Planet - T


Source List & Abbreviations

Points of interest on the agricultural planet Taanab include the Pandath spaceport and the Banthal Company orbital docking array, where the largest cargo ships are typically found. Four thousand years ago, the freighter Kestrel Nova was captured from space pirates near Taanab and was used by Ulic Qel-Droma to travel to the Tetan system. Millennia later, the planet found itself plagued by annual raids of bandits from Norulac. One year, Lando Calrissian happened to be at the Pandath spaceport when the pirates arrived for their latest assault. Calrissian, on a bet, agreed to attack the raiders, and hid his ship in the ice ring surrounding Taanab's moon while he waited for the pirates to make their run on the docking array. When his target was in position, Calrissian ejected his cargo-- hundreds of Conner nets-- into the center of the attacking fleet. As the pirates struggled to untangle themselves, the cocky gambler hit them with tractored ice blocks from the moon's ring and caused even further damage. Finally, Calrissian led the Taanab defense fleet in their clean-up operation, and single-handedly accounted for nineteen kills. Though the Taanab portmaster offered him a permanent job, Calrissian declined, preferring instead to investigate his newly-won deed to a Clendoran brewery. Later, just prior to the Battle of Endor, Calrissian was promoted to Alliance general partly on the notoriety of this incident. Over five years later, Joruus C'baoth coordinated an Imperial attack on Taanab, where he used the Bellicose's turbolasers to destroy a New Republic ship over the direct orders of Captain Aban. [ROTJ, ROJN, DFR, DLOS, SWAJ]
Taboon, located in the Stenness system, is circled by many moons-- one of which was the private moon of Great Bogga the Hutt. Bogga, who constructed a great palace on Taboon, was the ruler of the Stenness underworld four thousand years ago. Millennia later, the bounty hunters Zardra and Jodo Kast tracked their targets to the Red Shadow, a Taboon bistro. The ensuing firefight resulted in the explosive death of Mageye the Hutt. [TOTJ, TFTC]
The fourth planet in the Morobe system, Talasea orbits the yellow primary star in a red/yellow binary group. A cool, moist, fog-shrouded world, Talasea has a higher gravity than standard and is lashed by severe thunderstorms during the rainy season. Island continents make up its land masses. Animal life includes native insects and reptiles, along with feral mammals descended from those brought for an early farming colony. Indigenous plant life includes green ivy and the kaha tree. Colonized long ago, most of the settlers' descendants left over the years, and the last group of them were wiped out by Darth Vader after the Clone Wars for harboring a fugitive Jedi. Some three years after the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron was moved from Folor to Talasea, closer to the Galactic Core, as a staging area for their eventual move on Coruscant. They made their base on the largest of the island continents, inhabiting the ruins of Talasea's Planetary Governor's Palace and the surrounding ivy-covered cottages. The Palace's primitive Grand Room was built of heavy native wood and thick plaster. After Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor deduced the location of Rogue Squadron's new headquarters, Admiral Devlia ordered a platoon of stormtroopers to secretly infiltrate the base and plant explosives. Though the squadron lost six sentries and pilot Lujayne Forge, all of the Imperial commandos were captured or killed. The Alliance immediately evacuated the base, leaving behind several booby traps for any Imperial follow-up teams to discover. [XWRS]
A planet in the Core Worlds near the Colonies region, Tallaan is the site of the Tallaan Imperial Shipyards. When Grand Moff Tarkin was killed aboard the first Death Star, the Empire released an official statement claiming that Tarkin had actually died in a shuttle crash at the Tallaan shipyards. [SWAJ]
When the planet Tallek was hit with an outbreak of deadly thorn fever, Imperial medics placed the sick in isolation camps and let them die. [SWAJ]
