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Harlan County residents ,former and present

John R. Owens, born in Harlan, now living in Indiana-

Muriel June Peace,nickname Merle, attended James A. Cawood high school and University of Kentucky, see more photos and info on Merle at the link below.

More pictures and information of Merle here

Janice R. (Jones) Carr, born on Halloween night 1944 at Evarts, KY., in harlan county, attended Evarts grade school, Green Hills grade school in Bledsoe, KY. and Pine Mountain Settlement School. I have lived in Ohio for more than 40 years and didn;t return to harlan county for 30 of those years but now go there frequently to visit cousins.

Loretta Marcum Peace LeMarr 09-03-39 to 02-14-98 Daughter of Edna Bell Taylor Jackson Mother of six children, Merle, Terry, Randy, Michael, George and Travis. She attended Blackstar High School before it was turned into a grade school in Alva, Ky. She was married to Leonard Peace, Jr. and Dave LeMarr, both deceased. She was known by all as "Ret".

Roger L. Philpot, shown here with grandchildren, was born and raised in Harlan County, attended Evarts High school. now living in Indianapolis, Indiana.
See Roger's web site here

Rowen Rutherford lived in Yancey 1940-1951 and Gulston (Pansy) 1951-1953 .. Living In Norfolk VA since 1977, Retired from USAF after 26 years service Dec. 1979, attended Hall High School '49-'53...Email me Here

My name is Elizabeth ann Clem Biggs. I was born in Lynch, Ky. I attended Elementary school in Rosspoint, Ky, from 1952-1959. I moved to Fort Wayne, IN,in 1959.I would like to hear from anyone I went to school with. email me at, .

My name is Peggy Nolin, attented Hall High School, Cawood and Three Point Elementary, Harrison and Dorothy Nolin parents, would like to hear from anyone in from this area or era.

my name is [GOLDIE WILLIAMS NOLAN BREEDEN] [MY E- MAIL IS GOLDIE@FUSE.NET] I was born and rasied in Harlan Co. next to Pine Mt.Settlement school. I have lived in Ohio for 18 years. thanks,Goldie Breeden

My name is Roy Lee Shepherd i was born in Pansey 1941 I lived in Harlan 24 years I went to Bardo school and Harlan in the 50s I now live in Tennesssee for 30 years. but i visit Harlan often because i have grandchildren who live there. anybody can email me at

Leonard Hamilton Angel-Born August 18, 1948 at Mary Alice, Ky. Lived in Gulston {Pansy} from 1952 until 1967. my E-Mail address Attended Hall High School from 1962 to 1966.

My name is Paula Jones I am from Evarts ky. I am the widow of Dennis Jones.please e-mail me at

My name is Larry W. Smith. I was born in Yancey in 1948 and lived there until 1964. After the mines went on strike we lived in Pansy for about a year then moved to the western part of the state to Beaver Dam, Ky. I went to school at the old methodist church for four years then to Elzo Guthrie Elementary. I went to Hall High for three years before we moved. I now live in New Johnsonville, Tennessee. My email is

I was born in 1944 in Kenvir Ky to the parent of Ulis and Octavia Emmett. I attended Black Mountain school first and second grade. My father was a coal inspector. My mother was born in Punkin Center in 1917. Her maiden name was Cloud and the daughter of Benjamin and Martha Cloud. She had two brothers named Harrison and Tillman Cloud. All are deceased. Harrison and Tillman both lived in Punkin Center until they died. I have a brother named Jack and a twin brother named Jay and an older sister named Kathleen. I would like to hear from anyone who may remember us, or most of all, my parents. I remember attending a Baptist Church called Britton Creek and the minister was a Quinn or Winn. I'm not sure of the name. If anyone knows any of us, please email me at Thanks so much.

Ann Stines Langlois, born 1935 at Liggett. My grandparents, Louisa and Bill Stines raised me in my early years. I attended schools at Liggett, Stanfill, Elcomb, Loyal and one year at Hall High. I moved to Michigan in 1949, and still reside here. I am retired from Ford Motor Company and spend my winters in Florida. Email me at:

Patricia (Pat. Wallace) Carter-Born 8-14-1937daughter of John & Lucy Wallace. Live at Mary Helen Ky.,In Harlan Ky Till i was 17. I live in Apopka Fl. E-mail

My name is Cecelia Creech Bryson and I lived on New York Rd. in Cumberland for most of my life. I attended Cumberland Grade School and High School. I would love to hear from anyone from Cumberland or surrounding areas. My email address is I live in North Carolina now and it would be great to hear from anyone from back home. Thanks, Cecelia Bryson

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