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Death To Diabetes
Diabetic Diet Tips

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Ask A Healer Series on Diabetes

Dietary Changes For Beating Diabetes

by Ask a Healer

I came across this series of videos on youtube, from an engineer named DeWayne McCulley, who had diabetes so bad that he almost died in a diabetic coma.

This is a very long series, excerpted from a medical conference where DeWayne was sharing about overcoming diabetes in his own life. He is funny and entertaining and you may enjoy watching his videos. However, they are quite long and you have to dig a bit for the meat and bones of his diabetic diet tips within them.

I found one section, in part 3 or 4, where he talked about what seemed to be a cornerstone of the diet information he was sharing. He said that a person with type 2 diabetes should never eat a single meal that did not contain bright-colored vegetables.

DeWayne McCulley named three vegetables in particular, that will help with reversing type 2 diabetes. Those veggies are broccoli, brussel sprouts and spinach.

He also mentioned onions, garlic and red and green peppers as helpful.

In addition, though Mr. McCulley said grains could be added in later, he suggested not eating grains at all during what he calls the recovery stage, while you are getting your diabetes under control.

Death to Diabetes: If the information in the youtube series resonates with you, you may also want to order DeWayne McCulley's book, Death to Diabetes.

In it, he outlines the diabetic diet he followed to reverse his own type 2 diabetes as well as giving information on what causes diabetes and how it effects us at a cellular level.

DeWayne talks about how type 2 diabetes starves the cells of nutrition and that it is actually a disease of cell starvation.

Here is the link to DeWayne McCulley's youtube channel:

Death to Diabetes

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Health Care Disclaimer: The diabetic diet tips mentioned here, from DeWayne McCulley are part of his own protocol for reversing his own type 2 diabetes. If you have a specific diabetic diet given you from your doctor you should take this information to your doctor before starting on the diabetic diet suggest by Mr. McCulley.

The tips on eating as a diabetic on this page are not meant to replace needed medical diagnosis or treatment or to replace any dietary recommendations from your doctor. Natural diabetes remedies are not being presented as a substitute for medical evaluation and consult.