Ramble For: September 2nd, 1998
Jen: Well, this place actually looks halfway decent and it only took you about a week.
Everyone with the exception of Jen, glare at Reno, who shrugs.
Sephiroth: *reclining on his sofa, polishing his sword* There's someone outside the door.
Elena: What?
Sephiroth: Just what I said, there's someone outside the door.
Reno: I'll go check.
Everyone waits for awhile until the door opens and Reno walks back in, dragging someone behind him.
Jen: Reno? What in the world?
Reno: Looky who I found lurking outside. It's Frank.
Tseng: Frank?
Rufus: Who is Frank?
Sephiroth: Yes, tell us, who are you?
Reno: Frank is Frank. You guys just don't know who he is because he's never written anything for you.
Rufus: Oh, I see. Another fanfic author. Well, at least he has yet to force me to do things I don't like. Ahem, Jen?
Jen: Be quiet Rufus.
Bree: Actually Jen, you say it like this. Shut up Rufus!
Rufus: Bree! What are you doing here?
Bree: Jen invited me to torture you.
Sephiroth: Hey, I hate to be picky and all, but Bree, you have my color.
Bree: Well, that probably has something to do with the fact that we have the same hair color.
Sephiroth: Ugh. Jen, couldn't you have been a little more original?
Jen: Quit complaining, Seph. I ran out of good colors.
Frank: Uh, I hate to be a spoiler Jen, but this color isn't going to work for me. Also, could you tell Reno here to let me go?
Jen: Sorry! I'm working on the color right now. That's Athena's color anyhow. Reno, let him go.
Reno: Aw, come on! I want to torture him a bit and show him how it feels.
Sephiroth: Did someone say torture?
Bree: Down boy. There will be no torturing here. Well, except for the torturing I do to Rufus.
Rufus: Hey! Maybe I ought to torture you too. *suddenly grins evily* Perhaps I'll sing the Barney theme song in my mind all day.
Bree: If you force me to listen to that, I will kill you.
Sephiroth: *sigh* I really hate that she has my color.
Rude and Tseng enter the room with Athena in tow.
Athena: Well hello, Frank. Nice color.
Jen: I'm working on it!
Frank: That's better. Hello Athena. Back off Reno!
Cid: That's my damn color!
Jen: *big sigh* So share!
Cid leaves the room grumbling.
Reno: Hey Frank, you much of a drinker?
Frank: *rather suspiciously* Why?
Reno: I'd like to have a drinking contest. But...if you can't hold your liquior...
Frank: I'll drink you under the table!
Jen: Uh, Frank? Are you sure this is a good idea?
Frank: Yeah. I can do it.
Athena: *doubtfully* I don't know...
Some...heck I don't know how many beers later, Frank and Reno are standing on the table, beers in hand, singing at the top of their lungs. Everyone else, meanwhile have either gotten earplugs, or went for their weapons.
Athena: This definately was not a good idea.
Jen: What?! I can't hear you through my ear plugs! You are going to have to speak louder.
Athena: I said...oh nevermind! Rude! Please get rid of these two until they sober up!
Rude: Okay. *picks up Frank and Reno by the backs of their shirts and carries them out of the room*
Elena: That's much better!
Reno: *from down the hall a ways* Wwwwwhhhhaaattt, yyyooouuuu ddddoooonnnn' lllliiiikkkkeee mmmyyyy ssssiiinnngggiiiinnnggg?
Everyone: NO!
Frank: Bbbbuuuttt yyyyoooouuu llliiikkkkeee mmmiiinnnee, rrriiiggghhhttt?
Everyone: NO!
Sephiroth: Geez, this ramble sucked. No one got beat up or anything.
Everyone except Seph: SHUT UP!
Sephiroth: Sheesh! I know when I'm not wanted!
Jen: I want to take a nap, Frank and Reno gave me a headache with their singing. See ya later guys.
Athena: *yawn* Wow, glad these late night chats are over! Let me walk you out.
Wow, what cameos in this Ramble! Well, as you know, Athena is from the The Edge of Sanity. Bree is a Turk I control in an RPG, and Frank is none other than Frank Verderosa from OH NO! NOT ANOTHER FINAL FANTASY VII WEB PAGE. What a lively bunch we are!!