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Nothing At All

Why do, people stay in a relationship,
when they know there's nothing at all left.
Some say,"it's for the kids."
Others say,"I've got nowhere else to go."

Why can't, we realize sooner,
it's a waste of time, and time is limited on earth.
Some say."the kids are better off, not in it."
Others say,"I'll leave when the kids are grown."

Why can't we live our lives for us,
but we have to worry about what others will think.
Some hide feelings for a life time.
Others just keep trying to make something outta nothing.

What few of us realize is,
we are given dreams, and dreams do come true.
Why not take those dreams, off the back burner,
move them to the front and start living again.

~jill Moody~

copyright 1998

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