What is spiritual wellness?
by Ask a Healer
For me, true healing has to start with and fully involve the spiritual aspects of who I AM.
Treating the body, only at the level of
symptoms and conditions, misses the mark of true healing. I consider a purely physical approach to wellness to be akin to taking an aspirin for a headache...the best we can hope for is temporary relief.
The best way to insure true healing of the body is by walking your spiritual path in a connected way.
These are articles are about my own path of spiritual awakening and healing and what I've learned a long the way that may be helpful to others on a spiritually conscious path. Being a woman on a spiritual path of awakening, I have had occasion
to share with other spiritual women and to help support their journey as they have supported my own. what is a spiritual woman?
About Healing - Learn about different types of natural and spiritual healing modalities and resources here.
Additional Spiritual Wellness Articles:
Exercise in Futility - What happens when I ignore spiritual hints and guidance.
Abundance Series - A series of articles excerpted from an ebook on abundance that I wrote back in 2014. Creating an abundant life is the topic.
A Message from Pain - Bursitis is a painful condition where the bursae around shoulders, knees or elbows gets swollen and inflamed. What is the spiritual message of bursitis?
Spirited Acting - Improvisation as a spiritual resource. Spirited Acting and why I like it!
Moontime Isolation - The tradition of Sacred Moon Lodge and why I practiced it prior to my croning years.
The Meaning of Pain - Is pain just a physical sensation and issue or are there emotional, mental and even spiritual components? Is our pain trying to tell us something important?
Moment to Moment - How our moment to moment decisions weave the blueprint for our future.
Wine and Spirituality - Is wine different from other forms of alcohol, from a spiritual perspective?
Are Romantic Relationships Elusive for You? "Every time I like a person it does not pick up beyond a friendship. I'm sure there must a nice partner for me somewhere on this earth, but somehow..."
Sundance in the Dakota Hills An intense, spiritually activating experience.
Joseph Rael's Dance Vision The Sun Moon Dance and the many spiritual gifts that emerged from it.
The Space Between Things What I learned from one sentence in a Carlos Castenedas book.
My Experience with Cranial Flight A spiritually transformative experience that took years to begin to integrate.
Are Your Belief Systems Limiting? Well, by nature, yes. belief systems limitwhat you experience and may be useful to evolution. Are the limitations still serving your exploration and spiritual path?
What is the LifeLine Technique for Healing? A very verbal technique for healing that involves several different healing modalities.
What is an Empath? Is being empathic special? What does it mean to be an empath, as a person or as someone in the healing field?
Spiritual Meaning of Depression Many consider depression to be a sign that the soul is asking for healing or expression.
Spirituality and Smoking Are there spiritual reasons for smoking tobacco? Does tobacco soothe, heal, hinder or hurt one's spiritual progress?
About the Oneness Blessing Is this a scam or new age airy fairy thing or is it a genuine dispensation of Spirit?
About Sacred Initiation Oh, it ain't always what I expected. What does an initiation into the sacred look like?
About Shamanic Initiation What is the Shamanic experience? Is it the same for everyone. Is it only for a few?
How to Cope with Negative People Tips to help when you encounter negative vibe folks.
What is a Direct Energy Transfer? You've probably had one at some time in your spiritual awakening....
Spiritual Vision of Shelly Yates The vision of firing the grid.
Spiritual Protection Against Evil Do you need protection again dark forces or evil?
How to Get a Good Psychic Reading Tips on getting helpful information in a reading and avoiding psychic frauds or dabblers.
Celebrating with Community Festivals and fairs are a way to connect; to fire the ride with intention; to celebrate our connectedness to all.
Law of attraction Is it just the Secret?
LOA Success Resource to help with those wanting to play with the Law of Attraction.
Living by Faith One person's journey through challenging times, by calling on faity.
Critical Mass and Your Children Critical mass and how it is effecting your children; how they may be affecting all.
Matrix Energetics and 10th Dimension I love Matrix Energetics. The 10th dimension stuff makes my hair hurt.
The Akashic Records Go Online Is the internet a physical representation of an etheric reality?
Learning from Spiritual Teachers Sometimes the best teachers don't appear to be teachers at all.
Spiritual Wellness Heals the Pain of Love Lost
Inner Circle Empathic Connections
Learn how to stay creatively stimulated
Healing by Laying on of Hands Was healing transmission (the passing of Divine Light through one, on the part of another) just something that only occurred with Jesus?
Energetic Energy Transfer Experience It was just a Pipe, albeit a very strange one. However, I've never forgotten what happened when I held it.
The Transformative Art Process
Spiritual Wellness Transforms Pain and Shame
Orbs - A Sign of Spirits Around You?
Spiritual Wellness Heals the Inner Child
The Transformative Power of One Moment
Spiritual Wellness Heals Poverty Consciousness
How to release emotional pain from past trauma
Healing your past thru emotional release, part two
Psychic readings tips, so you can get a good reading
Is chaos ruling the universe or is there order under chaos?
Challenges on the conscious path of spiritual acceleration
How to deal with hypersensitivity as an evolving spiritual being
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