The largest planet in the isolated Kelavine system of the Expansion Region, Taloraan is an unexplored gas giant nearly 100,000 kilometers in diameter. The planet has a strong magnetic field, and is orbited by seven uninhabitable moons and a spectacular ring system. Taloraan's hot atmosphere, rich in tibanna gas, is breathable at high altitudes, and several forms of life have evolved among its clouds. Sleft-chuffni are huge, 200-meter long gasbags which gather drifting algae with their hanging tentacles, while the carnivorous flying rays called fleft-wauf hunt the sleft-chuffni and attack with their barbed tails. Years ago, several groups of humans were somehow stranded on Taloraan and separated into two groups-- the peaceful Denfrandi and the belligerent Wind R aiders. The Denfrandi keep a herd of one hundred sleft-chuffni, and live in gondolas slung underneath the beasts. The Wind Raiders attack on fleft-wauf mounts, and live within the body cavity of a colossal, kilometer-long floater known as an island-beast. [SWAJ]
One of the five habitable planets in the Corellian system, Talus is a blue, white and green world the same size as its sister planet Tralus, and both orbit a common center of gravity (where Centerpoint Station is located). Together they are referred to as the Double Worlds, and both are ruled by the elected Federation of the Double Worlds, or Fed-Dub. Beneath the surface of Talus is a planetary repulsor, which was used in ancient times to move the planet into its current orbit from an unknown location. When a flare-up in Centerpoint Station (fourteen years after the Battle of Endor) caused many deaths, the survivors were relocated to Talus and Tralus. When word spread of the incident, a rebellion against Fed-Dub occurred on Talus. A group of starfighters, possibly representing the Talus rebellion, subsequently flew to Centerpoint and claimed the station for themselves, until chased off by a Bakuran task force. [AAC, AAS, SAC]
The planet Tandankin was taken over by Imperial forces under the command of Grand Moff Nivers following the Battle of Endor. When Rogue Squadron arrived to free the planet, Wedge Antilles was forced to topple an enormous tower-- the Tandankin people's greatest monument-- in order to destroy a landing strip filled with TIE fighters. [XW]
Tandell system
Tiree, a Rebel agent, killed the Imperial Governor Lord Cuvir while on Wor Tandell. Cuvir had discovered Tiree encoding a report on Imperial fleet movements in the Tandell system. [MTS]
Tangrene was the site of a major Imperial Ubiqtorate base, until General Garm Bel Iblis' private army bypassed three Star Destroyers and completely destroyed the installation. Later, while the Ubiqtorate base was being rebuilt, the New Republic tried to give the impression that they were intending to attack Tangrene to acquire a CGT array. In reality, their true target was Bilbringi. [DFR, TLC]
Tao-Grant system
A Rebel Alliance cell was located on the second moon of the Tao-Grant system's lone gas giant. The Bothan diplomat Tereb Ab'Lon tried to deliver a stolen schedule of Imperial fleet movements to the Rebels in this cell, but was killed before he could do so. [SWAJ]
A small, uncharted world of plateaus and subterranean canyons, Taraloon is hidden deep within the Quintar Nebula. The pirate Drek Drednar has established a secret base on the planet, deep within an underground world of rivers and trees. The planet was discovered by Drednar's navigator Tron Nixx, who gave it its name-- "Taraloon" means "buried treasure" on Nixx's homeworld of Corlass. Animal life on Taraloon includes the predatory, reptilian gornalak. [SWAJ]
The home planet of a bird-like alien species, formerly under the brutal rule of Dictator-Forever Craw. Craw, ruling from his palace behind an impenetrable force field, imposed a 99 percent tax rate on his subjects and forced their children to toil in factories until the age of six. Before their service to Captain Antilles, R2-D2 and C-3PO were captured by Craw and taken to his palace. Craw planned to uncover the secret of the savorium herb, (which turned people into happy slaves called 3smilers2) and then rule over a contented but mindless populace. Meanwhile, several splinter groups dedicated to overthrowing Craw united under the revoltist leader Shay, and infiltrated the palace through the sewer1s force-field hole. Their attack was unsuccessful, but they mana ged to rescue the two droids. A second attack, aided by R2 and 3PO1s Ithorian master Zorneth, resulted in the defeat of Craw and his forces. [D]
