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The Incessant Ramblings of Rufus and the Turks

Jen: You're here again? You must really like to be bored to death.

Reno: We are not boring! Well, at least I'm not.

Rufus: *Ignoring Reno* I'm just relieved everything is back to normal.

Elena: Are you talking about Athena getting all of her stories back?

Reno: Yes. Now he can get out of the somber get up.

Elena: Was I talking to you? I don't remember saying a word to you.

Reno: What's your problem?

Elena marches up to him and sticks her face so close to his, that their noses touch

Elena: You are my problem, Reno. You are always my problem and I'm getting really tired of you!

Reno: Oh, and you think that I enjoy having some young, snot-nosed rookie chasing after my coattails?

Jen: *to Rufus* Man, this could get ugly. Maybe we'd better move back a few more steps.

Rufus: *backing up until his legs hit the back of Seph's sofa* I think you're right.

Elena: Snot-nosed rookie!! I could accomplish a mission faster and better than you with one arm tied behind my back and blindfolded!

Reno: Don't make me laugh!

Elena: You won't be laughing when I get done with you if you keep it up!

Seph suddenly materializes on his sofa, eating out of a bag of popcorn. He looks at Rufus and Jen, pats the cushions next to him and offers some of his popcorn. Jen and Rufus shrug, and join him.

Reno: Oh yeah?! I'm quakin' in my loafers! I've seen you fight honey, and you rely on those grenades way too much!

Elena: *steam pours out of her ears* You will pay for that remark Reno!

Elena charges Reno and Reno sticks his foot out tripping her. She picks herself up off of the ground and tackles him from the knees. Reno falls on top of her and they wrestle around, kicking, punching, pulling hair, and any other form of pain they can think of. Meanwhile, Seph, Jen, and Rufus are watching from the sofa, transfixed.

Sephiroth: Wow! This is the best fight I've seen in ahwile. Well, next to Cloud kicking my butt with that huge Ultima sword.

Tseng: *enters the room* What the?! Is anyone going to stop them?

Getting no answer, Tseng jumps in and attempts to seperate them. For his efforts, he gets punched in the face and sent flying into a wall. Once he recovers, he straggles to his feet and joins the others on the already crowded couch.

Rude: *walks in* .....

Rude walks forward, grabs Elena and Reno and pulls them up so that their feet dangle a good five inches off the ground and leaves the room with them.

Sephiroth: Hey! I was enjoying that. *shrugs* Oh well! I'll just go find Cloud to beat on for awhile.

Seph fades away.

Jen: Now what?

Rufus: We can follow Seph. Maybe he'll actually beat Cloud this time.

Tseng: *holding ice to his eye* I'll go. I haven't got anything better to do.

Jen: *grins evily* Wait guys. Athena wants all of you over at her site right now. She has work for you to do.

Grumbles can be heard all around, and Rude pops his head back in, still holding Reno and Elena.

Jen: Yes, Rude, you guys too.

