's moon is Sarcophagus, which serves as a vast graveyard for the planet's inhabitants. Fourteen years after the Battle of Endor, Lando Calrissian visited Sacorria to see Tendra Risant, a member of a wealthy and influential family, for a possible marriage proposal. Meanwhile, the Sacorrian Triad set into motion a master plan to force the New Republic to acknowledge the Corellian sector as an independent state. The Triad organized rebellions on each of the five planets in the Corellian system and gained control of Centerpoint Station, which allowed them to set up interdiction and jamming fields over the system and to destroy distant stars at will. The Triad's plans, and their fleet of more than eighty Sacorrian ships, were defeated by the New Republic and a Bakuran task force. [AAC, AAS, SAC]
Located in the remote Tion Hegemony, Saheelindeel is a backwater world inhabited by intelligent, green- furred primates. The high festival on Saheelindeel is a time for tribal hunting rituals and harvest ceremonies, and has recently begun to incorporate farm machinery exhibits, shock-ball matches, and airshows in an attempt to become more technologically sophisticated. The Saheelindeeli, led by a matriarch, have an affinity for grandiose actions. Han Solo and Chewbacca briefly worked on Saheelindeel after leaving the Corporate Sector. Following the Battle of Yavin, the Empire established a listening post near Saheelindeel, which was attacked by the Alliance to divert attention from their fleet's movements into the Greater Plooriod Cluster. [HSLL, FP]
An agricultural planet in the Core Worlds region. Salliche is home to the Salliche Ag Corporation, which administers eighteen farming planets throughout the Core Worlds including the Yulant, Ruan, and Broest systems. The Empire has placed Moff Gegren Throsen in charge of Salliche, who disbanded the legislature and appointed his own men to oversee the massive corporate bureaucracy. The citizens of Salliche are loyal to the House Harbright, whose members have served the Republic for three centuries. After the rise of the Empire, Lady Selnia Harbright made the decision to aid the Rebel Alliance. Many years ago, a band of armored raiders killed many on Salliche and robbed the Vaults of Narner, until they were stopped by the Jedi Knight Soonis. About 250 years ago, a group of idealists left Salliche to colonize the planet Varonat. They were fed up with Salliche's corrupt bureaucracy and intended to establish a true participatory democracy. Independent operative Dirk Harkness was originally from Salliche, where he graduated from technical school before signing onto a starship as an apprentice mechanic. [SWAJ]
Sand Crab Nebula
Han Solo once spoke of an imaginary Imperial fleet, supposedly located in the Sand Crab Nebula. [AAS]
A planet near the Core Worlds. While at Sanjin, the Nikto agent Ma'w'shiye betrayed the Alliance, deserted his Rebel squadron, and stole the group's spacecraft. [SWAJ]
One of the Empire's peripheral holdings, Sappire is marked by constant unrest towards Imperial rule. [SWAJ]
A frozen world of glaciers, mountains, and ice-covered oceans in the Bseto system, Sarahwiee is home to a top-secret Imperial research facility. The outpost, situated in a mountain range in the southern hemisphere, holds 1000 personnel and is only accessible by air. When Emperor Palpatine first established the facility on the previously-uninhabited world, he had all references to it wiped from the Imperial archives for security. After the Battle of Endor, certain Imperial fleet captains equipped and supplied the base until the defeat of Grand Admiral Thrawn, at which point free-traders were needed to handle the cargo shipments. After Thrawn's defeat but before the rise of the resurrected Emperor, a New Republic commando team, led by Lieutenant Page and including Luke Skywalker, was sent to Sarahwiee to destroy the facility and erase its computer records. It was here that Skywalker met the young Garos IV freedom fighter named Alex Winger. [SWAJ]
Sarcophagus is the moon of Sacorria, located in one of the Outlier systems in the Corellian sector. It is a vast graveyard, visited only by those who are burying their dead. [AAC]
Grand Admiral Thrawn attacked a convoy from Sarka, which was defended by a New Republic Bulk Cruiser converted to a starfighter carrier. There was also a reception for a Sarkan delegation held in the Imperial Palace following the birth of Leia Organa Solo's twins. [DFR, TLC]
