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Questions on Spiritual Matters

by Ask a Healer

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I was asked a series of spiritual questions. Of course, you can ask 100 people and get 100 different answers. These are mine or, were mine at the time. I try my best to avoid freezing myself in any particular paradigm. There's always more to know, a bigger picture, stronger connection to All That Is. These answers are just the ones that came that day and maybe they could be helpful for someone.

1. What is Light, in a spiritual sense?

I remember, at a very early age, being aware of the energy field around everything that lived. I noticed it with my cats. I’d play with them, out in the field, dragging a piece of grain across the ground and watching in delightful flow of the moment as they’d try to catch it. I saw something … a difference … around their body. I didn’t call it “Light” at the time. I just noticed that, whatever it was, it made me feel more alive to witness it.

It bears noting that my childhood had a lot of what would be called “darkness”. There was alcoholism, poverty, abuse. I remember, at the age of 4 or 5, being able to look inside a person’s body. I could see that abuse and anger and other emotions looked like a dark, brown syrup inside a person. This is how it appeared to me. Others may have totally different experiences to relate. In any case, I came to understand there was a difference between the energy I saw around my cats and this dark, dense, syrupy energy I sometimes saw in the body. I would see this if there were terminal cancer, for example. I also saw it if there was abuse.

For a long time, I thought, one is dark and the other is light and I want light. I didn’t realize, for the longest time, that they were different ends of the same spectrum. When I was finally able to see that my own humanity contained all colors of the spectrum, and to be ok with that, I began to heal a lot of my own past pain, woundedness and suffering.

2. What is the Path?

That’s a term I heard for decades, once I had a spiritual awakening. To get “on the path” was the subject of many a lecture and workshop during that time in my life. Everyone was saying you must discover your Life Purpose, get on your spiritual path, learn why you are here and what you came here to do.

For a long time, that is the reality I bonded with and pursued. Everything I did or thought or went through, I saw through this lens of “the path”. I figured every experience was either teaching me how to better stay on my path or find my path, or it was teaching me what my path was not. Either way, valuable training was happening. However, the value of it was only within the paradigm that said I had a specific, clearly delineated “path” and that I needed to “do” something to insure that I was on it. Outside of that belief system, it really didn’t add up to much, all this striving and seeking and trying to stay on my path.

Somewhere along the way, and these things get very fuzzy over linear time, I began to recognize that every single experience I had ever had, in this lifetime or any other, was part of my path. That my path had to be the life I was living. It really didn’t matter if it felt like this grand vision or a humble plodding along through ego issues and struggle. Whatever I’m doing, whenever I’m doing it, has to be my path. Otherwise, I’d be doing something else.

That was a very freeing moment. But I didn’t stay free long. The mind came to torture me … this can’t be your path, my mind said. The ego joined in “of course not, you were meant for such grander things”. I’ve learned to listen to all those voices without engaging. That’s the trick for me. Not to engage with the mind babble and the ego demands for attention.

So, my path at this very moment in time, is to be typing this response to you. After that, we’ll see.

3. What is the Divinity Within?

In my experience, there is a very human nature that my cells were born knowing about, that has enabled me to learn how to eat, how to walk, how to talk, how to survive in form. Co-existing at a cellular, organic level, I sense another enlivening of the cells, of the body, of the mind and of the Spirit that is not concerned with those things. Whether the body stays or goes, this will remain. For me, the Divinity Within speaks of that indefinable “something” that does not die, cannot die. It is also what sparks up from the heart that brings my human existence from the level of survival to thrival, from thoughtless wandering to thoughtful, mindful living, from focus on the form of things to remembrance of what is formless and eternal.

4. What is meant by “I AM”?


i am

The same words … different perspective. i am is the personality self of me, the human aspect that struggles, worries, doubts, gets all hed up about this or that, tries to fix things, tries to act like it knows what’s best for me. The little self, the i am of me, can be useful for bringing me to points in my own evolution where I must choose to surrender or keep resisting what is. Every time I surrender, every time I choose letting go and letting God, the I AM of me can emerge for a moment.

In the beginning was God. Period. So all that came after is also from that Source. The I AM of me is that Higher Aspect of soul that remembers where I came from, how I was breathed into being and how very loved I always AM.

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Spiritual Wellness Disclaimer: The health care / spiritual healing information presented here is not offered as replacement for your own intuitive and inner guidance. You should always consult within when taking in new information that could impact your path of awakening. Relationship challenges sometimes require an objective, trained ear so please consult with your chosen mental health professional if dealing with relationship problems that are threatening your quality of life.