Planet - S (pt.2)


Source List & Abbreviations

Shaum Hii
Shaum Hii is a planet famous for its noisy cattle markets. [HTTE]
Shesharile system
Located in the Minos Cluster, the Shesharile system is a small, unimportant system on the fringes of known space. It contains a gas giant, around which orbit the inhabited moons Shesharile 5 and 6-- sometimes called the "Twin Planets." The two overpopulated moons share 12 billion people ruled by a single corrupt government, inhabiting crowded cities and polluted industrial centers. Exports are considered out of date by galactic standards, and the economy has crashed in recent years. Gallisport, the capital city and largest starport in the system, is home to a small Imperial consulate and a popular tavern called Ta's Roost. Gallisport's starport, government sector, and wealthy residences are protected behind security barriers, since the city's narrow streets are ruled by criminals and wild swoop gangs. Swoop gangs such as the Spiders, the Rabid Mynocks, and the Raging Banthas are pursued by the Legally Authorized Law Authorities or LA- LAs, a corrupt security force hired by the local government. [SWAJ]
A planet of massive glaciers where the Alliance operated a medium-security work camp. [SWAJ]
The inhabitants of Sif-Uwana, the Sif-Uwanais, have a reputation for being very casual with their money and management style. Mara Jade once visited the planet while on business for the Emperor, and the smuggler Talon Karrde posed as the chief purchasing agent for the Sif-Uwana Council while on a mission to Varonat. [SWAJ]
Silver Station
Silver Station was a hidden resistance outpost drifting near the Dragonflower Nebula in the Doldur sector. Four hundred meters in length, it consisted of a central cube surrounded by many interconnected cylinders. Very few beings knew the station's secret location, where resistance leader Una Poot supplied seven Rebel cells in the surrounding sector. Aliens of every species could be found wandering its mazelike hallways. Silver Station was once named Machenry Station, an outpost built to mine gas from the nearby nebula. The station was eventually abandoned but was discovered by Una Poot, who added two dozen huge tanks and made the structure her base of operations. Just after the Battle of Yavin, the young heiress Tinian I'att and her companions came to Silver Station to meet with Poot. Though Tinian helped foil a Ranat plot to blow up the station, most of its inhabitants were forced to flee when Imperial forces arrived and took control of the outpost. [SWAJ]
Imperial General Sulamar, who worked with Durga the Hutt on the Darksaber project, was known to boast of his commanding role in the Subjugation of Sinton. [DS]
The possible homeworld of the near-human aliens known as Sionian Skups. Skups can be distinguished from humans by their closely-spaced eyes and brittle, glasslike hair. Many master thieves have come from the Sionian home world. Anky Fremp, an early friend of Greedo's during his youth on Nar Shaddaa, was a Sionian Skup. [TFTC]
An arid, heavy-gravity world, Sirpar is used by the Empire as a training outpost for Imperial Army soldiers. The large planet has a wide variety of terrain but possesses no valuable natural resources, and is protected by three orbiting defensive satellites. Many training centers dot the surface, including the Arctic Environments Combat Range at the north pole and the Deep Oceans Operations Camp in the tropical seas. Sirpar's equatorial continent is covered with a thick muddy jungle, and the planet's main starport is located on an equatorial island. Sirpar is also the homeworld of the timid Eklaad, quadrupedal aliens possessing prehensile snouts and covered with tough armored hides. Sirpar's 1.5 million Eklaad live in tribes ruled by hereditary chieftains, and have not advanced beyond stone-age technology. Once, the Eklaad had a planetwide Council of Chieftains, but that ruling body has not convened since the arrival of the Imperial Army. [SWAJ]
Sisk orbits a red dwarf star of the same name and is home to the arachnid species Sic-Six. The star Sisk was once an orange star but underwent a partial atomic collapse, cooling the planet Sisk and turning it from warm and lush to cool and barren. Sic-Six are highly antisocial, preventing any formation of government or mass production, though their technology is quite complex. Sic-Six are valued throughout the galaxy due to the fact that poison bites from their fangs are intoxicating to most species. [GG4]
Skor II
A small dense world orbiting the star Squab. It was on this planet that the alien species known as Squibs evolved. Skor II's resources tend to be concentrated in various parts of the planet, which led to the nomadic nature of the Squibs since they had to travel to find the resources they needed. When a Dorcin trader landed on Skor II, the Squibs traded the mineral rights to a frozen wasteland for the secrets of starship technology. Now most Squibs roam the galaxy collecting junk, haggling for bargains, and competing for trash-hauling business with their primary rivals the Ugors. [GG4]
The homeworld of the slablike, multitentacled aliens also called Sljee. All species on the planet operate entirely by scent, and the Sljee have a difficult time distinguishing different smells when they are away from their homeworld. One of the waiters in a Bonadan tavern was a native of Sljee. [HSR, CSSB]
Sluis sector
The Sluis sector contains the planets Dagobah, Bpfassh, Praesitlyn, and Sluis Van. [HTTE, ISWU]
Sluis Van
Located in the Sluis sector, Sluis Van contains extensive shipyards and the huge Sluis Van Central orbit- dock station, and is defended by perimeter battle stations. The busy shipyards are managed by an outer system defense network and the overloaded Sluissi workers at Sluis Control. Six months after the Battle of Endor, the Sluis Van Congregate was still debating on whether to join the New Republic. Though the Sluis sector lay closer to New Republic sectors than to the Imperially-held Core Worlds, the Sluissi did not want to alienate the Empire, which was still one of their main shipyard clients. Five years after Endor, Grand Admiral Thrawn launched an attack on 112 warships docked at Sluis Van, attempting to capture several of them with a cloaked cargo of spa cetrooper-manned mole miners. No warships were captured, but the destruction of their control systems rendered over 40 of them useless. Notable members of the snakelike Sluissi species include Secles Uslopos, henchman for the crimelord Abdi-Badawzi on the planet Socorro. [HTTE, DFR, SWAJ]