Taroon system
Located on the outer edges of the Rim, the Taroon system contains the planets Kuan and Bordal. [TSC]
Tarsunt system
Xenobiologists studying Jabba the Hutt's famed rancor discovered that the crashed ship which had brought the creature to Tatooine, piloted by Captain Grizzid, had last docked in the Tarsunt system. It has since been revealed that rancors exist on the planet Dathomir and in the Ottethan system. [MTS, TFJP]
A harsh, desert planet orbiting a double star in the Outer Rim, near the worlds of Ryloth and Piroket, Tatooine is located in the system of the same name. Far from the galactic mainstream, Tatooine happens to occupy a strategic location at the nexus of several hyperspace routes. Unfortunately, there is very little of interest on Tatooine, and it is ignored by almost everyone, with the exception of smugglers and criminals. The G1 and G2 stars of the system are referred to as Tatoo I and II, and the planet is orbited by two moons. Over the centuries Tatooine has been the site of many orbital battles between rival gangsters and smugglers, and its surface is littered with ancient starship wrecks-- most of which have long since been buried by the fierce sandstorms that rage across its surface every year. Tatooine has only been officially colonized for a few hundred years, but it boasts two native alien species: the meddlesome Jawas and the fierce Tusken Raiders, commonly called Sandpeople. The nomadic Sandpeople spend their lives swathed in thick wrappings, looking out at the world from behind fearsome masks. They are intoxicated by sugar water and are most dangerous during their adolescent years, when they must survive rigorous rites of passage (such as hunting krayt dragons) to become adults. The Storyteller is the most respected member of Tusken communities, and it is considered blasphemy (and grounds for instant death) to speak a single word of the sacred stories incorrectly. Many Tusken Raider clans return annually to their traditional encampments in the Needles, a section of the Jundland Wastes, to wait out the dangerous sandstorm season. The Sandpeople have an almost symbiotic relationship with their bantha mounts-- a member who has lost his bantha is considered incomplete, and an outcast among his people. The junk-dealing Jawas travel the desert in former ore hauling/mining vehicles called Sandcrawlers and live in protected fortresses in the badlands; their numerous clans annually assemble for a large swap meet. Animal life on the planet includes the bantha, dewback, womp rat, sandfly, bone-gnawer, gravel-maggot, dune lizard, sandsnake, rockmite, feathered lizard, sand-jigger, meewit, cliffborer worm, strange (but harmless) protoplasmic creatures, and the feared Sarlacc, which is said to take a thousand years to digest its prey. Tatooine is also home to the terrifying krayt dragon, possibly feared more than any other animal in the sector. Though it is considered a suicidal venture, some hunt the krayt dragon to obtain its legendary, priceless gizzard stones, known as "dragon pearls." Many colonists on the planet run moisture farms (which condense water from the dry air with vaporators) and pika and deb-deb fruits have been known to grow in certain oases. Some water prospectors roam the desert searching for untapped sources of subterranean moisture. The native hubba gourd is a primary part of the diet of both the Sandpeople and Jawas, and other plant life includes razor moss and the funnel flower. Strange mists sometimes form where the sodium-rich dunes meet the rocky cliffs, though the origin of these mists is a mystery. Points of interest on Tatooine include the Dune Sea and the neighboring Jundland Wastes, Anchorhead, Motesta, Toshi Station, Bestine township, Beggar's Canyon and its Stone Needle, Bildor's Canyon, and the Mos Eisley spaceport. Mos Eisley, the primary city of Tatooine, has been described as a "wretched hive of scum and villainy." It is bordered by mountains on the north, and on the opposite side by the decaying buildings of the southern sector. The wreckage of the Dowager Queen, the planet's first colony ship, can be found in the center of town. Other