Planet - S (pt.3)


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A planet well-known as a major trading center, Svivren is also noted as being a particularly difficult planet to conquer. Svivreni traders can be seen in the galaxy wearing their traditional garb of dulbands and robes. Mara Jade was sent to Svivren by the Emperor after she failed to kill Luke Skywalker at Jabba's palace on Tatooine. Later, a Crystal Gravfield Trap of General Bel Iblis' was lost at Svivren, creating an urgent need for a new CGT array during the siege of Coruscant. [TLC, TFJP]
The infamous spice world Sevarcos orbits the orange star Lumea in the Sevarcos system, which consists of four solid planets and eight gas giants. Sevarcos is the second planet in the system, and the only one capable of supporting life. Due to the profitable spice extracted from Sevarcos' Imperial mines, the Empire maintains a permanent customs blockade of the entire system. A huge asteroid field drifting between the sixth and seventh planets houses the elite "Fate's Judges" TIE Interceptor squadron, which attacks any smuggler foolish enough to run the blockade. Sevarcos, brown and amber colored from space, is a dry, windswept world plagued by frequent sandstorms. Mountains make up most of the northern hemisphere, while vast deserts cover the south. Sevarcos' two types of spice-- the common white andris and the rare black carsunum-- are primarily mined in the equatorial region, where the mines double as brutal Imperial prisons. The Empire's forces are overseen by Imperial Planetary Commandant Velpar Raftin. Animal life on Sevarcos includes the spice eel, which burrows through rock and can reach lengths of up to thirty meters. Sevarcos has an original human population known as the Sevari, believed to be the descendants of settlers from the early Old Republic colony ship Sevari Cabal. The Sevari eventually formed clans headed by Spice Lords to oversee the spice trade, though total control of that industry is currently held by the Empire. Unprotected visitors to Sevarcos can suffer side-effects from inhaling the trace amounts of spice found in the atmosphere, but native Sevari (accustomed to the constant spice) often slip into a coma-like "spice narcosis" when breathing the pure air of other worlds. Most of the planet's one million Sevari shun advanced technology, and use archaic wind riders for transportation and projectile flashpistols for defense. The most powerful Spice Lords are L ord Quintas of the Southern Deserts, Lady Trevael of the Northern Frontier, and Lord Cassius Nolath Rha, ruler of the profitable Equatorial Belt. [SWAJ]
Shadow Academy
A torus-shaped space station located near the Galactic Core, covered with weaponry and protected by a powerful cloaking device. Shadow Academy, capable of hyperspace travel, can move to a new location at a moment's notice. Built by the Second Imperium for the express purpose of training Jedi in the dark side of the Force, the station is stark and austere, with harsh, spartan accommodations for its students, locks on every door, and chrono chimes marking every quarter-hour. Brakiss, a former student of Luke Skywalker's, leads the Academy with the assistance of the Nightsister Tamith Kai. Various sections of Shadow Academy include the docking bay, a large meeting room, a holographic training chamber, Brakiss' private office, and a spherical, zero-gravity arena at the station's hub. The entire station is riddled with chain- reaction explosives, set to detonate if the new leader of the Second Imperium is displeased with Brakiss' progress. Consequently, Brakiss is never allowed to leave the station. Nineteen years after the Battle of Endor, Jacen and Jaina Solo and their friend Lowbacca were kidnapped and brought to the Shadow Academy to train as Dark Jedi. Soon after the children's escape from the station, the Shadow Academy moved to Coruscant. Hiding behind its cloaking device, the station was able to launch attacks on New Republic convoys and recruit several people (including Jacen and Jaina's friend Zekk) to serve in the Second Imperium. The station was revealed when Jaina overwhelmed its cloak with a light beam from one of Coruscant's orbiting mirrors, but it managed to escape and establish a new hiding place near the Denarii Nova. It was here that Zekk, in a lightsaber duel in Shadow Academy's hub arena, killed his chief rival Vilas and became the Second Imperium's Darkest Knight. [YJK]
Shasfath Cluster
After the Battle of Hoth, Alliance operatives were sent to the Inner Rim and Expansion Region, to search for tibanna gas deposits on gas giant planets in the Lequabis, K'taktaxka, Poviduze, and Kelavine systems and the Shasfath Cluster. [SWAJ]
An agricultural planet, Stassia is a placid and unremarkable member of the Core Worlds. Its 1.3 billion human inhabitants are known for their indifferent and accepting natures, and are all steady supporters of the Empire. Stassia has been settled for ages, and was originally ruled by the members of the 15 Head Clans, who were descendants of the original colonists. The world is now ruled by Imperial governor Tren Pergallis. Stassia City is home to swoop races and ringer tournaments, and is the base of operations for the local crime madame Aalia Duu-lang. Sergeant Zeck Tambell is a special investigator for the Imperial Governor's office on Stassia. [SWAJ]
Stenness node
Sometimes referred to as the Stenness system, the node is actually a group of three planetary systems whose primary industry is mining. The node is located on the rim of the galaxy on the mining frontier and contains the planets Ambria and Taboon. The twenty-five humanoid species inhabiting the node are collectively referred to as "Nessies," who control the various mining operations and cut deals with outside traders. BolBol the Hutt is said to practically own the Stenness system. Four thousand years ago, the Stenness underworld was controlled by a Hutt named Great Bogga, and the Nessies transported mutonium cargoes in ships made from the hollowed exoskeletons of the Colossus Wasps of Ithull. Han Solo and his former lover Salla Zend used to run Kessel spice to the Stenness system and compete to see who could strike the best deal from the Nessies. The bounty hunters Zardra and Jodo Kast, pursuing the Thig Brothers into the Stenness system, caught up with their quarry on Taboon. The ensuing firefight resulted in the death of Mageye the Hutt. [DE, TOTJ, TFTC]