A high-gravity planet located in the Mid-Rim, Sedesia is an arid, cold world of tundra, forests, and mountains. The planet's severe axial tilt causes extreme seasonal changes and unpredictable weather, and all planetary travel is restricted to ground vehicles due to the violent windstorms. Sedesians cross the planet's surface on six-legged reptilian mounts called striders, and sometimes on unique, single-wheeled machines called wheelbikes. Sedesia has been colonized for several hundred years, and its 1.5 million settlers are primarily stubborn breedtash ranchers known for their independence and sympathy towards the Rebellion. The planet's capital and largest city is Besia Osurne, home to 250,000 people and containing the popular Trail's End tavern near the stoc kyards. The Empire, testing a pathogen-based loyalty enhancement project, infected the entire population of Sedesia with a deadly plague called the Gray Death through aerial spraying. Imperial forces set up medical facilities, ostensibly to protect the citizens from the plague, but in reality forcing them to become dependent on the Empire for their continued survival. [SWAJ]
Covered by warm shallow seas, Sedri (in the system of the same name) is home to both the aquatic Sedrians and a communal intelligence of tiny polyps known as Golden Sun. Golden Sun is attuned to the Force and provides power, healing, and other necessities to the Sedrians, who worship Golden Sun as the center of their society. Golden Sun's use of the Force also creates massive gravity readings, causing problems for hyperspace navigation near the system. The peaceful Sedrians have constructed underwater cities (the largest is Fitsay) and have appointed a High Priest to safeguard the cave in which Golden Sun lives. The Empire came to Sedri to research a possible artificial gravity well generator and constructed an Imperial garrison. A group of Rebels infiltrated the garrison, studied the Imperial's aquatic equipment, and discussed strategy and techniques with the Sedrians. This information resulted in the formation of the Rebel Sea Commandos, who later saw action on Calamari fighting the Emperor's World Devastators. The SedriMotors corporation, based on Sedri, has recently produced the Amphibion combat speeder for New Republic use. [GG4, DESB]
A planet in the Hapes cluster and home to the trees of wisdom. Believed by many to be only a myth, the trees bear fruit that can greatly increase the intelligence of those who have reached old age. [COPL]
The location of a colony that was obliterated by Warlord Zsinj's Super Star Destroyer Iron Fist. Han Solo saw the destroyed colony while on a five-month hunt to locate and destroy the Iron Fist. [COPL]
One of the five inhabited worlds in the Corellian system, Selonia has a clean blue sky and a surface composed of hundreds of islands separated by innumerable seas, inlets, and bays. Terrain on the many islands includes meadows, woodlands, and rolling hills. The small land areas are evenly distributed around the planet-- no point on land is more than 150 kilometers from the water, and no water is more than 200 kilometers from land. Famous sights on the world include the Cloudland Peaks. Beneath the surface of Selonia is a powerful planetary repulsor, which was used in ancient times to transport the planet into its current orbit from an unknown location. Selonia is the homeworld of the alien species known as Selonians, who have thick tails, sleek fur, and long faces filled with needle-sharp teeth. Selonians are hive animals, who live together in genetically-related dens. Each den is made up of one fertile female (the queen, who gives birth to all members of a den), a few fertile males, and several hundred sterile females. All sterile females with the same father are said to be in the same "sept," and members of a sept are genetically identical. It is the sterile females who interact with other species and perform all the important functions of Selonian life; the fertile Selonians are treated merely as breeding stock. Selonians make poor liars and have a deep psychological need to reach a consensus among each other, even if the resulting agreement does not always make sense. Selonians are often comfortable inhabiting underground tunnels and warrens. Many years ago, a Selonian den tried