Planets - Z
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Ral Shawgrim, a former Alliance technician who tried to steal the X-wing
starfighter plans, was a native of Zalso. When Shawgrim's parents, who
worked on Zalso during the cor'tan season, were killed by the Empire,
Shawgrim joined up with a small Rebel cell on the planet. [SWAJ]
Zebitrope IV
Located in the Zebitrope system, Zebitrope IV is the homeworld of a
species of lizard whose members symbiotically support a spongy mold
growth on their backs. This mold is the only source of the addictive
drug lesai, which eliminates the need for sleep in those who take it.
Zeffliffl, the fourth planet orbiting Markbee's Star, is home to the
seaweed-like aliens also known as Zeffliffl. They inhabit the shallow
seas surrounding the smaller southern continent of the planet, and must
spray themselves with seawater when spending time on land. The Zeffliffl
exist in close groups of several individuals, and their bodies will
automatically reject any outsider who attempts to join this group. [TCS]
Zi'Dek system
Han Solo used to make smuggling runs to the Zi'Dek system. He learned
some of their port access codes, but these codes were later changed by
the Imperials. [COPL]
Zirtran's Anchor
A trading station drifting near the Phosphura Belt Nebula, Zirtran's
Anchor is a hodgepodge of vessels and freighters welded together and
connected by interlocking pressure tunnels. Owned and operated by tribal
nests of Geelan-- short furry aliens who love bartering and hoarding
valuables-- the station continues to grow over time as more ships are
added to its bulk. The Anchor is a haven for smugglers and other free-
traders, and the Empire only maintains a token customs presence. A Golan
battle station was recently purchased by the Geelan to protect the
Anchor from outside threats, while the private security firm Defensus
Solar keeps internal order. The station is divided into four primary
regions: Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Epsilon. The Hub in Sector Alpha is the
heart of the Anchor, and it is where most arriving ships must dock.
Chabak's is a popular tavern along the Hub's main Spine Passage. Sector
Delta contains the Death Mark frigate, a haven for bounty hunters, and
the Rusted Cutlass II, the headquarters of the Phosphura Belt Pirates.
Most of the Anchor's expansion happens in Sector Epsilon, where the
mysterious Kalai aliens have recently attached a ship. The Kalai never
appear outside their ship, though some visitors occasionally see
"lethagoes"-- the tall, thin offspring of Kalai and humans.
Zirtran's Anchor is named for the Zirtran brothers, the original owners
of the huge barge that forms the heart of the station. The Geelan
purchased the barge and began its expansion, positioning their new
station in the Besberra system. One day the Anchor suddenly and
inexplicably vanished, later reappearing near the Phosphura Belt Nebula.
Investigators found that all lifeforms had completely disappeared, and
the station's droids had no memory of the strange event. Though many
theories have been proposed, to date no one has solved this eerie
mystery. [SWAJ]
The possible homeworld of the Zygerrian slavers. Three years before the
Battle of Yavin, Han Solo and Chewbacca had a run-in with Zygerrian
slavers off Janodral Mizar. After convincing the slavers to abandon ship
by broadcasting a stolen Imperial ID, Solo gave the ship and its cargo
of treasure to the freed slaves. Among them was Alliance historian Arhul
Hextrophon and his family. [HTTE, SWS]
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