Planet - Y (pt.2)


Source List & Abbreviations

Yulant system
Located in the Core Worlds, the Yulant system contains one of the eighteen farming planets administered by the Salliche Ag Corporation. After the Battle of Endor, workers in the Yulant, Ruan, and Broest systems revolted against the Imperially-controlled Salliche Ag by burning fields and destroying hydroponics facilities. [SWAJ]
Yunkor IX
In an early test of the B-wing starfighter, a single B-wing was sent to destroy a TIE fighter staging area near Yunkor IX. [FP]
Yushan sector
Located in the Mid-Rim, the Yushan sector contains the planet Kaal. [SWAJ]
Yyrtan system
The Yyrtan system contains the yellow star Yyrta and several planets, including Kirtania. The system is positioned along a hyperspace trade route that has recently increased in popularity. [SWAJ]