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Meeting Minutes, Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, 10 Apr 99

Attending: Charles Bell, Bob Mitchell, Danny Spitzer, Charles Robertson, Bob Fladry, Rhea Rippey, Joe Douglas, Jim Delvaux, Mike Haley, Mark Stuart, and Ross Rainwater

Meeting was called to order by President Charles Bell. Per SOP, attendees introduced themselves by giving a brief bio of their Vietnam experience and subsequent careers.

Minutes of the 13 Mar 99 meeting were distributed and approved by voice vote. [Meeting minutes are posted to our website.]

Treasurer Rhea Rippey reports chapter finances in good order. We have not yet received the "seed money" from VHPA Headquarters; followup is planned.

Secretary Ross Rainwater reported membership at 47.

Old Business:

Marketing Plan: Mark Stuart presented the plans for providing mugs, t-shirts, golf shirts, hats, etc., for sale at the upcoming 10-12 May 99 AAAA meeting in Nashville, as well as for the VHPA Reunion '99 and via Internet/mail order. Mark will be working closely with the suppliers to insure delivery schedules are met. Pricing will be designed to maximize our chances of selling out rather than having excess quantities left over.

New Business:

Bob Fladry reported that the Fort Campbell Historical Foundation is conducting a "Brick Campaign," selling engraved bricks for the Pathway of Legends at the new Fort Campbell Historical Complex. Selling at $36, the chapter unanimously voted to purchase one.

Next two meetings will be 1000 hrs, second Saturday of the month (8 May, 12 June), at the Renaissance Hotel, downtown Nashville, so members can become better acquainted with the Reunion '99 AO.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned and turned over to VHPA Reunion Chair Mike Haley.

VHPA Reunion: "A Grand Ol' Time in '99"

Mike confirmed that Reunion '99 planning and preparation continue in good order. He has spoken with keynote speaker Adrian Cronauer and confirmed all details with him.

Registrations are now four times the levels of one year ago, as confirmed by weekly e-mail updates provided by VHPA HQ, with 850 signed up (vs. 203 this time last year). As of 9 Apr 99, 737 of the 900 Grand Ol' Opry tickets have been sold; 342 of the 600 Jack Daniels tour tickets have been sold. Both look to be sellouts. For the banquet, 791 of the 1,500 are taken. [Regular running-total updates are posted to our website.]

Shipments of registration forms and supporting supplies are arriving from VHPA HQ. Packet preparation will be an important part of pre-reunion activities, with "GI parties" organized to assemble them.

Prior to next meeting, Mike, Rhea Rippey, and Ross Rainwater will meet with VHPA HQ hotel representative to "walk the property" again to reconfirm details.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Ross Rainwater