Planet - T (pt.3)


Source List & Abbreviations

Based on instructions from Darth Vader, a group of Imperial probe droids was recalibrated to search for Rebels on Allyuen, Tokmia, and Hoth. [ESBR]
The site of the Battle of Ton-Falk. During this battle, two Imperial frigates and a Dreadnaught were destroyed due to insufficient TIE fighter protection. Analysis of this battle led to the development of the KDY Escort Carrier. [TSC]
Toola is a glacier-covered, bitterly cold world orbiting the purple sun Kaelta. It is home to the primitive alien race called Whipids, who delight in hunting the indigenous caraboose, furry mastmots (also called motmots), seagoing arabores, flying snow demons, Sea Hogs, and Ice Puppies. Toola has only a brief growing season during the summer months when grasses appear to join the purple lichens on the plains. Whipids have only the most primitive technology and live in loose nomadic tribes led by the best hunter, called the Spearmaster. The only significant export from Toola is ice for water-scarce planets, and Whipids can be found in the galaxy acting as trackers and mercenaries. Notable Whipids include J'Quille, one of Jabba the Hutt's hunters, and Lady Valarian, owner of the Lucky Despot hotel on Tatooine. Four years after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker traveled to Toola to inspect the ruined home of a slain Jedi Master, who had once been the curator of Jedi records on Coruscant. [COPL, GG4, TFJP]
To-phalion Base
To-phalion Base, possibly in the Iast system, was a secret Imperial research facility built into the hollowed- out interior of a large asteroid. Formerly used as a mining operation, the asteroid later housed a hangar bay and laboratories for the Vorknkx Project, which developed an experimental cloaking device following the Battle of Hoth. The base was surrounded by eight smaller asteroids-- four with anti-warhead defense batteries and four with turbolasers. Just prior to the Battle of Endor, the renegade Admiral Zaarin attacked To-phalion and Grand Admiral Thrawn was dispatched to stop him. Zaarin succeeded in stealing the corvette Vorknkx, containing the prototype cloak, and escaping into the Unknown Regions, though he was tracked and soon eliminated by Thrawn. [TSC]
After the Alliance stole the Death Star plans, they were delivered to the Toprawa Relay Station. The rebels on Toprawa then transmitted the plans to Princess Leia's ship, the Tantive IV, in the operation known as Skyhook. Later, as punishment for helping the Alliance, the people of Toprawa were forced into a pre- industrial state-- relying on campfires and bantha-drawn carts as their highest form of technology. Loyal Imperial forces began living in shining, illuminated citadels out of reach of the lowly Toprawans. Periodically, stormtroopers would ride a grain cart into village squares and watch as the peasants crawled forward on their stomachs, wailing lamentations over the Emperor's death at Endor. Grain was only given to those whose penance seemed the most s incere in the eyes of the observing Imperials. Some three years after the Battle of Endor, Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loor spent a week on Toprawa after being ordered back from a stay on Borleias. [SWR, DS, XWRS]
Trade Spine
Also known as the Corellian Trade Spine, the Spine is located near the Ison Corridor and scattered throughout with Duros maintenance depots. Bespin Motors has been highly successful in selling their cloud cars to the urbanized and overpopulated industry worlds along the Trade Spine. Admiral Daala lay in wait for targets at a hyperspace node on the far end of the Spine, where ships bound for Anoat or Bespin would have to drop into realspace to recalibrate their navigation instruments. [TLC, DA, GG2]
Tragan sector
The territory of Imperial Moff Brinkan. Brinkan placed a bounty on Ral Shawgrim, a former Alliance technician, when Shawgrim did not deliver a set of stolen X-wing plans. [SWAJ]
One of the five habitable planets in the Corellian system, Talus is a blue, white and green world the same size as its sister planet Talus, and both orbit a common center of gravity (where Centerpoint Station is located). Together they are referred to as the Double Worlds, and both are ruled by the elected Federation of the Double Worlds, or Fed-Dub. Beneath the surface of Tralus is a planetary repulsor, which was used in ancient times to move the planet into its current orbit from an unknown location. When a flare-up in Centerpoint Station (fourteen years after the Battle of Endor) caused many deaths, the survivors were relocated to Talus and Tralus. When word spread of the incident, two rebellions against Fed-Dub occurred on Tralus. A group of starfighters, possibly representing one of the Tralus rebellions, subsequently flew to Centerpoint and claimed the station for themselves, until chased off by a Bakuran task force. [AAC, AAS, SAC]
Trammis III
Trammis III is famous as the home of the gigantic reptiloids sometimes called dinosaurs. The inhabitants of the planet speak Trammic, which is related to the Old High Trammic spoken by the Toka of the Rafa system. [LCMH]
Tran Mariel
The Yavinian runyip of Yavin 4 is named for a similar stubborn herbivore found on Tran Mariel. [GG2]
Trax sector
The Trax sector, located in the Outer Rim, contains the planets Deysum III and Uogo'cor, and the Trax Tube-- a major Outer Rim shipping lane. Alliance supply purchaser Redda Macrebe works throughout the Trax Tube systems. [SWAJ]
A major Rebel network was exposed in Trebela's capital city by Imperial Governor Kraxith. Surprisingly, most of the Rebel groups discovered had been working independently and were not aware of the others' activities. [SWS]
The homeworld of the feline Trianii species, located far from the disputed border between the Corporate Sector and the Trianii colony worlds. The Trianii Ranger Atuarre was born on this world. [CSSB]
