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Lady Wolf's Lighthouses

The mists rise from the ground and darkness falls from the sky to meet in a gentle kiss.

A hush falls over the land except for the waves crashing against the shore and the call of some far off night bird.

I am wrapped in the wings of this demon darkness.

Terror tugging at my heart.

Then you are there, glaring, with your one eye.

That beautiful, warm eye full of light.

The demon flees and I am free once more, basking in your blinking stare.

You will watch over me while I take my rest.

Ladywolf 12/25/99

A storm is blowing in off the sea.

You alone stand to warn the unwary.

You send your message through the night.

Stay away, Stay away, Stay away.

The ships Captains gratefully acknowledge your warning.

For you alone stand between them and disaster.

You are the brave one.

Facing the storm, while all others flee.

Standing guard, eternally.

Ladywolf 12/25/99

The above picture was taken by me, in 1998, at Hunting Island, S.C.

View from the top Hunting Island lighthouse 1998

When I am old I won't need pity,

I shall leave the sullied city,

Climb a lighthouse, bar the door,

And trim my wicks for evermore.


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