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How Do I Purchase Meals from Chef Bridges?

Steps to Start Your Gift of a Personal Chef!

3: Upon receiving an inquiry by phone or email, Chef Bridges will construct a sample menu based upon the client’s initial request. A planning discussion by phone or in person will take place to determine the client’s continued interest in the service.

4: For service to begin, an initial deposit of one-half week's food service (not including food or shopping costs) will be paid to Chef Bridges. For instance, with an order of seven (7) days full menu (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for one (1) serving delivered for re-heating: a $140 deposit. This will allow the purchase of food storage containers and pay for labor/time to shop, prepare and deliver the first week's menu.

5: A meeting will be scheduled to receive the deposit and to assess client allergies, likes/dislikes and any special menu favorites or requests the client may have. A final menu will be discussed and approved at this meeting.

6: Once the menu is approved - the first week's meals will be delivered to the client‘s home within seventy-two (72) hours accompanied by an invoice, with receipts, for the remaining balance, food costs, fuel, etc., that is payable upon receipt.

7: Payment going forward is due on or before delivery of that week's meal choices. Payment can be made by credit card, cash, personal check or online via PayPal.

8: Depending upon the tenure of each client, delivery will be made on a pre-determined day and time each week.

9: The weekly menu including entrees, side dishes, desserts and breads are negotiable and flexible until the menu has final approval.

10: Any additional food shopping for personal items, pet products, general merchandise, etc., may also be requested. Reimbursement is expected same day of purchases.

11: Additional catering services are also certainly welcomed by request.
