Mid-South Chapter, VHPA, Meeting Minutes, 12 Dec 98
Next meeting: 10 Jan 99, Renaissance Hotel, Downtown Nashville, 1000 hrs.
Attending: Tom Reeves, Bob Fladry, Charles Robertson, Rick Haines, Norman Cox, Ted Crozier, Frank Pierce, Bob Bales, Gerald Ragland, Rhea Rippey.
Meeting was called to order by Chapter Vice-President Tom Reeves in the absence of Chapter President Charles Bell, at the VFW Post, Oak Grove, KY.
Officer/Member Reports
Vice President Tom Reeves welcomed four new members, Ted Crozier, Bob Bales, Frank Pierce and Charles Robertson. After their introductions, Tom provided a detailed background briefing on our early chapter history to date, our planned support of the 1999 VHPA Reunion, some ideas for our mission beyond the reunion, our web site, chapter geographical area, and plans for obtaining corporate funding.
A reading of the minutes from our last meeting was waived, but major items were discussed.
Bob Bales suggested that member profiles be added to the web site as a stimulant to membership growth. This was restated as a motion which passed unanimously.
After a suggestion that the chapter mission statement, when completed, also be added to the web site, a general discussion ensued in which a range of potential activities were discussed, including community service, support of Junior ROTC units and the establishment of a speakers' bureau.
Mission statement discussions led into the issue of corporate contributions. Ted Crozier will provide information on a list of potential corporate sources.
A lunch break was taken during which the VFW kitchen prepared custom short orders.
Rhea Rippey provided the financial report followed by a discussion of the need for seed money in order to enable the chapter to produce vendor items for the AAAA activity, 9-12 May, 1999 and the VHPA Reunion. Bob Bales, owner of a gift business, indicated his willingness to produce samples and to work with the chapter on developing favorable terms. Frank Pierce also indicated his interest in participating in this process.
Bob Fladry reported for Mark Stuart on the status of some vendor items presently under consideration. No final numbers or samples were available, but Bob passed around several items for comment. Mark will return to Tennessee around Christmas.
Bob also reported latest information on aircraft availability for the static display at Smyrna. American Heritage of Atlanta will supply a vintage OH-6, a Cobra and an OH-13 with skid-mounted twin M-60s. The 160th Nightstalkers will supply one or two "little birds" but Public Affairs has refused Bob's initial request for an Apache and a Kiowa Warrior. Bob will reapply through the Chief of Staff. Ted Crozier will also work existing channels to overcome this impediment. Bob also will contact Navy and Air Force sources in his quest.
Rick Haines submitted a printed status report on the mini-reunion schedule. As of Friday, 11 Dec 98, Rick had scheduled and assigned time slots and room numbers to sixteen (16) minis, beginning on Thursday, 1 Jul through Sunday, 4 Jul 99. Nine of these units have confirmed Rick's assignments.
The meeting was adjourned at 1350.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhea Rippey
Treasurer, Mid-South Chapter VHPA
(Secretary's Note: Thanks to Rhea for standing in for me. During the chapter meeting time, I was proudly attending the college graduation and USAF commissioning of my older stepson, who will be an aviation maintenance officer soon to be assigned to Barksdale AFB, Shreveport, LA, after initial training at Wichita Falls, TX. Ross Rainwater)