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Homeopathy for Burns
and for Sunburn

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Suggested remedies for burns or sunburn.

Please Note: If you have third degree burns, or any burn that looks infected, you should go to the hospital. You should also seek hospital care if second degree burns cover more than a small area. You may also wish to read a short definition of homeopathy.

Most homeopathics are safe to take or apply topically every hour but remember to read directions. Suggested remedies for this condition include Cantharis, Arnica Montana, Calendula, Hypericum, Urtica Urens, Causticum and Phosphorus. A good rule of thumb is to start with Arnica 30C and then add other remedies according to symptoms, according to directions on bottle or tube if topical. If the arnica doesn't stop the pain, Cantharis 30C can be added and is especially good in cases of sunburn.

Notes (partial list of symptoms most in alignment with requiring these remedies):

Cantharis: if your pain gets better when cold compress is applied, if you are anxious or over excited, if there is severe inflammation.

Urtica Urens: especially if there is stinging type of pain along with redness, blistering, inflammation and an itching sensation.

Causticum: especially if dealing with a wound that isn't healing well, and is sore, raw and has a burning sensation.

Phosphorus: especially if it is an electrical burn and you feel especially startled. also, if chilly and thirsty for something ice cold as well as being sensitive to cold

Health Disclaimer: Homeopathy is being presented here as CAM and not to replace needed medical attention, testing or medication. Even though homeopathic remedies do not normally interfere with prescribed medications, you should always check with your doctor if taking prescription drugs, before adding anything else to your regimen, whether natural or prescription.

Additional Alternative Medicine Therapies