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ThE WiNnErS oF My WoNdErFuL AwArD

***NOTE: i won't be adding anymore links to this site. so you need to visit the other one to view the up to date winners.

K, here's the deal, you win my award, I put up your link here. I try to put them in the order of the winnings. I just put exactly the information that they put when filling out the form. So if you do something wrong when filling it out, that's your problem. If you have the award on your page, but you don't see it listed here, complain to me at once!! Or even if your link is here, but you don't have an award. And if ANYONE finds a dead link.. well, TELL me!!! please.

~*~List de Winners~*~

LiQuiD PuNX!!! - mOnEEkAh

KaTeS pAgE oF HaTiNg FuCkUrZ - KaTiE

kevins page - kevin

Rage Against The Machine - WiLL

inside out - Cookie

On No JoE WaTcH OwT FoR Da GrEeN SkItTlEs - Leia

Arizona Information - Bob Tracy

WeLcOmE tO PaRaDiSe - AmBeR

ShelbY's PagE - Shelby

ÅñÉüRÿSm16's \/\/Ø®£Ð - Adam

BlonDeChiC's CluB - Michelle

Brupy's Load - Chris

A DeReK JeTeR FanTaSy - Shari

D-LuXX's Deluxe Domain - D-LuXX

sKuNkErS - JoN

Words from the Heart - Will Westberry

FiNd OuT fOr YoSeLf - AnnA

Welcome to Ashley's Life - Ashley

Sarah's Waste of Space - Sarah

NicholleNET - Nicholle

Red Merriman's World - Red Merriman

Erwin Li'l Homepage - Erwin Slater

Lys' Lair - Lys

Equerry - web master

Christi's Home Page - Christi

Virtual Chicas - Rebecca

Michael Watkins' Homepage - Michael Watkins

A Bit of Punk & A Dash of Ska - Kailey

Empathy's Playground - Empathy Warlord

Brandy's Web Page - Brandy Artice

Noah's Skating Page! - Noah Cooper

The Unofficial Eric Fonoimoana Page - Elizabeth Lopez

Dutch Rallycross Homepage - Peter Grymans

Jeff's Happy Homepage - Jeff McAtee

Amanda's "Gee!" Spot - Amanda

clickalink - Dave

As Homeroom Turns - kenzie

1Moose Gold - Karen Pimtzner

At the Racetrack - Lilly & Heather

Ann's Art - CJ Moss

The Fruit Palace - Megs

Nathan's House 'O SKA! - Nathan Loper

Karin's Eurasierpage - Karin Schnabler

Unsimple World - Simon Coggins

Canadian_9's site - Chris Sulz

LeLa's KeWl PaGe - Brittany "LeLa LeAnn"

Liland - Lil

The Game Zone - William Foster

Quotes and Thoughts - Sherri

CriScO's Webpage O' Crap - CriScO

The Green Book - Jin Yip Kong

Dino's Place - Illona van Tulden


Dustin's No Doubt Page - Dustin

Shelly's Wild World - Shelly

mOnKa-N-gWeNiFFeRz TaStY pAgE!!! - mOnKa AnD gWeN

Cool Whip - Melissa Masucci

ThE sKaTePaRK - JoN

carmela's homepage - carmela

TweaKin isLanDs - -:::LsG:::-

Eccentric ELaina's X-FIles Emporium - Darlene

wonderful happy magical land of happiness andwell being - jOsH

Kingdom of Stuff - Jessica

No Doubt Palace - James Ramsay

*.molly coddled.* - flex

ShuddUP & Drive Cin - Trish

Niteowl's Place - Jack and Linda Witt

Marcie's Page - marcie

Ricki's Homepage :o) - Ricki

The Viking King's Valhalla - Brad Millar

.she.devil.kaos. - .andrea.she.devil.

Erin's Page - Erin