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Should You See Reiki Symbols
Before Attunement to Reiki?

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The Sacred Reiki Symbols - Available to all; should they be?

by Ask a Healer

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Diane Stein has a dvd series that is actually condensed from her 3-day Essential Reiki workshops. It's a very good introduction to Reiki as Diane teaches it and might be valuable if you are considering a workshop with Diane Stein in the future.

Essential Reiki 3-day workshop DVD Series by Diane Stein

Unveiling Secrets: The Sacred and energetically infused symbols given to Usui on the side of that mountain so long ago were once fiercely guarded. Only those who completed the training were allowed to see them or work with them. Reiki training did not come cheap, either. It could cost as much as $25,000 to be attuned by one of the few Reiki Masters authorized to do such attunements. That fiercely protected shroud around the Sacred Reiki Symbols was shattered when a woman named Diane Stein published a book about Reiki and openly shared the Reiki Symbols which are used by a Reiki Master during the attunement process.

Breaking Secrecy of Reiki Symbols: The controversy over this sharing of secret symbols is still a live one. While many Reiki Masters do share the symbols in a beginning, or Level One Reiki Class, others do not because they believe it is too soon. Symbols are called Sacred for a reason. The Reiki symbols have an energy gridline that is powerful and connects someone instantly on drawing them. Sometimes, this may not allow for ease and facilitation of the gifts. Each person must decide if it feels right for them to work with the Reiki Symbols before being attuned or attending a Reiki Workshop.

Is Reiki Dangerous? I recently read an article saying so. I tried, best I could, to voice some kind of response to such a ridiculous claim but ultimately just clicked away from the site. I'll not list it here either. Reiki is one of the most enjoyable and relaxing energetic gridlines I've expienced. Ultimately, only one energy heals. We may call the path of that energy Reiki or something else but if healing occurs, it is because there is alignment with the universal laws of health. I care not what path brings me to this place of alignment. Reiki is one such way.

Should you learn Reik Symbols before attunement? It's an interesting question. There is such a vast rightness to the way our lives unfold, even when they seem most wrong. In other words, I tend to feel what happens is what is the optimal for anyone at any time, given their state of consciousness. It may look far less than optimal to someone else. Innate wisdom guides each on their own path.

If one is led to view and meditate on and use the Reiki symbols before they are attuned, who am I to tell them not to do so. I only suggest that there may be physical and emotional consequences, in the form of some type of accelerated experience, in viewing them.

Health Disclaimer: Any healing modality that connects you to more of who you really are as a Divine Being of Light carries the potential to also flush out who you are not. This is a sort of spiritual detox and may include a temporary feeling of unease, emotional releases, mental confusion as your identity shifts, etc.