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About My Guilds

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So, you think you might like to know a little about my guilds? Well, here goes.

I have a guild of... godfather connections, if you get my drift. In fact, I am the... godmother, I suppose, of it. I lost a lot of members (not that we ever had many) and it is currently inactive, but pending. I plan to try and raise it back up this summer when my mun has less work to do. (This is the guild listed as 3-6 M) in my profile.) I plan on changing the name of this... "guild" because my silly ex-husband thought to name it after a real m**** and their memebers kept contacting me through my profile. Let me tell you, it's not a pleasant task to try and shoo those people away. Nail biting, to say the least. And just in case some real memebers query the m**** in a search, they won't get my page- thus my reasoning for leaving it out. Don't ask for trouble, don't get any. (Dice 4d85s)

I also belong to the WoL. I'm... not really sure what they do; I haven't been very active in it. But they seem to have some really nice people in there, it is a light guild, so if that interests you, contact Sybel ne E. She's not the leader, but she's one of the DCs. (Dice 2d20s)

My next major guild is the RWoR, or Ronin Warriors of RhyDin. My mun has belonged to this guild since she came here, and I have been in it nearly as long. My sister, Bai, is the GC. I am the DC of the Torrent Division (Sai's division). This guild is currently inactive pending until the summer as well when we both have time to get out and recruit and bring the membership count back up. Buthdcleric (Buth, to me) still maintains his RWoR web page; you can find it with my links and see what all he has to say about the guild too. (Dice 4d44s)

The guild I am most currently active in is the RaF, Austrlia land. The RaF is difficult to understand, so if you go to my links page and go to Effy's page, you can find out more information on it. Suffice to tell you is that it doesn't have a traditional dice system. Everyone has 2ds, the first dice rolled is a defense move and the second an attack. It is nice that way, allowing you the chance to block hits admistered to you (as you could occasionally in a "real" fight). For more on the dice, hits, heirarchy and land system, do look at Ef's page. He is my deity, head leader of Australia. I am a Baroness and Ambassador to France for Australia. I currently have pending a step up to Duchess rank. If you wish to join, please express that you wish to join under my house when it is formed. (Dice 2d36s)

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