Jabba the Hutt visited Cabrool Nuum's base on Smarteel in an attempt to sell Nuum a captured freighter. In the ensuing adventure, Jabba killed Nuum and his two children. [JTH]
The dry desert world Socorro orbits a red giant star in the isolated Socorran system, approximately three days travel from the Nodgra system. The planet's black volcanic-ash surface gives it its name, which means "scorched earth" in Old Corellian. The vast Doaba Badlands cover three-quarters of the planet's surface, and are home to several nomadic tribes including the Bharhulai and Ibhaan'I. A range of dormant volcanoes known as the Rym mountains runs through the badlands, and the world possesses few valuable natural resources. Sandstorms are common at the world's polar regions, where temperatures still remain a burning 110 degrees. Animal life in the deserts includes the water beetle and sandfly. Vakeyya, the capital and only large city on Socorro, lies adjacent to the Soco-Jarel space station of landing pads and hangar bays. Though the planet has not seen rain in nearly 1000 years, there are enough underground water reserves to sustain the 300 million smugglers and nomads, who live under no form of organized government. Socorro is a haven for free-traders and outlaws, and the planet has a long, proud tradition of piracy. Illegal ship modifications remain a major source of planetary revenue. Socorrans have a deep sense of honor and integrity, and their strong loyalty to others is one reason why bounty hunters traditionally avoid the planet. According to custom, Socorrans travel offworld to die, but those who cannot often wander into the desert when their time is at hand. It is considered taboo among Socorrans to discuss those who have passed away. Socorro was one of the first worlds colonized by early Corellian settlers, and most inhabitants speak a distinctive dialect of the ancient Old Corellian language. This language is called Socorran, but is sometimes inappropriately termed "Middle Corellian." The leader of the planet's underworld is the Twi'lek gangster Abdi-Badawzi, who rules from his subterranean fortress at the base of the Rym mountains. The famous smuggler Karl Ancher, now retired, runs the Black Dust Tavern in Vakeyya. The young smuggler Drake Paulsen was born on Socorro. [SWAJ]
The site of the Solaest Uprising, which was suppressed by Imperial forces. [SWS]
Sombure sector
The Sombure sector is located near the Wornal sector. Imperial Moff Prentioch, ruler of the Sombure sector, began to expand his own territory following the Battle of Endor. His forces made advances into neighboring sectors including Wornal, where he ran against the competing forces of Moff Eyrgen. [SWAJ]
Soruus system
For many years, the provincial government of the Soruus system sentenced their criminals to fight to the death in gladiatorial combat. When the Min-Dal company took this as an opportunity to test its prototype Gladiator battle armor, several of the armored criminals managed to blast out of the arena and cause great damage. They were eventually stopped by the Empire, and Min-Dal was forced to cancel its armor production. [SWAJ]
Two wings of TIE fighters attacked the anti-orbital ion cannons on Spefik. The cannons were destroyed by a salvo from pilot Ranulf Trommer. [ROC]
A tropical pleasure world near the Inner Core. With very little axial tilt, and almost no dangerous native life, Spira is one of the most popular vacation destinations among the wealthy Core World citizens. The planet is almost entirely covered by a sparkling sea, broken only by small islands. Scouted by the Old Republic over a thousand years ago, Spira is now leased from the Empire by the Tourist Guild. Air traffic to the planet is limited to passenger liners and registered transports, and personal weapons are forbidden. Spira's mostly human population numbers only 500,000, and the Spira Security Police handle most local disturbances. Ataria Island is home to Spira's major spaceport and its most exclusive resorts. Spectacular cliffs compose its north and west sides, and luxurious beaches can be found to the east. The exclusive Aspre Plunge resort is built directly into Ataria Island's north cliff face, and it extends one hundred meters below the water's surface. Gamblers in the Aspre Plunge's famous casino can look out its windows and view Spira's colorful marine life. A small Imperial garrison is located near Ataria Island's spaceport. The Shinkai Abyss, an underwater chasm lying near Ataria Island, runs almost 5000 kilometers and is encrusted with sparkling crystal. Spira's large, predatory Camray eels inhabit the Abyss and make popular trophies for vacationing sport hunters. Spira's largest island is on the opposite side of the planet, and its southern cape is an intersection of dangerous ocean currents called the Point. A crashed alien spaceship of unknown age or origin lies beneath the ocean and is a popular attraction for recreational divers. Spira is famous for the annual Spira Regatta, in which yacht crews race each other around the entire planet in a matter of days. Underwater plant life includes lacy green seafern, and marine animals include the parasitic Galub slug. [SWAJ]
New Republic intelligence agents on Spuma discovered increased trooper recruitment into the fleet of Admiral Harrsk, one of the few Imperial warlords remaining eight years after the Battle of Endor. [COTJ]
The star orbited by Skor II, home planet of the Squibs. [GG4]
Sights on Sriluur include the sandstorms of Varic and the port city of Dnalvec. Animal life on the planet includes dark wolves, fierce nocturnal beasts that some Weequays are skilled enough to tame. Alliance major Adazian Liebke, a Weequay, once served in the Dnalvec militia and fought in the Houk-Weequay conflicts. After the conflicts ended, the Empire built a permanent garrison along the Copper Coast and in the industrial capital of Meirm. The Nikto assassin Ma'w'shiye, while he was still an Alliance agent, helped defend the two remaining Dnalvec militia outposts on Sriluur against an Imperial attack. [SWAJ]
(see ThonBoka)

Planet - S (pt. 3)