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Natural Healing Methods
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Ask A Healer Natural Healing Series

What natural healing methods are, what they do and how to know when you need them

by Ask a Healer

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Abundance: The New Way

Do you want to try natural healing methods or supplements and just don't know where to start? I mean, there are so many of them. How do you know which one is best for you? I hope this section of the Wellness Library will provide a short, easy to understand introduction to a wide range of healing methods as well as natural supplements and therapies.

What are Natural Healing Methods?
Basically, a natural healing method is one that does not involve the ingestion of chemicals, man-made drugs or surgical procedures. Practitioners who use natural healing methods strive to help the body recover and maintain health without prescription drugs and in alignment with the natural laws of the body.

Natural health supplements and neutraceuticals give the body nutrition, healing support and balancing energies to assist in healing, rejuvenating and maintaining health as well. Natural health supplements target core cause far more than symptom relief.

I'm not a stranger to either natural healing or enhancement of health with nutrition and supplements. I've studied herbal remedies, Reiki, reflexology, Matrix Energetics, chakra balancing, iridology, aromatherapy, homeopathy and other natural approaches to healing the body, mind and spirit and relied on such natural means of wellness for all of my adult life.

I haven't always ate well, responded to stress well, etc. so my health has fluctuated accordingly. However, I am still basically in good health despite bad habits along the way.

I credit good nutrition and natural healing methods to living for being able to enjoy the level of health I do at age 53.

The Shaman Path and the Medicine Dreams Path also are part of my overall approach to health and wellness and have provided deeply transformative healing at various times in my own life.

These articles will be brief, hopefully, and to the point. They aim to briefly describe the subject and identify the function plus give you an idea of when they might be useful for you. Topics that I have previously written about, including some common natural healing methods, will not be repeated on this page. You may access that informaton on the alternative therapies section

Health Disclaimer: This information about natural healing methods and natural remedies is not presented as any type of substitute for any needed medical care or evaluation. It is for educational purposes only. Be wise with your health.