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Natural Herpes Remedies
Genital Herpes Treatments

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Ask a Healer HSV-1 and HSV-2 Articles

Herpes: Not just an STD

Herpes and your heart

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New Help for Genetal Herpes:

by Ask a Healer

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Facts about Genital Herpes

An estimated one in four adults suffers from genetal herpes. Now, there is a herpes remedy emerging from the homeopathic medicine community that offers welcome relief for herpes sufferers.

I've used homeopathics for many years and although I acknowledge that it can be difficult to find the right formula, I’ve always felt that homeopathic remedies were particularly safe and often more effective than even some prescription drug solutions. This homeopathic remedy for herpes is soundly based on principals of homeopathy.

The ingredients in this formula have been utilized, separately or in some form of combination, by homeopaths to treat single symptoms of oral and genetal herpes for many years. However, it is the synergistic blend of these ingredients that makes a potent difference in this homeopathic remedy for herpes.

Here's a partial list of the homeopathic antiherpetic ingredients:

Rhus tox:Helps to reduce the inflammation and itching of a genetal herpes outbreak
Apis Mellifica: Provides welcome relief from the burning pain, stinging sensations and the swelling of a genetal herpes outbreak
Baptista (Wild Indigo):Particularly useful in oral herpes
Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper):For effective pain relief
Nitricum Acidum (Nitric Acid): Helps reduce the spreading of a genetal herpes outbreak and helps to heal the cracking that can occur as blisters dry.
Pyrogenium: Helps abscesses to heal more rapidly

Learn more about this remarkable new homeopathic remedy for herpes here

Health Disclaimer: The articles on herpes and treatment options for HSV on this website are all educational in nature and intended to replace any needed medical testing, evaluation or treatment. Hopefully, you will choose a doctor who is open to the idea of further supporting the body with natural antivirals and not just suppressing symptoms with Valtrex.