sites in Mos Eisley include the Lucky Despot hotel and casino (owned by the Whipid gangster Lady Valarian), Lup's General Store, the Spaceport Traffic Control Tower, dewback stables, the Mos Eisley Inn, Ruillia's Insulated Rooms, the underground Mos Eisley Towers hotel, Gap's Grill, Pylokam's Health Food booth, the Court of the Fountain restaurant, outdoor cafes, Spaceport Speeders, Kayson's Weapons Shop, Heff's Souvenir Shop, Turhaya's Landspeeder Repair shop, the Red Moon Saloon, a Dim-U monastery where ships can have their transponders illegally altered, a treasure-filled town house owned by the crimelord Jabba the Hutt, and the infamous Mos Eisley Cantina owned by Chalmun the Wookiee. After the Battle of Endor, the master chef Porcellus opened the Crystal Moon restaurant in Mos Eisley, and its fame has spread throughout the Outer Rim. A grove of Cydorrian driller trees, planted by the Ithorian Momaw Nadon, grows in the mountains north of Mos Eisley, and somewhere in the desert there is rumored to be a colony of alien Kitonaks. Jabba the Hutt also owned a well-guarded palace in the Dune Sea, which served as the center of his widespread criminal empire. The world is ruled by Governor Aryon from the city of Bestine, and Prefect Eugene Talmont is in charge of the local Imperial garrison. The Jedi knight Dace Diath, who lived four thousand years ago, was a native of Tatooine. Several centuries ago, exiled monks of the B'omarr Order built a huge monastery in the on the edge of the Dune Sea, nearly 2500 kilometers from Mos Eisley. The bandit Alkhara took up residence in part of the monastery and remained there for 34 years, raiding nearby moisture farms while expanding and improving the citadel. The B'omarr monastery was the home of many other gangsters and bandits until eventually becoming the palace of Jabba the Hutt, who expanded the citadel to encompass a hangar and garage. Throughout the changes, the B'omarr monks kept to their own affairs in the palace's lowest levels, trying to reach a level of enlightenment at which their brains could be surgically removed by the other monks and placed in glass jars, freed from the distractions of the flesh. Decades ago, the Jedi knight Obi-Wan Kenobi came to the desert planet to place the infant Luke Skywalker in the care of Kenobi's brother Owen Lars and his wife Beru. Several years after that, a message from Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, whose ship had been captured above Tatooine, helped bring Kenobi out of his life as a hermit near the Dune Sea and into the service of the Alliance. Immediately before the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker and his friends returned to Tatooine to free Han Solo from Jabba's palace, which resulted in the death of the crimelord and the collapse of his organization. The B'omarr monks reclaimed the palace, persuading several of Jabba's lieutenants to join them as disembodied brains. Eight years after Endor, the Imperial battlemoon Eye of Palpatine stopped at Tatooine to pick up a contingent of stormtroopers but brought aboard Sandpeople and Jawas instead. Later that year, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo returned to Jabba's palace to investigate rumors of the Hutts' Darksaber project. [SW, SWN, SWR, ROTJ, ROJN, MTS, TLC, DLOS, COTJ, TFTC, DESB, DS, ISWU, TFJP, SWAJ, SME]
Tau Sakar system
The Tau Sakar system contains seven life-bearing planets orbiting the star Tau Sakar. Garban, the fourth planet in the system, is the homeworld for the alien species known as the Jenet. Because of the similarities between all seven worlds, there is some speculation that the entire system was planetscaped by an unknown alien species sometime in the distant past. The Empire has taken control of this system, and has forced the Jenet to mine the rich ores that are found in all seven planets. [GG4]
A mist-shrouded, acidic swampworld in the Gunthar system, Taul was used by the Rebel Alliance as a training outpost until the facility was destroyed by the Victory Star Destroyer Dominator. [SWAJ]
Teilcam system
Located in the Outer Rim, the Teilcam system's only habitable world is the watery planet Kabaira. [SWAJ]
Teke Ro
A blue giant star circled by Cona, homeworld of the Arcona. [GG4]

Planet - T (pt. 2)

Planet - T (pt. 3)