Triitus system
Located at the edge of the Corva sector in the Outer Rim, the Triitus system's second planet is Tuulab. [SWAJ]
When Han Solo's tauntaun froze to death in a Hoth blizzard, he commented that it was "deader than a Triton moon." [ESBN]
Trogan, in the system of the same name, features the Whistler's Whirlpool tapcafe on the coast of its most densely-populated continent. At the center of the Whirlpool is the Drinking Cup, a natural rock bowl which violently fills with seawater six times a day due to Trogan's strong tides. The Whirlpool was a disappointing failure as a tourist attraction and has since been abandoned. Talon Karrde arranged a smugglers' meeting at the Whirlpool, which was attacked by bribed soldiers from the nearby Imperial garrison. [DFR, TLC]
The planet Tro'Har is located in the Elrood sector, near the planet Coyn. [SWAJ]
Trulalis system
The Trulalis system, located just one hour's hyperspace travel from Najiba, contains the planets Issor, Cadezia, and Trulalis. [SWAJ]
Located in the system of the same name, Trulalis is a rich green planet of grasslands, forests and oceans. Beneath a thick cloud layer, the unspoiled world is covered with windswept fields separated by stretches of wilderness, and dotted with several small settlements. Trulalis has been set aside as a low-tech world by the Issori, and most of its inhabitants shun all forms of higher technology-- using miniature banthas as beasts of burden, for instance. Nestled within a steep mountain range is the gated community of Kovit, a farming settlement dominated by a towering, buttressed theater of white limestone. During the golden age of the Old Republic, Trulalis was a thriving cultural center boasting one of the finest liberal arts schools in the galaxy. Today, however, its days of respected theater and drama have long passed, and only a few scattered remnants testify to its former glory. Sometime before the Battle of Endor, the Dark Jedi Adalric Brandl hired the smuggler Thaddeus Ross to bring him to Trulalis, Brandl's former home. [SWAJ]
Tsoss Beacon
An automated beacon station located on a desolate planetoid in the Deep Galactic Core. The region is inundated with deadly radioactive storms and solar flares, and the station itself was constructed by droids and suicide crews. The last human personel abandoned the station several years prior to the Battle of Yavin. It was at Tsoss Beacon that Admiral Daala met with, and murdered, the remaining Imperial warlords eight years after the Battle of Endor. [DS]
Located in the remote Tund system, this hidden world was home to the mysterious and ancient Sorcerers of Tund. Many are not sure if "Tund" refers to a single system or to a cluster of stars. No one is sure what species the sorcerers themselves were, since they were known to cover themselves in heavy grey robes. Years ago Rokur Gepta, a snail-like Croke, infiltrated the Sorcerers of Tund and learned their secrets. He then murdered his teachers and transformed the planet Tund from an attractive world of prairies, forests, and jungles to a blasted, sterile wasteland. The deadly radiation was held back in some places by force fields, so Gepta could land his ship on Tund safely. [LCMH, LCFW, LCSC]
Tungra sector
The Tungra sector, near the Bruanii and Javin sectors, was home to a deep-space Mugaari cargo loading depot. The depot was completely destroyed by the Empire following the Battle of Hoth. [TSC]
The planet Turkana is located in the Hadar sector, and has several moons. Prior to the Battle of Yavin, at least five Star Destroyers on patrol near Turkana discovered the Alliance fleet in orbit around the world. The Imperials engaged the Rebel fleet but suffered severe losses. Shocked by this development, Emperor Palpatine ordered the implementation of Operation Strike Fear to crush the Rebellion. Later, Alliance pilot Keyan Farlander flew his first mission near Turkana. [FP]
The second planet in the Triitus system of the Corva sector, Tuulab is a peaceful world of gentle plains, blessed with abundant natural resources. It is home to a colony of 6000 people, who fled to Tuulab over the years to escape persecution under the Empire's New Order. The rural Tuulabi colonists have no form of organized government. The Gotal crimelord Mahk'khar recently built a 3-story palace on Tuulab, in an uninhabited area on the west coast of the planet's northern continent. [SWAJ]
Tyed Kant
Tyed Kant is home to the headquarters of two corporations that supply foodstuffs to the Empire-- Nebula Consumables and Imperial Meats and Produce. [SWAJ]
Tynna, homeworld of the otter-like Tynnans, is a resource-rich planet that has long been a member of the galactic community. Corporations operating under the Old Republic developed Tynna's natural resources but kept the planet's natural beauty intact. The fur-covered Tynnans have poor eyesight and a layer of fat beneath their skin to protect them from the cold waters of their planet. Tynnan society is entirely state-run-- all citizens have free access to housing, food, education, and other benefits. For thousands of years the members of the Tynnan government have been selected by lottery. Since any citizen can be chosen to serve, the pragmatic and sensible Tynnans always stay informed on important issues. Because of their planet's natural wealth, Tynnans make up one of the most affluent societies in the galaxy. They love the water, and can often be seen travelling the galaxy as tourists. Recently the Empire has been trying to increase their control over the planet to generate greater revenue. Odumin, the Corporate Sector Authority territorial manager (also known as Spray the skip-tracer), was a native of Tynna, and his success has inspired other Tynnans to take more active roles in galactic affairs. [HSR, CSSB]
Tyrius system
The Tyrius system contains the planet Rodia, which is the homeworld of the alien species known as Rodians. [GG4]