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Making Buttermilk at home

Originally buttermilk was what was drained from the churn after butter had been made. Little or none of that is avaiable today. Instead, the buttermilk you buy is made from pasteurized SKIM milk to which a culture of bacilli has been added. In a recipe calling for cultured buttermilk this is what you wil use. You can make your own cultured buttermilk. Using skim milk and cultured buttermilk from the grocery store; Use one half gallons of skim milk and mix in one cup of cultured buttermilk, pour the milk into a stainless steel or enamel container and place the container with the milk in it in the sink which has warm or hot water in it up to the level of the milk and bring the tempature of the milk to 70 degrees, cover and let stand at 70 degrees until the milk has clabbered (the appearance of sour milk). Now stir until smooth then put in refrigerator.
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