to cheat other members of their same den. For this dishonor, the perpetrators were exiled from Selonia and Corellia, and eventually settled on Sacorria. Fourteen years after the Battle of Endor, two Selonian factions-- the Republicists and the Absolutists-- struggled for control of the planetary repulsor. The Republicists intended to turn it over to the New Republic in exchange for Selonian sovereignty, while the Absolutists planned to use it as a weapon for the creation of Selonian independence. The Hunchuzuc Den, allied with the Republicists and the Chanzari Den, proposed to use Han Solo as a bargaining chip to open negotiations with the New Republic. The Overden, the ruling power on Selonia and allied with the Absolutists , won the Hunchuzuc over to their side when they claimed to control the Selonian repulsor. Kleyvits, representing the Overden, held Leia Organa Solo captive and tried to force her to recognize Selonia's independence from the New Republic. When it was revealed that the dishonored Saccorian Selonians were actually operating the repulsor, the Overden suddenly lost all power in favor of the Hunchuzuc Den. During the crisis, a Bakuran attack force led a diversionary assault on Selonia and one of its ships was destroyed by Selonia's repulsor. [AAC, AAS, SAC]
Semag system
Following the Battle of Hoth, Grand Admiral Thrawn made several attempts to locate and trap the renegade Admiral Zaarin in the area near the Semag system. [TSC]
Senex sector
Adjacent to the Juvex sector and near the Ninth Quadrant, the Senex sector is ruled by an elite group of ancient, aristocratic Houses. The sector contains the Senex system and the planet Karfeddion, and apparently Veron and Mussubir Three as well. Yetoom and Belsavis are located on its edge. The Ancient Houses and their Lords are very independent, desiring to rule their planets as they see fit and scorning any interference from outside governments. They were largely left alone under Palpatine's rule, and neither the post-Endor Empire nor the New Republic have been very successful in influencing them. The Senex Lords have long been accused of mistreating their workers and violating the Rights of Sentience. The oldest of the Houses is House Vandron, headed by Lady Theala Vandron, which operates slave farms on Karfeddion. The House Elegin is headed by Drost Elegin, and the House Garonnin gets a large portion of its revenue from strip-mining asteroids. The sleek Mekuun ships called Tikiars are often favored by the aristocrats of the Ancient Houses. The Senex system once held an Imperial training area. Before the Battle of Yavin, a new Alliance recruit accidentally hypered into the area in his X-wing, and destroyed most of the training facilities before realizing his danger and hypering out. Eight years after the Battle of Endor, Stinna Draesinge Sha, a pupil of Nasdra Magrody's, was assassinated in the Senex sector in House Vandron territory. Later that year, many of the Senex Lords met with Roganda Ismaren on Belsavis with the intent of forming a military alliance. [COTJ, FP]
Sepan system
Located in the sector of the same name, the Sepan system contains the planets Ripoblus, Dimok, Gerbaud 2, and Sepan 8. Following the Battle of Hoth, a long, destructive war between the peoples of Ripoblus and Dimok was forcibly ended by the intervention of Imperial forces under the command of Admiral Harkov. At one point, the leaders of the two sides attempted a rendezvous near Sepan 8 to organize a united attack against Imperial forces. [TSC] Serenity Following the Battle of Hoth, Grand Admiral Thrawn leaked word that a convoy carrying missile boats would be passing near the planet Serenity. This was intended as bait to trap the renegade Admiral Zaarin and his traitorous forces. [TSC]
Sern sector
The Sern sector is located near the Core Worlds, and contains the planet Ghorman. [FP]
Sesswenna sector
Contains the planet Eriadu. Grand Moff Tarkin developed the Tarkin Doctrine of rule by fear while he was a governor in charge of the Sesswenna sector and the Outer Rim Territories. [MTS, DSTC]
The former homeworld of Wetyin's Colony. The colony left Setor after suffering persecution and exile, and the Fernandin Scouting Operation was given a permit by the Empire to find the group a new homeworld. Some of the worlds considered included Betshish and Yavin 4. [GG2]

Planet - S (pt. 2)

Planet - S (pt. 3)