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Potential Side Effects
of Beta Glucans

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Ask A Healer Side Effects Series

Beta Glucans Side Effects and Cautions

This is part of a series of short articles on side effects of natural remedies by Ask a Healer.

Beta-glucans are used by many for immune system enhancement or to lower cholesterol, among other reasons. The different supplements vary greatly in their ingredients so listing side effects is a little difficult given that Beta-Glucans can derive from oats, barley or brewe's yeast and may also contain any of several medicinal mushrooms.

Side Effects of Beta-Glucans:
Although I found reference to rare instances of allergic reactions with beta-glucans, I couldn't find any mention of drug interactions of serious side effects. This doesn't mean serious side effects do not exist. As I mentioned when writing about side effects of aloe vera, the additional ingredients in a formula, as well as the purity of the manufacturing process, should be looked at as well as the primary ingredient being discussed here.

Also, there should be information regarding the formula, referring to proper molecule linkage, as this appears to be crucial in the Beta-Glucans formula being considered safe, nontoxic and effective. In the absense of pure manufacturing and proper molecule linking, a potential side effect would be yeast infections.

Also, the process of manufacture deeply impacts the properties of this supplement so it's important to buy beta-glucans products from reputable, well-respected companies. The smaller the particulates, the better. Small particle size was proven to increase potency in a peer review project from University of Ask a Healer Adminda. Additional Beta Glucans Information

Beta-glucans have a GRAS rating and are considered safe if manufactured properly I could find no reference to any prescription drug interactions but you should still discuss this with your doctor if under a doctor's care. Also, because this product can increase the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering drugs, adding it may involve the need for closer monitoring of LDL/HDL numbers if taking statins.

Related Article: Detox Side Effects

Side Effects in Liquid Nutritionals:
Mangosteen Juice

Noni Juice

Pomegranate Juice

Health Disclaimer: The potential side effects of beta-glucans supplements mentioned on this page may not be all the side effects that exist when taking beta-glucans. Ask your doctor or consult with a qualified natural healing practitioner if concerned about side effects from beta-glucans.