Stic is a planet of continual climactic and geologic change and is home to the insectoid species known as the Xi'Dec. Due to the necessity of adapting to the rapid changes of Stic the Xi'Dec have evolved hundreds of specialized sexes throughout their history, each with its own unique appearance and abilities. Currently there are over 180 different sexes of Xi'Dec with the Xi'Alpha (the most common sex) composing almost six percent of the population. During various periods of Xi'Dec history warrior, constructor, messenger, and other sexes have appeared and disappeared to suit the needs of the community. Xi'Dec society is organized around the family unit, which never contains more than one member of the same sex, and has developed moderate technology. Tourism is a main industry of Stic, and many Xi'Dec are employed in the galaxy in genetics, geology, and other scientific fields. [GG4]
The homeworld of the giant Stone Eels, creatures composed of living rock. [D]
Likely a captured comet, Stroiketcy is one of the three planets of the Yavin system. The planet is noted for its trailing "tail" of atmosphere and its solid rock core. Due to its wide elliptical orbit, Stroiketcy varies between the second- and third-planet position in the Yavin system during its year. The world's surface is almost entirely water, with only a handful of rock outcroppings breaking the surface amid constant rainfall and fog. At either pole are two permanent ice caps (called Vanyets and Tsorria), and huge glaciers can be found drifting across the deep oceans. Stroiketcy's elliptical orbit causes an extended winter period when it is far from the system's sun, at which time all open water on the planet may freeze. Though it has never been confirmed, unicellular life might exist in Stroiketcy's oceans. The planet's name comes from the Corellian for "tailed one." [GG2]
Sullust is a volcanic world in the Sullust system, which is located between Yetoom and Ithor. The planet, covered with thick clouds of hot, barely-breathable gasses, is habitable (for most species) only in its vast networks of underground caves. In these caves the native Sullustans have built beautiful underground cities, which serve as tourist draws for many other galactic citizens. Piringiisi is one popular resort spot on the planet, known for its hot springs and caustic green mud. The amiable Sullustans are highly valued as pilots and navigators, due to a Sullustan's instinctive ability to remember any path he or she has traveled. The massive SoroSuub (or SoroSub) Corporation is based on Sullust and employs nearly half the population in its mining, energy, p ackaging, and production divisions. Sullustan exports include injecto-kit shoes, prefabricated room units, and plastic corneal replacements, and SoroSuub once manufactured Dragon battle armor for the Sullustan military. The Sullustans have established a permanent system Home Guard navy to protect their shipping from pirates and criminals. Drutash grubs are considered a Sullustan delicacy. Despite the Rebel sympathies of many Sullustans, the SoroSuub Corporation dissolved the Sullustan government, seized control of the planet, and declared its allegiance to the Empire. After being forced out of the Sullust system by the Imperials, Councilor Sian Tevv brought Nien Nunb's private raiding squad into Alliance service. Prior to the Battle of Yavin, after the Alliance rescued a Sullustan leader kidnapped by the Empire, the Sullustans seemed to join the Alliance. However, it was not until late in the war when the leaders of Sullust finally held a vote and decided to officially secede from the Empire. The Alliance fleet assembled near Sullust just prior to the Battle of Endor. Nien Nunb's sister Aril Nunb later served as the Executive Officer for Rogue Squadron. [ROTJ, ROJN, SWS, TLC, COTJ, DESB, FP, XWRS, SWAJ]
Sumitra sector
The Sumitra sector contains the planet Tierfon where a Rebel starfighter base was established to patrol the outer edges of the sector. The Empire was aware of Rebel activity, but since the sector contains 12,387 planets and moons, locating Tierfon base was a difficult task. [SWS]
Following the Battle of Yavin, the Star Destroyer Relentless was to receive a cargo of new TIE interceptors at a rendezvous near Sunaj. The replacement cargo was destroyed by an Alliance strike team. [FP]
Sunaj IV
The Imperial frigate Juvani, undergoing service near Sunaj IV in the time following the Battle of Yavin, was attacked and destroyed by the Alliance. [FP]
The third planet in the Garos system, Sundari is a hot, arid mining colony which was settled nearly 4000 years ago. Sundari immediately began inter-system trade with its sister planet Garos IV, since the Sundars were dependent on an outside supply of foodstuffs. About 200 years ago, large numbers of Sundars began emigrating to Garos IV and establishing new businesses and factories, earning the resentment of Garosians who were hurt by the new competition. A civil war between the two planets erupted when a Garosian grain processing facility was destroyed-- intentionally, some claimed, by the Sundars. The devastating war raged on for 82 years until a truce was hammered out by Tork Winger, Assistant Minister of Defense for Garos IV, and Tionthes Turi, a respected Sundar engineer. Violations of the truce, such as the Wahalla Massacre, continued. but the Empire's intervention into the conflict approximately five years before the Battle of Yavin brought a sudden, violent end to most resistance. [SWAJ]