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Above is Peabody's mine number 30 at Kenvir Kentucky


The Barbourville Mountain Advocate 5-25-1928

SEVEN MINERS DIE IN HARLAN EXPLOSION Dust Ignites in mines At Black Mountain Company; Rescuers Overcome

Kenvir, Kentucky May 23, 1928

Seven Miners of the Black Mountain Coal Company, at Kenvir, Harlan County are dead as a result of an explosion Which rocked mine #30 there about 6:30 o clock Tuesday night. Six men were killed outright and the seventh gave his life in an attempt to rescue his companions in the gas filled chamber. The dead are: Asher Hall age 47 Clay Quintrell age 35 Lewis Fogerty age 32 John Edwards age 37 B.M. Haggard age 35 Elmore Leach age 22 and Frank Romine age 30 is still missing and fear is expressed that he may have perished with the others. The men were working in mine #30 when a shot in the slate is thought to have caused an explosion of dust. An investigation is under way to determine the cause of the tragedy, one of the worst that has occurred in the southeastern Kentucky Coal fields. Immediately after the explosion fellow workers rushed to the scene and attempted to bring out the men. Chow entered the gas filled Chamber and attempted to rescue the six men but was overcome with gas and died in his attempt. Seven members of the rescue squad from the King-Harlan Coal Company rushed to the rescue and were overcome by fumes they were in turn rescued by others and carried to safety. They were unconscious when found but all are expected to recover. They attempted the rescue work for four hours before being overcome. Fifteen rescue workers from the Fordson Coal Company at Wallins came to the scene with gas masks and aided in the rescue work. All men with the exception of Romine, reported missing were taken to safety. Most of the men were married and their deaths leaves seventeen orphans. Romine has a wife and three children. None of the men were mangled in the explosion, all having perished from the fumes penetrating the mine after the explosion. The bodies were recovered Wednesday and workers from all parts of the Harlan field were on hand to render assistance. Mine rescue squads were summoned from Lexington and Norton, it was reported immediately after the explosion.

"Old coal company script" This Black Star script came from their mine at Alva, KY. and the Blue Diamond script came from their Leona Mines, VA. altho Blue Diamond also operated mines in KY.