LifeLine Technique Training
interview by Ask a Healer
If you are new to LLT, please also read the introduction to LLT here. Thanks to LifeLine Technique practitioner Abigail Thurston for providing this healing information. After reading the frequently asked questions, you may feel as if you might want to pursue training as an LLT practitioner yourself. If so, this page will give you some ideas about what that training involves and point you to Dr. Weissman's website for more information
Training as a LifeLine Technique Practitioner:
Dr. Weissman's website contains a lot of great information for those considering becoming a LLT Practitioner, including a video that teaches the first 3 steps of the LifeLine Technique online.
There is a charge for this 2-hour online class but it's far less than the training will be and should give you a good feel for whether this technique resonates with you. The LifeLine Technique Certification Exam Requirements
Certification in the LifeLine Technique Requires:
Attending Conscious Body-Conscious Mind Training, Advanced I, and Advanced II Techniques Trainings
You must complete and document 25 LifeLine TechniqueT sessions with someone other than yourself
You must successfully complete an oral and written exam with a minimum score of 90 percent.
Dr. Darren Weissman has two books published by Hay House, The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude and Awaken to the Secret Code of Your Mind.
Why do healers choose LLT training over other modalities?
Health Disclaimer: Training for the LifeLine Technique is not represented as replacement for any needed medical care or evaluation.