What is Spiritual Wellness?
by Ask a Healer
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Our approach to health and healing encompasses the physical, emotional and mental clarity that stem from being sustained at a soul level, supported and aware. In other words, when the spiritual levels of a being are in alignment with the soul purpose of that being, other levels of health naturally follow. When we are aligned with our spiritual path and purpose, we naturally gravitate toward whatever else may be needed to restore us physically, mentally or emotionally.
When healing is approached from a spiritual perspective, all other levels of the illness or imbalance may also begin to be addressed. In saying this, I am not saying that any needed medical attention or treatment should be delayed. I am saying that treating the body, without also looking at emotional, mental, and spiritual components, does not result in the type of healing that I would consider permanent or all-encompassing.
Healing Isn't Just Physical. Aspects of non-physical healing that have been important in my own life include:
~ recovering the inner child
~ releasing cellular memory of past trauma
~ relieving patterns of emotional or mental stress from the absense of a strong spiritual base
~ clearing dna storage of trauma, this life and past lives.
~ the use of quantum energy healing techniques that assist in embodying prosperity consciousness for abundant living
~ rediscovering my soul purpose and aligning with my spiritual path.
If your Spirit led you here, seeking understanding of these amazing yet challenging times we live in, you may enjoy learning more about acceleration and awakening challenges and how to support your body as your soul evolves. Healing at the quantum energy level of things looking past the appearance of illness to the generating frequency that preceeds it and coming back into alignment with who you came to be in the world.